1.According to the explanation of the formation of the "offenders" and the reason they entry into relevant informal group with the label theory, teacher should acknowledge the informal group in class, have positive expectation on them, do less conclusions to student with caution as soon as possible, and establish diversification standards of evaluation.根据标签理论对"越轨者"形成及其加入相应的非正式群体的原因的分析,教师要承认班级内非正式群体,并对其抱有正面期望;对学生要尽量慎下结论;建立多元化的评价标准。
1.By system economic way, after analyzing heresy s generality, the article points that transgress and closing is basic character of heresy in China s rural areas, the reason of its coming into being is disorder of main system and the force sustaining main system being weaken, so w.以制度经济学的方法,在分析一般邪教的基础上指出,我国农村邪教的基本特征是越轨性与封闭性,其产生的原因在于主制度失范及其维持力量弱化,同时指出反邪教应注意主制度建设与对个体的教育及利益,需要合理、正当地满足。
2.This paper analyses three cases of transgress by the disabled from sociopsychology in the hope of exploring the sociopsychological reasons of the crimes committed by the disabled.本文对三起越轨残疾人典型个案的社会心理学分析,以期揭示当前残疾人犯罪的社会心理动因,并对如何建立残疾人犯罪的社会心理预防机制提出若干探索性的建议。

1.Deviating from the proper or expected course.越轨的,脱轨的偏离常规或预定轨道的
2.His behavior is really beyond the pale!他的行为确实越轨了!
3.Your conduct is simply beyond the pale.你的行为太越轨了。
4.He said you got out of line.他说您有越轨行为。
5.A New Perspective to Study Deviance from the Angle of Social Differences;越轨:一种新的视阈——从社会差别的角度看越轨
6.Becker begins this work by defining deviance, how others define deviance, and what classifies one as deviant.贝克从给越轨下定义着笔,他人如何定义越轨以及如何把一种行为归结为越轨
7.Never has there been such unbridled license among the scholars.学子们这样的越轨行为真是见所未见。
8.The coach kept the excited team in line教练使情绪激动的队员们不越轨
9.If he steps out of line, she'll fix his wagon.如果他稍有越轨她便找他的麻烦。
10.One step out of line and a journalist's career is washed up.只需越轨一步,新闻记者的生涯就完了
11.I don't think that I have gone off the rails我不认为我的行为已越轨
12.He is a very reliable person he has never gone off the rails.他这人十分可靠,从来不越轨逾矩。
13.A analysis on deviant sex in the process of population floating人口流动过程中的越轨性行为分析
14.On the Definition and Classification of Deviant Behaviors in Scientific Activites论科学活动中越轨行为的界定和分类
15.A breach or overstepping of propriety or social convention.越轨违背或践踏礼节或社会习俗
16.Seek cultural gene of impermissible behavior in stock market探寻证券市场越轨行为的文化基因
17.Deviant Behavior of the Youth of Margin in and Re-education Research;社区青少年越轨行为及其再教育研究
18.The tracks, side by side, were becoming more and more numerous.并行的轨道越来越多了。

1.By system economic way, after analyzing heresy s generality, the article points that transgress and closing is basic character of heresy in China s rural areas, the reason of its coming into being is disorder of main system and the force sustaining main system being weaken, so w.以制度经济学的方法,在分析一般邪教的基础上指出,我国农村邪教的基本特征是越轨性与封闭性,其产生的原因在于主制度失范及其维持力量弱化,同时指出反邪教应注意主制度建设与对个体的教育及利益,需要合理、正当地满足。
2.This paper analyses three cases of transgress by the disabled from sociopsychology in the hope of exploring the sociopsychological reasons of the crimes committed by the disabled.本文对三起越轨残疾人典型个案的社会心理学分析,以期揭示当前残疾人犯罪的社会心理动因,并对如何建立残疾人犯罪的社会心理预防机制提出若干探索性的建议。
1.Sociological Analysis of Deviance Problem of Young Rural Migrant Workers;青年农民工越轨问题的社会学分析
2.It is inevitable for college students to commit deviance partly because the rules keep changing, partly because the college, as the subject, is always trying to control its objectsstudents.越轨是对规则的违反,越轨的产生具有必然性,因为规则具有变动性、外在主体总是具有控制意图和个体内在的趋利性等因素的存在。
3.Nowadays, students’ deviance in secondary vocational schools has been obstructing the normal teaching system, shaking the teachers’ beliefs towards education and affecting the quality and reputation of school education.当前,中等职业学校学生越轨问题干扰了正常的教学秩序,动摇了教师的教育信念,影响了学校的教育质量和声誉,本文的目的就是要探索越轨产生的原因,给出解决问题的对策。
1.In modern capital market, CPA s transgression has been common in stead of being occasional or exceptional.在现代资本市场中,注册会计师越轨行为已经不是表现为个别或者偶发现象,而成为一种规模性越轨。
2.The transgression of young migrant workers form rural areas has a major influence on urban stability.青年农民工越轨问题影响到城市的稳定,青年农民工越轨问题的社会心理原因主要是因为社会排斥、挫折感和相对剥夺感引起的心理失衡,而处于心理失衡中的青年农民工又缺乏必要的社会支持机制,因而引起青年农民工的社会越轨问题。
1.The inequality shownd in the management of the school,the behavior of the teachers and the activities of the class labeled some students as "deviant" in the groups.学校的管理、教师的行为、班级的活动中透视的"不平等"信息标定一些学生为群体的"越轨者"。
2."Unequal"relationship from the perspective of the school management,teachers\' action,classes interactive,Some students to be affixed a label about"backward",then become"deviant"in the groups.学校的管理、教师的行为,班级的互动中透视的"不平等"关系,给部分学生贴上了"后进"的标签,标定一些学生为群体的"越轨者",在教师期望和班级互动进一步影响和强化下生产了"后进生"。
1.Societypays universalattentionto the scientificresearchtransgression.科研越轨受到社会的普遍关注的原因是科学被社会广泛关注与参与。

激情越轨激情越轨transgression of enthusiasm 激情越轨(transgression of enthusiasm)人们处于激情状态下所产生的超越社会规范许可范围的行为。人们处于激情时自我理解和自我控制能力显著降低,听凭冲动情绪的支配做出一些失去理智的行为。思想政治l_作者平时应着重引导人们,特别是指导青年习惯于控制自己的激情和冲动。在发生矛盾和冲突时更要防止情绪激化转化为激情越轨行为。 (李诚忠撰王树茂匪亘国审)