
1.A Brief Analysis of the Australia-Indonesia Relation during the Australian Keating Administration Period基廷政府时期的澳印(尼)关系初探
2.But in December1983, the then Federal Treasurer, Paul Keating a ounced the floating of the dollar.但是在1983年的12月,当时的国库部长基廷宣布澳元自由浮动。
3.Hantel said former Australian Prime Minister Keating's anti-British position also contributed to this.汉特说,澳洲前总理基廷本人的反英立场也没有起好作用。
4.A senior Pentagon official later suggested Admiral Keating had been misunderstood.之后,五角大楼某高级官员路出口风,说大家误解了基廷上将的意思。
5.A basic unit of currency in Argentina.奥斯特拉尔阿根廷货币基本单位
6.Argentina s Relations with the U.S.under the Kirchner Administration;基什内尔执政时期阿根廷与美国关系
7.Dr Haseltine still believes there are more than 100,000 human genes.黑塞尔廷博士仍然相信人类基因有 10万多个。
8.There was in the king's court a very wise man whose name was Archimedes.国王朝廷里有一个很聪明的人,名叫阿基米德。
9.If we could pass on now to the question of the Twinkis Contract.我们现在是不是接下去讨论廷基斯合同的问题。
10.10th-12th century, associated period of Byzantium and Kievan Rus;10—12 世纪,拜占廷与基辅罗斯的交往时期;
11.Returning to the Basics--on Zhang Chuting s educational thoughts;回到最基本——张楚廷教育思想与实践探析
12.A Study of IMF s Loan Conditionality:Taking Argentina for Example;国际货币基金组织贷款条件研究:以阿根廷为例
13.The Common Foundation for the Differences in CHEN Ting-zhuo's Thoughts in His Ci Poems of the Early-stage and the Late-stage陈廷焯词学思想前后期不同的共同基础
14.the Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy.立基于罗马教廷,罗马教皇和大主教主持的基督教。
15.The relative amount of different aminoacids of there two woolswere nearly same,and,however,the testing results show that the Argentine woolpossessed a higher polarity and a lower sulphur content.两种毛的氨基酸种类相同,但阿根廷毛的极性基团略高,含硫量较低。
16.Study on the Modifiers of Huntington Disease and Neuroprotection of 3-nitropropionic Acid Preconditioning;亨廷顿病修饰基因的研究及3-硝基丙酸预处理的神经保护作用
17.Page 40: The great turtle listened to her story, then spoke. "Evil spirits inhabit people who harbor dangerous ambitions.海龟欧基桑廷了她的事,说,“恶魔附体常常是很危险的。
18.Viewed from treaty of postwar, Byzantine and Rus is equal.从战后双方签订的条约看,拜占廷和基辅罗斯的关系是平等的。

3)the Australian Keating Administration基廷政府
1.A Brief Analysis of the Australia-Indonesia Relation during the Australian Keating Administration Period基廷政府时期的澳印(尼)关系初探
4)Kostinsky effect柯斯廷斯基效应
5)GATZINSKI, Valentin瓦伦廷·加增斯基
1.The court in the Ming Dynasty seldom paid attention to the smuggling trade in Yuegang(now called Haideng),which had exited for years.月港地方的走私贸易由来已久,但一直没有引起统治者的注意,嘉靖年间严重的倭乱才使其进入明王朝的统治视野之中,中央朝廷开始在这个地方设置军事机构,力图稳住东南海疆。
