学校归属感,School belonging
1)School belonging学校归属感
1.1093 adolescents were investigated about their school satisfaction and school belonging.采用问卷法对1093名青少年进行调查,考察了青少年学校满意度的特点及学校满意度对学校归属感的预测。
2.The relationship between students sense of school belonging and school adjustment,self-concept,peer relationship and class environment of elementary school and high school students were measured.采用问卷调查法探讨中小学生的学校归属感与学校适应、自我概念、同伴关系及班级环境的关系。

1.The Lack of the Ascription Feeling to the College in the Higher Vocational College Students and the Construction高职院校学生学校归属感的缺失与建构
2.The School Belonging of Middle School Students and It s Relationships with Mental Health;中学生学校归属感及其与心理健康的关系研究
3.The Relationship between the Family Relationship of Pupils and the School Belonging of Pupils小学生家庭人际关系与学校归属感关系的研究
4.A Research on the Relationship Between the School Belonging and Mental Health of Junior Middle School Students初中生学校归属感与心理健康的相关研究
5.Research of Relationship Between Characteristics of Self-worth and School Belonging in Art Majors;美院学生自我价值感特点及其与学校归属感的相关研究
6.The Development Trend of School Satisfaction And Its Predictive Effects on School Belonging in Adolescents;青少年学校满意度发展特点及其对学校归属感的预测
7.The Research of the Relationship between Academic Emotions, Sense of School Belonging and Mental Health of University Students大学生学业情绪、学校归属感和心理健康的关系研究
8.Study on the Relationship among School Belonging, Self-concept and Educational Resilience of Floating Children in Junior High School;流动初中生学校归属感、自我概念与其教育复原力的关系研究
9.The Comparative Research on Liushou Junior High School Students' Attachment, School Belonging and Resilience留守初中生亲子依恋、监护依恋、学校归属感与复原力的比较研究
10.Rejoin the Collective-on Cultivating College Students' Collective Spirit回归集体——浅论培养大学生集体归属感
11.The Theory of Strengths Perspective in use of Teachers' Belongingness Training--A Perspective of Reform School's Teachers优势视角在教师归属感培训中的运用——以工读学校教师为例
12.The Training of the Sense of Belonging of Learners in the Virtual Learning Community虚拟学习社区中学习者归属感的培养
13.On Ownership of College Students Invention;高校学生发明创造权利归属问题初探
14.The Guardianship for Under -age Students on Campus;在校未成年学生监护权归属问题探析
15.Research on the Relationship between Community Learning Activities and Community Attachment社区学习活动与社区归属感的相关性研究
16.The property right as a key to the private schools;民办学校财产归属是影响其发展的关键
17.The Responsibility Belonging and Legal Guarantee of the Unexpected Injury in School Physical Education;学校体育中意外伤害的责任归属及法律保障
18.Research on the Property Rights and Relevant Rules of Law of Private Education in China;论我国民办学校的产权归属及其法律规制

sense of belonging归属感
1.An esfimation on the sense of belonging of city housing plot environment:taking Dalian as an example;城市居住小区环境归属感评价——以大连市为例
2.The Training of the Sense of Belonging of Learners in the Virtual Learning Community虚拟学习社区中学习者归属感的培养
3.They desired for sense of belonging in terms of major, sense of self -recognition and acceptance from the society, sense of excellence in their learning, teaching and researching, an environment which could facilitate their professional and personal development.高校大学英语教师发展需求的调查显示:大学英语教师具有强烈的专业危机感,处于理想和现实的夹缝之中,他们在专业上渴望归属感,在身份上渴望自我及社会认同,在学业上渴望卓越,在个人发展上渴望成长的空间。
3)sense of belongingness归属感
1.The antecedents of self-esteem come from the sense of mastery and the sense of belongingness.婴幼儿自尊的前兆源于主体我带来的掌控感及亲子依恋带来的归属感,这是一种处在行动水平的自尊。
2.During the training of teachers resilience,special concerns need to be given to teachers sense of belongingness,sense of competence and sense of optimism.对教师抗逆心理素质的培养,尤其需要关注教师心理的归属感、效能感和乐观感。
4)Sense of Emotional Belonging情感归属
5)Primary Discussion on College Students Sense of Belongingness大学生归属感初探
6)come back school回归学校
1.The result showes that there are some shortages in this kind of cultivate mode, but the ideal pattern is to make the football come back school.结果显示:市场机制下的足球学校青少年后备人才——足球培养模式存在着诸多弊端,而理想的足球后备人才培养模式是"让足球回归学校"。

社区归属感  社区居民把自己归入某一地域人群集合体的心理状态。这种心理既有对自己社区身份的确认,也带有个体的感?樯剩ǘ陨缜耐度搿⑾舶鸵懒怠S械纳缁嵫Ъ胰衔缜槭舾惺巧缜纬珊头⒄沟闹匾蛩亍?    西方社会学者在研究社区居民归属感时发现,居民在社区内的社会关系越好,对社区环境的满意程度越高,在社区内居住的时间越长,参与社区的活动越多,对社区的归属感也就越强;人口密度低的社区的居民比人口密度高的社区的居民,社区归属感相对较强。而对华人社区的研究结果表明,它与西方社区有所不同。在香港,对居民社区归属感影响最大的因素是对社区环境的满意程度。居民的居住年限、社会关系和参与社区活动的多寡,与居民的社区归属感关系不大。对中国其他社区居民归属感的一些初步研究结果表明,影响居民社区归属感最重要的因素是社会关系,其次是对社区环境的满意程度及社区活动的参与程度,而居民居住年限的影响则不明显。    社区归属感的研究,是对社区发展的基础性研究,它有助于社区制定各种发展策略与措施。