闲暇生活,Leisure life
1)Leisure life闲暇生活
1.On thoughts of university students leisure life;对我国大学生闲暇生活的几点思考
2.Relationship Between Self-management of Leisure Life,Locus of Control of College Students大学生闲暇生活自我管理与心理控制源的关系研究

1.Try to Dissertate Leisure Life and Leisure Time Education of Today s University Students;试论当代大学生的闲暇生活与闲暇教育
2.The Sampling and Study of Students Leisure Life and Leisure Education on Campus;大学生闲暇生活及闲暇教育的现状分析及对策
3.Analysis on Moral Education at Leisure in Primary and High Schools;中小学生闲暇生活中的德育问题探析
4.On students after-class life and moral education in vocational education;论高职学生的闲暇生活及其德育导引
5.The Research on Current Situation and Pedagogic Countermeasures of Middle Vocational School Students' Leisure Life中职生闲暇生活现状及教育对策研究
6.Study on Leisure Life Style of Rural Labors in Urban Architecture Industry;城市建筑业农民工闲暇生活方式研究
7.The Really Certificate Research of the Civil Servant Leisure Life Present Situation of Townships;乡镇公务员闲暇生活现状的实证研究
8.On Leisure Life of Intellectuals During Late Northern Song Dynasty from Perspective of Prevailing Custom Among Intellectuals;从士风看北宋后期士大夫的闲暇生活
9.On Women s Leisure Life--Take Fujiang Province as an Example;女性闲暇生活状况——以福建省为例
10.The Research about Undergraduate Attitude in Their Leisure Time, and Its Education and Direction;大学生闲暇生活态度研究及其教育引导
11.Investigation of Present Situation and Countermeasure Research of Elementary and Middle School Students Leisure Life;中小学生闲暇生活现状调查与对策研究
12.The investigation on leisure state of students in higher vocational colleges;高职学生闲暇生活现状的抽样调查及分析
13.The Study on External Factors Determining University Students′ Attitudes towards Leisure Life;影响大学生闲暇生活态度的外部因素探究
14.A survey and analysis of the leisure life style and sports consumption of residents in villages and towns in Shandong province;山东省乡镇居民闲暇生活方式与体育消费行为
15.The Leisure-time Life of the Literati and Scholar-Bureaucrat in the Ming Dynasty from the Perspective of Traveling Ideas;从旅游观念看明代文人士大夫的闲暇生活
16.A STUDY ON THE FEATURES OF RECREATION OF RURAL RESIDENTS--A Case Study of Hunan Province;农村居民闲暇生活特征研究——以湖南省为例
17.A Cultural Examination on the Change of Leisure Patterns of the Peasants of Western Hunan;湘西农民闲暇生活方式变革的文化审视
18.Empirical Analysis of Leisure Life of Tea Farmers in Anxi County of Fujian Province福建安溪茶农闲暇生活及其质量实证分析

1.Changes course of rural residents leisure lifestyle is of great practical significance,which is useful to guide rural residents to the establishment of a modern,civilized leisure lifestyle.在湖北省五个代表样地农村居民闲暇生活抽样调查的基础上,对影响闲暇时间总量的因素及其变化趋势进行了实证分析。
2.The efficiency rule in industrialized society drives out leisure and leisure morality.闲暇生活由于具有自由与自为的特性而更能体现人的德性及其对德性精神的理解。
3.Focusing on the college students leisure life is a key subject in our college education at present.闲暇生活是高职学生学习生活的一个重要组成部分,关注高职学生的闲暇生活是当前高职教育的一项重要课题。
3)leisure life style闲暇生活方式
1.A survey and analysis of the leisure life style and sports consumption of residents in villages and towns in Shandong province;山东省乡镇居民闲暇生活方式与体育消费行为
4)the leisure musical life闲暇音乐生活
1.So, "Kara OK" exerts its special influence at the leisure musical life in modem time."卡拉OK"作为现代闲暇音乐生活方式之一,在参与者的角色和行为、传播媒介、寓教于乐、娱乐方式以及与现代生活观念和需求吻合等方面都表现出自己的独特性,在现代闲暇音乐生活中发挥着其独特的作用。
5)leisure life quality闲暇生活质量
1.An investigation of the leisure life quality of the unemployed group;非在业群体闲暇生活质量考察
6)The attitude of leisure-time life(ALL)闲暇生活态度
1.The attitude of leisure-time life(ALL) is not only influencing the q.因此关注大学生的闲暇生活态度研究就成了一个在理论和实践层面上都必须高度重视的问题。
