1.On the training of the students creativity in Chinese language teaching;语文教学中学生创造品格的培养

1.A Millennium Review of Chinese Culture--Also on Creative Characteristics of Culture;对中国文化的千年反思——兼论文化的创造品格
2.The Creative Use of Jazz Language in Gershwin s Works;爵士乐语言在格什温作品中的创造性运用
3.Cultural Creation and Resistant Despair--On QU Yuan′s Character as an Intellectual;文化创造与反抗绝望——屈原的知识分子品格谫议
4.After the heavy works created in the Baroque style artists were ready for a change.历经巴洛克风格创造出的沉重作品之后,艺术家正准备要来个改变。
5.Romantic, Liberal, Organized: An Unrest Soul of A Creator: A n Analysis of Schoenberg s Piano Pieces (Ⅰ) (Langman,ziyou, zuzhi: yige chuangz aozhe de buan linghun (shang)-Xunboge gangqin xiaopin xi);浪漫·自由·组织:一个创造者的不安灵魂(上)——勋伯格钢琴小品析
6.Labour is not creative of objects, but of utilities.劳动并不创造物品,而是创造效用。
7.Creative Thought of Architectural Creation & Innovation of It s Works;建筑创作的创造性思维及作品的创新
8.the study and creation of works of art.艺术作品的研究与创造。
9.They create common ground.品牌创造出共同利益。
10.The work lacks originality, ie is copied or imitated.那作品缺乏创造性.
11.an object created by a sculptor.雕刻家创造出来的物品。
12.an artist who creates sculptures.创造雕塑品的艺术家。
13.an artist who has created classic works.创造一流作品的艺术家。
14.coin words for new products为新产品创造新词.
15.Jinan CGMA Machine Company set the objective of “produce the best win-door equipment”, build the executive ideas of concerning quality and innovation.济南西格玛机器有限公司突出“打造门窗设备精品”的目标;确立突出品质、体现创新的经营理念。
16.During this deflationary period, we have been prevented from engaging in the price war and instead focused on the development of unique brands and products.在这个微利时代,要跳脱价格竞争,不论是品牌及商品都必须创造出差异之价值。
17.A Study on the Teachers Creative Personality and Its Cultivation in Primary and Middle Schools;论中小学教师的创造性人格及其塑造
18.Cultivation and Configuration of High Colledge Graduates Creative Quality;高校研究生创造性人格的培养与塑造

creative charactors创造性品格
3)creative personality创造人格
1.Attention should also be paid to the shaping of creative personality.学前期是个体人格的奠基时期 ,要开发学前儿童的创造潜能 ,绝不能仅仅培养和训练儿童的创造技能与技法 ,还应关注其创造人格的塑造。
4)productive character创造性格
5)creation of brands品牌创造
6)creative quality创造品质
1.Teachers should focus on finding out creative factor and a way of training students?creative quality during Chinese teaching.教师应该注重挖掘语文教学过程中充满创造力的因素,开创培养学生创造品质的途径。

品格教育测验品格教育测验character education inquiry  品格教育$I]验(eharaeter educ“t,o”1叫uiry)用于测量诚实、自我控制以及利他主义等品德或行为特点的情境测验。由美国心理学家哈特松(Hartshorne,G.H.)和梅(May,M.A.)在20世纪20年代末期设计。测验情境都是儿童日常生活或学习中所熟悉的、自然的情境。 (郑日昌撰林传派审)