理想人格,ideal personality
1)ideal personality理想人格
1.On the essential socialist ideal personality in China;我国社会主义理想人格论要
2.On the defects of ideal personality of the Confucian school and their transition in modern times;略论儒家理想人格的缺失及其近代转换

1.Ethical ideas in Gesaer and ideal personality of Gesaer;试论《格萨尔》中的伦理思想与格萨尔理想人格
2.The Construction of Confucian Ideal Personality and Comtemporary Moral Personality儒家的理想人格与当代道德人格建构
3.The Perfection of Ideal Personalities of the Confucians Prior to the Qin Dynasty and the Perfection of Contemporary Personalities;先秦儒家理想人格与现代人格的完善
4.The Personality Dimension of Editing Subject and Their Ideal Personality Traits编辑主体的人格维度及理想人格特征
5.Approaching Juangtzyy s idea of “perfect man”in view of Aesthetic Education;庄子“至人”理想人格的美育思想探微
6.From Ideal Personality to Realistic Personality--On Deng Xiaoping s Development of Mao Zedong s Thoughts about Personality Shaping;从理想人格到现实人格——邓小平对毛泽东人格塑造思想的发展
7.The Comparative Research on Ideal Personality of Maslow and Mencius孟子与马斯洛思想中理想人格的比较
8.The Comparative Research between Humanstic Healthy Personality and Confucian Ideal Personality人本主义健康人格和儒家理想人格的比较研究
9.Model of Harmonious Social Ideal personality--brief analysis of Zhou En-lai s harmonious personality;和谐社会理想人格的楷模——周恩来和谐人格简析
10.A sage should be both human and intelligent--On Wang BiIdeal Personality情智兼得方为圣人——论王弼的理想人格
11.Man of Honor and Man of God--Ideal Personality in ZhouYI;君子与圣人——论《周易》的理想人格
12.New Investigation of Nietzsche Ubermensch Theory;理想人格之丰碑——尼采的“超人”学说解析
13.Scholar-bureaucrats' Ideals in Shishuo Xinyu从《世说新语》看魏晋士人的理想人格
14.Shape the "Ideal Personality" in Contemporary China;当代中国“理想人格”的塑造——基于中国传统文化中“理想人格”的阐释
15.Pursuit of Popularized Ideal Personality--the Viewpoints of Ideal Personality byMao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping & Their Comparison;平民化理想人格的追求——毛泽东、邓小平理想人格观及比较
16.Discussion on How to Cultivate Ideal Personality of Teachers of Ideological and Political Theory Courses(IPTC) at College;论高校思想政治理论课教师理想人格的培养
17.A Comparative Study of Ideal Personality,Actual Personality and Objective Personality of Adolescents青少年现实人格、理想人格与客观人格的比较研究
18.Pre-qin Confucianist Ideal Personality Thought and Contemporary University Students Sound Personality Molding;先秦儒家理想人格思想与当代大学生健全人格的塑造

ideal character理想人格
1.View on Fengyou-lan s ideal character from the book of Xin Yuan Ren;从《新原人》看冯友兰的理想人格
2.A reflection on traditional ideal character ——and a criticism on the significance of JIA Zheng to CAO Xue qin;对传统理想人格的反思——兼论贾政对曹雪芹的意义
3.In the Chinese traditional culture, sages and men of virtue embody the ideal characters, which require people to possess a lofty character if they want to be sages.在中国传统文化中,圣、贤、君子是理想人格的桑中体现,并要求人们做圣贤君子的同时成就圣贤人格。
3)perfect personality理想人格
1.On the perfect personality and the value of Confucian;论儒学思想家的理想人格及其德育价值
2.Confucianism before the Qin dynasty had systemically designed and discussed perfect personality.先秦儒家对理想人格进行了系统的设计和论述,他们肯定每一个体都有完善自我人格的潜在因素和现实能力,但又非众生皆平,不同的政治阶层具有不同的理想人格,自下而上分别是君子、贤人、圣人。
3.Pure Confucianism, the perfect personality of Song-Ming Confucianism, could not cultivate persons with ability because it regarded inherent self-restraint but neglected utility.理想人格是儒家哲学所关注的根本问题。
4)personality ideal人格理想
1.Zhenren and Jiren separately embody two planes of Zhuangzi s personality ideal.《庄子》中的“真人”和“畸人”分别体现了庄子人格理想的两个层面。
2.We separate this thesis into four sections:In section one, we analyze the meaning of his personality ideal, the cause of it and Tang s contradictive feeling when i.本文从整体角度出发,以期通过分析汤显祖的人格理想与戏曲创作的关系,把握“临川四梦”中蕴含的深意及其价值。
5)ideal of personality人格理想
1.The dominant value of the novel is to pay much attention to the essence of man,human nature,the ideal of personality and man s mission of self-atonement.《古船》的主导价值显示为对人的本质、人性、人格理想以及人类自我救赎使命问题的密切关注。
6)personal ideal人格理想
1.Gao Yuan-dong,the author probes into the creative background, the image attribution of the lotus and the meaning of custom of plucking lotus to prove that the month-scene of lotus pond is the catharsis of distressed pneuma and the quest of personal ideal and denies the issue that the works embodies the love-agitation for adoration to opposite sex from Zhu Zi-qing.针对高远东先生对《荷塘月色》的误读 ,拟从创作背景、“荷”的意象属性和采莲风俗内涵的探讨 ,来证明《荷塘月色》是朱自清苦闷灵魂的宣泄和人格理想的寻觅 ,从而否定其认为作品体现了朱自清“爱欲骚动”和对异性爱慕这一论
