教育结构,educational structure
1)educational structure教育结构
1.The reasons result in the underdevelopment of secondary vocational education in western region mainly include:thinking and ideology lagged behind,economy developed slowly,educational structure was unreasonable and educational fund was insufficient.西部地区中等职业教育发展落后的原因主要包括:人们思想观念落后、经济发展缓慢、教育结构不合理、教育经费投入不足。
2.As educational structure has undergone great changes,undergraduate education in our country must be reconstructed.在教育结构已经发生了较大变化的情形下,必须重建我国大学本科教育。
3.To solve the problem,we should adjust the current educational structure,improve the training system before employment and implement the vocational education before senior middle school.解决这一问题需要调整我国现行的教育结构,即完善就业前培训制度,实行普通高中后职业教育;加强专科层次的职业教育;大力发展本科层次的职业教育,试点更高层次的职业教育。

1.Research on the Relations between Educational Structure, Industrial Structure and Employment Structure;教育结构、产业结构和就业结构的关系研究
2.The Reform of Undergraduate Education: Perspective of Educational Structure;论大学本科教育改革:教育结构的视角
3.Optimizing Higher Education Institution and Displaying Higher Education Function;优化高等教育结构 发挥高等教育功能
4.Consummation and development of network education to promote education structure system leapfrogging development;网络教育与教育结构体系跨越式发展
5.On the Structure of Law Education and the Four-year College Law Program;我国的法科教育结构与法律本科教育
6.Deepen the Reform in the Educational Structure and Advance Quality Education;在深化教育结构改革中推进素质教育
7.An Analysis of the Foundation of College Students All-round Education System and Structure;论高校学生素质教育结构体系的构建
8.Empirical Analysis on the Labor Market Structure and Educational Structure;劳动力市场结构与教育结构错位的实证分析
9.The classified structure of education refers to the lateral structuring of education.教育类别结构是指教育的横向构成。
10.Constructing Structure System of Stage about Physical Education Teachers' Education Teaching Ability体育教师教育教学能力阶段性结构体系建构
11.Horizons Education : the Constructive Inadequacy of Modern Higher Education;境界教育:当代高等教育的结构性缺失
12.Discussion on the Component and Structure of the Teacher Education Standards;试论《教师教育标准》的构成与结构要素
13.The Teaching Structure of Laying Equal Stress on Learning and Teaching by Using Modern Instruction Technology;现代教育技术与“学教并重”的教学结构
14.The Influence of Post-Structuralism on the Theory of Education;解构与颠覆:结构、后结构主义思潮及其教育观
15.The research about the Ability Structure of Gyn Instructor and the Sustainable Development of Physical Education;体育教师能力结构与体育教育可持续发展研究
16.On Combination of Physical Education and Health Education in Universities;构建体育教学与健康教育有机结合的高校体育
17.Analysis of the effect of both humanistic education and physical education on quality structure体育教育和人文教育对素质结构的影响
18.On Significance of Structuralism to Education Reform;试论结构主义教育思想对我国教育教学的启示

Education structure教育结构
1.Unreasonable Education Structure Results in Diffi-culties in Quality Education;教育结构不合理是素质教育难以落实的重要原因
2.The measures for the development of professional education and adjustment of higher education structure;发展高等职业教育是调整高等教育结构的手段
3.To meet the need of out country s education cause,we must reform the education system and the education structure;create a good learning environment;advance education work closely with the economy,science and technology and social practice;respect teachers and attach importance to education;mob.我国教育事业要想发展,必须改革教育体制和教育结构;营造良好的学习环境;推进教育与经济、科技、社会实践紧密结合;尊师重教,加强师资队伍建设;调动全社会力量来兴办和扶持教育事业。
3)structure of education教育结构
1.So, it is necessary to optimize the structure of education in the region, adjust the curricula of the universities and colleges, cultivate native-oriented personnel, make the various measures of goverment, and create the social environment beneficial .因此,必须调整西部地区的教育结构和高等学校的学科专业结构,大力培养扎根深、用得上、用得起、留得住的乡土化人才,同时采取各种政策措施,为乡土化人才的工作和生活创造良好的社会环境。
4)structured teaching结构化教育
1.Analysis on the efficiency of structured teaching for 46 autism children;结构化教育治疗儿童孤独症44例疗效分析
2.Effects of structured teaching on the autistic children.;结构化教育治疗儿童孤独症的疗效
3.Efficacy of home-based short term structured teaching on the outcome of autistic children;以家庭为基地的短期结构化教育治疗儿童孤独症的疗效
5)educational structurology教育结构学
6)Higher education structure高等教育结构
1.One of the reform is in its higher education structure and diploma system,which is the important measure to cultivate high-ranking talents and to approach the international level.苏联解体之后,俄罗斯在政治、经济、意识形态等一切领域均发生了重大变革,其中高等教育结构和学位制度的改革是俄罗斯培养高级人才,与国际接轨的重要举措。
2.The problem of the college graduates employment is an inevitable outcome that the higher education structure does not meet the needs of the fast developing economic and social restructure.大学生就业问题的凸现,是在我国经济社会快速转型过程中,高等教育结构不适应经济社会转型需要的必然结果。
3.Due to history reasons,there are some very notable differences in higher education structure and the status of resource between different areas.优化区域高等教育结构与资源配置问题是我国高等教育发展面临的主要问题。
