政策转移,policy transfer
1)policy transfer政策转移
1.Reflection and Construction of China's Policy Transfer under Globalization全球化视域下中国政策转移的反思与建构
2.Being one of the mostly used public policy planning strategies,policy transfer has become an increasingly common phenomenon and a new area for the Public Policy Research.政策转移是一种越来越常见的现象,是公共政策研究的新领域,也日益成为公共政策规划的主要方式之一。
3.Starting from the 1990s,the western academia of politics began to study the policy transfer especially the British scholars explored the yardstick,framework of analysis and consistent system for the policy transfer.政策转移是全球化时代各国公共政策制定领域的普遍现象。

1.Review of Policy Transfer in Public Policy Planning;公共政策规划中的政策转移研究述评
2.Policy transplantation in the globalization era: Characteristicso·Motivationso·Effects全球化时代的政策转移:特点·动因·作用
3.Research on Pertinence between Technology Trans formation Poliey in Shanxi and Policies at Home and Abroad;山西技术转移政策与国内外政策的相关性研究
4.Intergovernmental Transfer Payment:Policy Functions and the Question of Moderateness;政府间财政转移支付:政策功能和适度性问题
5.Policy Recommendation to Improve Ch ina s Intergovernmental Transfer Payme nt System;完善我国政府间财政转移支付制度的政策建议
6.Incentives with Transferable Payoff in R&D Policy;可转移支付条件下R&D政策中的激励
7.Analysis on Transferring of Rural Area Surplus Labor Forces;农村剩余劳动力转移的公共政策分析
8.The Change in Immigration Policy in Canada and the United States after World War Ⅱ;二战后加拿大和美国移民政策的转变
9.A Policy Study on Industry Transference from the Pearl River Delta's to Meizhou梅州市承接珠三角产业转移政策研究
10.Research on the Industrial Revolution and Change of Immigration Policy in America工业革命与美国移民政策转变的研究
11.Transfer of International Manufacturing, Optimal Industrial Linkage and Policy;国际制造业资本转移、最优产业配套与政策转变
13.The Research of Financial Transfer Payment Policy under the Framework of Construction of the Harmonious Society和谐社会背景下的财政转移支付政策研究
14.Agricultural Surplus Labor Force Rational Transfer Policy Delimma and Countermeasures;农业剩余劳动力理性转移的政策困境与对策
15.Studies on Financial Countermeasures of the Ecological Compensation of Soil and Water Conservation--The Transverse Transfer Payment System Based on Ecological Shifting水土保持生态补偿的财政对策——基于生态转移的横向转移支付制度
16.The central government has also increased its fund input and support of other forms through all kinds of special financial transfer payment as well as financial transfer payment under the preferential policy for ethnic minorities.中央政府还通过各种专项财政转移支付、民族优惠政策财政转移支付,加大资金的投入和支持。
17.Study on Present Situation, Question, Countermeasure of Our Country Finance Shift Payment System;我国财政转移支付制度现状、问题与对策研究
18.Research on the Present Migration Situation of Rural Surplus Workforce and Favorable Policy;农村剩余劳动力转移现状与政策支持研究

shifting policies转移政策
3)technology transfer policies技术转移政策
1.America were confronted with challenge from Japanese technology and economy,she mainly established a comprehensive legal system of technology transfer policies,particularly the small businesses technology innovations to provide a legal protection.技术转移是科学技术的经济价值得以实现的必经环节,美国面临日本科技与经济的挑战,建立起一套完善的技术转移政策法律体系,为企业尤其是小企业的技术创新提供了法律保障,我国也从中得出:坚持技术转移法治化,秉承技术转移政策法律制定的循序渐进性,重新定位政府职能,以及大力扶持小企业技术创新等启示,以期从法制角度完善技术转移政策体系,为企业加快技术成果转化提供有力保障。
4)policies on labor migration劳动力转移政策
1.Policies on labor migration is restricted by the political and economic system of China; reform of the system makes the local government become one of partners who can influence the policy-making; present policies on labor migration are the outcome of path-relying and relevant interests partners restraining each other.我国的劳动力转移政策受到体制的限定;体制改革使地方政府成为影响劳动力转移政策形成的利益主体;现行的劳动力转移政策是相关各方利益博弈和制度变迁路径依赖的结果。
5)expenditure-switching policies支出转移政策
6)industrial transfer policy产业转移政策

正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子药物名称:转移因子英文名:Transfer Factor别名: 正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子外文名:Transfer Factor ,TF适应症: 为细胞免疫反应增强剂,能将细胞免疫活性转移给受体,以提高受体的免疫功能。临床上用于治疗某些抗生素难以控制的病毒性或酶菌性细胞内感染(如带状皰疹、流行性乙型脑炎、白色念珠菌感染等)。对恶性肿瘤可作为辅助治疗剂,对自体免疫性疾病也有一定治疗作用。 用量用法: 一般采用皮下注射,注于上臂内侧或大腿内侧腹股沟下端,1次注射1支,每周1~2次,1个月后改为每2周1次。对带状疱疹,一般只需注射1次。 规格: 注射液:每支2ml,相当于1×1000000000白细胞提取物(上海产),北京产则相当于5~10×1000000000. 注:严禁静脉给药.类别:免疫调节剂