
1.Task Force on Sex-Role Stereotyping关于男女角色定型化问题的工作队
2.Positive Research into Gender Stereotypes in Magazine Advertisements;杂志广告中的性别角色定型的实证研究
3.Research on Audience Response to Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements;受众对广告中性别角色定型反应的研究
4.stereotyped concept of the roles of men and women男女角色的定型观念
5.One or more roles need to be defined for the role link type.需要为角色链接类型定义一个或多个角色。
6.A character in French pantomime, dressed in a floppy white outfit.定型男丑角,男丑角在法国哑剧中穿松松垮垮白色外套的角色
7.Would you like to create a new type for this Role Link, or reuse an existing Role Link type that has already been defined?要创建新的角色链接类型,还是重用已定义的现有角色链接类型?
8.gender roles stereotypes性别角色的陈规定型观念
9.Step 7: Designate persona types第7步:指定人物角色类型
10.We accomplish this through a process of designating persona types.在这一步骤中,我们指定人物角色类型。
11.Objective measurement of color vision in primary open angle glaucoma原发性开角型青光眼的客观色觉测定
12.Thesis on Role and Orientation of the Communist Youth League (CYL) of China in the Period of Social Reconstruction;论共青团在社会转型期的角色与定位
13.The Role of Teachers in Model of Task-based Approach;任务型教学模式下教师角色定位研究
14.Identification and Typicality of Place-Role Objects;处所角色宾语的判定及其典型性问题
15.The selected roles must be homogeneous to define a Ring constraint.要定义“环式”约束,所选角色必须属于相同的类型。
16.The Re-orientation and Transformation of Chinese Teacher s Role under the New Curriculum Criteria;新课程标准下语文教师角色的重新定位及转型
17.Rational Position of Government in the Frame of New Rural Cooperative Medical;新型农村合作医疗框架中政府角色的理性定位
18.University Personnel Role Orientation and Innovative Talent Cultivation;高校内部人员角色定位与创新型人才培养

gender stereotypes性别角色定型
1.At first, this article introduced the related concepts of gender stereotypes and the theoretical base of the researches on the gender stereotypes in television advertisements.文章首先介绍了性别角色定型的相关概念和广告中性别角色定型研究的理论基础,然后从内容分析和受众反应两个角度回顾并总结了有关电视广告中性别角色定型的研究。
2.In order to explore whether gender stereotypes existing in Chinese magazine advertisements,the study examined the portrayal of men and women in 8 categories by conducting content analysis of the central figure in the 13 kinds of the mass magazine advertisements in China.为了解中国杂志广告中是否存在性别角色定型,通过对中国13类大众杂志广告的内容分析,探讨了男性和女性在8个维度上的分布。
3.This study conducted a questionnaire survey to explore how such variables as sex role,sex,age,and education influenced audience response to gender stereotypes in advertisements.为了了解广告中性别角色定型对受众产生的影响,通过问卷调查,探讨了个体性别角色、性别、年龄和受教育程度对广告中性别角色定型反应的影响过程。
3)role orientation角色定位
1.The role orientation of the Chinese government in the overseas investment by the enterprises;中国企业海外投资中政府角色定位
2.Role Orientation of Primary Chinese Teacher under the Background of New Courses;浅谈新课程背景下小学语文教师的角色定位
3.Research on the role orientation of the member who is in the university team with a model of "combining sports with education";试析普通高校“体教结合”模式中运动队员的角色定位
4)role positioning角色定位
1.The role positioning of the government in the building of mass culture in the new period;浅谈政府在新时期群众文化建设中的角色定位
2.This paper expounds the fact that the enterprise positions its role in the social insurance by combining the choice of social insurance model in China and also theoretically discusses the basis for this role positioning.文章结合中国社会保险模式的选择论述了企业在社会保险的角色定位,并对此角色定位的依据进行了理论上探讨。
3.This paper analyzes on the connotation and significance of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, expounds the functions of the library and the role positioning of the librarians, and points out that the librarians should establish the correct concept of honor and disgrace and strengthen the construction of professional ethics.分析了社会主义荣辱观的内涵和意义,阐述了图书馆的职能及图书馆员的角色定位,提出图书馆员要树立正确的荣辱观,加强职业道德建设。
1.Library Director Role in the New Period;新时期图书馆部室主任的角色定位及其角色实现
2.On the role of teachers in school punishment;教师在适用教育惩罚手段中的角色定位
3.On the role of foreign language teachers in new-style college English teaching mode;论新型大学英语教学模式中的教师角色定位
1.The basic principles are the foundation of roles played in public management disciplines and basic quality.其中,最基本的要求是对我国公共管理人才的角色定位和基本素质要求。
2.Carrying out new college English teaching reform and adopting the teaching mode of autonomous learning by multimedia have strong impacts and deep influences on traditional educational ideas, teaching modes and the roles of teachers and students.本文通过对多煤体自主学习模式的分析,重新阐述了英语教师角色和学生角色定位,指出学生应该充当自主学习者和探究者的角色,教师应超越其传统角色,在外语教学中成为组织者和研究者、引导者、支持者、监督者和合作者。

半定型半定型semi-definite form  半定型[”‘·山刃顾te fonn;n0Jlyo。伴解几。H“翻和pMaj 一个有序域上的二次型(qUa山ratic follll)q,它表现为只是非负的域元素或只是非正的域元素.在前一情形,这个型称为非负定的(~巾e乎ti代defi.面te)〔q(x))O对一切x),在后一情形称为非正定的(non一Positi祀d币nite ql坦dratic)(g(x)(0对一切x).更常见的是考虑实数域R上的半定型.对于域C来说,可以类似地定义(非负和非正)半定Her而te二次型的概念(见Her而te型(Herhat妞nform)). 如果b是一个对称双线性型(bilinear form)或Her而te型使得q(工)二b(x,、)是一个半定型,则b有时也称为(非负或非正)半定型.如果q是向量空间V内一个二次或Her呱e半定型,则N二王x‘v:q(x)二0}是一个子空间,它与b的核相等,而所给的型自然地在V/N上诱导一个正定或负定型. 0 .A.HBa月QBa撰【补注】“非负定’也称为正半定(p仍itives喇~defi-nite),“非正定”也称为负半定(negatiw~一del{-正te),郝钠新译