媒体素养,media literacy
1)media literacy媒体素养
1.Class Content and Teaching Activities of Media Literacy Education in Canada;加拿大媒体素养教育内容及课堂教学活动分析
2.Research on China and Japan Students Attitude Towards Media and the Strategies to Improve Media Literacy;中日学生对媒体态度的比较研究及提高媒体素养的策略
3.College Students Media Literacy Education Based on Information Ecology Theory;基于信息生态理论的大学生媒体素养教育

1.Media Literacy of Technicians in Distance Education;远程教育中媒体技术人员的媒体素养
2.The Research of Media Literacy Education and It s Self-Directed Learning of Undergraduate;大学生媒体素养教育及其SDL学习研究
3.Study on Media Literacy Status and Cultivation Countermeasures of Junior School Student;初中学生媒体素养现状与培养对策研究
4.Research on China and Japan Students Attitude Towards Media and the Strategies to Improve Media Literacy;中日学生对媒体态度的比较研究及提高媒体素养的策略
5.College Students Media Literacy Education Based on Information Ecology Theory;基于信息生态理论的大学生媒体素养教育
6.The Conformity Research of Moral Education and Media Literacy in Vocational Middle School;中等职业学校德育与媒体素养教育的整合研究
7.On New Media Quality Education of the Adolescents Based on the Internet Game Addiction;从网络游戏成瘾看青少年新媒体素养教育
8.Class Content and Teaching Activities of Media Literacy Education in Canada;加拿大媒体素养教育内容及课堂教学活动分析
9.Improving Cadres’Ability to Communicate with Press Media in the Period of Social Transform社会转型期领导干部的媒体素养及其生成路径
10.On the Training Curriculum of Media Literacy Education for Primary and Secondary School Teachers中小学教师《媒体素养教育》培训课程设置研究
11.The Strategies to Improve Media Literacy Based on E-learning Platform基于网络学习平台的媒体素养提高策略
12.An Analysis of the Factors of Impeding the Development of Media Education in Russian Secondary School;阻碍俄罗斯中等学校开展媒体素养教育的因素分析
13.Media Education in Senior High School Chinese Reading Course;媒体素养教育在高中语文阅读教学中的探索和实践
14.The Empirical Research Report of the New Media Literacy of Undergraduate Students of Zhejiang Province's University浙江省高校本科大学生新媒体素养实证调查研究报告
15.A Discussion on Media Literacy Education to Protect Social Democracy in Western Countries试论媒体素养教育对西方国家社会民主的保障作用
16.Objectivity of Journalism--On the absence of the objective report of SARS in the early stage of its spread;传播·科学·素养——从SARS疫情凸现时新闻媒体科学素养缺失谈起
17.The Research of Use Digital Television to Promote Minors Media Literacy Education;运用数字电视媒体促进未成年人媒介素养教育的研究
18.Building Urban Citizen s Media Literacy Education System of Our Country;我国城市公民媒介素养教育体系的建构

new media literacy新媒体素养
1.Whether in the viewpoint of the development of new media, or in terms of analyzing the critical thinking and capability of students in the new era of communication,the study on new media literacy of them is of great significance in the aspects of communication theory and practice.大学生是新媒体的积极使用者,研究大学生的新媒体素养无论是对于新媒体的发展,还是对了解大学生在新传播时代的思维与能力,在传播学理论与实务两方面都具有重要的意义。
2.This paper suggests that the new media literacy is among the core disciplinary skills of students in this field.高校文化产业管理专业,新媒体创意是其最有前途的专业方向;新媒体素养是文化产业管理专业学生的必备核心技能;新媒体技能培养的主要内容与主要方法。
3)Media Literacy Education媒体素养教育
1.College Students Media Literacy Education Based on Information Ecology Theory;基于信息生态理论的大学生媒体素养教育
2.The Development and Dilemma of Media Literacy Education in Taiwan;台湾媒体素养教育的发展与困境
3.This paper suggests the ways to minimize these negative aspects by strengthening the media sforzando, pressman s diathesis,the Media Literacy education.只有有关部门进一步加强监管力度,不断加强媒体从业者的政治素质、业务素质和职业道德修养,加强受众的媒体素养教育,才能最大限度地减少媒体道德缺失带来的负面影响。
4)media education媒体素养教育
1.In terms of Russian cultural,economic and political factors,particularly the great change since 1991,this paper aims to analyse the factors impeding the development of media education in Russian secondary school,and attempts to provide insights for the media education in China.俄罗斯开展媒体素养教育已有80多年的历史,但在正规教育层面进展一直非常缓慢。
5)Media literacy媒介素养
1.Media Literacy Education in Risk Communication;风险传播视域的媒介素养教育
2.Take a View of Media Literacy Education from the Point of Instruction of Flash;从Flash教学谈媒介素养教育
3.Discussion on the Media Literacy Education of College Students by Using Education Technology;浅析利用教育技术开展大学生媒介素养教育
6)media quality媒介素养
1.The aim of the media quality education is to cultivate the public\'s healthy judgment ability on media, meanwhile, guide the public, especially to the teenagers, to use mass communication media and information and culture resources rationally by education.媒介素养教育的目的在于培养公众健康的媒体评判能力,通过教育来指导公众尤其是青少年,合理地运用大众传播媒体及其信息和文化资源。

《进一步提高军队的政治素养》《进一步提高军队的政治素养》Further Enhance the Army's Political Quality  了军衔制等正规制度而拘束起来。应该保乎与发扬革命军队上下一致、官兵一致的优f传统,提倡自觉的纪律,发扬民主,进一进增强军内团结。⑤密切军民关系。解放军J人民的子弟兵,过去的胜利都是在人民的三援下取得的,不能忘本,定要进一步加弓军民之间的血肉联系。 《进一步提高军队的政治素养》对于丈强人民解放军在新的形势卜的革命化建设具有重要指导意义。(张家裕)Iinyibu TigQO lundui de ZhengzhiSuyong《进一步提高军队的政治素养》(FHrther‘Enham?已the Army’s Politi~’(1f Q“[{f-i0’) 周恩来关于军队政治工作问题的军事著作。是周恩来于1957年12月24}J化中凼人民解放军驻上海陆海空军军官人会上的讲话。全文约5 000字,收入1984年11月Il{版的《周恩来选集》下卷。 中华人民共和国建立,特别是抗美援朝战争结束后,中国人民解放军m长期的战争环境转入相对的和平环境,进入r建乍的高级阶段即现代化建设阶段。这就要求全军必须往提高军事素养的同时,进·步力ll强政治思想I:作,提高政治素养。讲话着承喇述丁加强军队政治建设五个方面的f^J容:①加强敌情观念。军队战时是要打仗的,、F时要准备打仗。现在和平的可能性、推迟战争的町能性更大了,但帝国主义存在一人,战爷的l十:壤也存在·天。因此,军队应JJll姒敌情观念,时刻保持高度的警惕,随时准备应付突然事变。②加强党对军队的领导。党·定要管军队,当然是管大事,不管小事。地办党委要管所在地区军队的重大问题;军队的负责人要参加地方党委,了解党的人政方针和重要政策,参加党的重大事情的决定。③加强军政联系。人民解放军必须火心和参加I仨】家的社会主义建设。军队和地方的界限/f:能分得太清。在征集兵员、复员转业、r稃建筑、义务劳动等方面,军、地双办应JJII强胁作。④改进军内关系。t要是改进上r、左右、官兵之间的炎系,吖:要㈥为灾行期望(油画)