1.Research on Self-disgust and Coping Style in 464 Normal Training College Students;464名师专生的自我厌烦感及其应对方式

1.Research on Self-disgust and Coping Style in 464 Normal Training College Students;464名师专生的自我厌烦感及其应对方式
2.When I am bored, he entertains me.当我感到厌烦时,他会逗我开心。
3.Enough! I grow tired of these distractions.够啦,我对这些杂耍已经感到厌烦啦!
4.I am bored with the subject, anyway .不管怎样,我对这个问题感到厌烦。
5.I am fed up with standing in these long lines.我对站在这些长队伍中感到厌烦。
6.I'm sick of your unending grumbles.我对你的不断埋怨感到厌烦。
7.His constant talking wears me down.他滔滔不绝的讲话,使我感到厌烦。
8.He wearied me with his requests [idle talk].他的一再要求 [废话] 使我对他感到厌烦。
9.We all grew weary of his long-winded speech.我们对他冗长的发言都感到很厌烦。
10.Eventually I wearied of the bureaucratic infightings.我终于对官场的勾心斗角感到厌烦了。
11.We are fed up with that same old sermon of his.我们对他那老一套的说教感到很厌烦。
12.Pop music may turn you on, but it turns me off!流行音乐也许使你感兴趣,但使我厌烦。
13.La Roche-foucauld tells us that "we can forgive those who bore us, but we cannot forgive those whom we bore, "拉·罗施夫考曾说过:“我们能原谅那些使我们感到厌烦的人,但不能原谅感到我们厌烦的人。”
14.I was tired of doing the same thing every day.天天做的事几乎一模一样,使我感到厌烦得要命。
15.She calmly told me it did not bother her.她却平静地对我说她从来都没有感到厌烦。
16.We were simply hit over the head by the poet's misogynistic imagery.我们只是对那位诗人嫌忌女性的幻想感到厌烦
17.He gives me the pipe when he talks about his family troubles.他一谈起他的家庭纠纷,就使我感到厌烦。
18.The difficulty of grasping abstract statements made my learning very tiresome.难以理解的抽象表述使我对学习感到厌烦。

Feeling bored感觉厌烦
3)Do I weary you?我使你厌烦了吗?
4)Jane always gives me a headache.简直叫我厌烦。
5)That book bores me那本书令我厌烦。
6)weary of jokes对笑话感到厌烦

厌烦  重复出现带有干扰性的事物所引起的消极情绪体验。在厌烦情绪状态下,过去有吸引力的东西也会引起反感和焦躁;令人愉快的事情也会变成不愉快的事情。例如,一个人虽然喜爱音乐,但当他连续多次收听,而又干扰正常工作时,音乐就不仅不能激起愉快的情感,反而会感到厌烦。某种事物是否引起厌烦情绪,这与一个人的动机需要和兴趣有密切的关系。对于那些有重大意义的事物和工作,即使是单调重复的,也不容易产生厌烦情绪。    厌烦和人类其他各种基本情绪一样,也有强弱之分,如从微弱的焦躁不安到强烈的愤怒,其间有各种不同的厌烦程度。厌烦情绪的发展还会导致精神异常及反社会行为。