教育发展战略,educational development strategy
1)educational development strategy教育发展战略
1.This paper expounds the concepts and connotations of educational development strategy and education planning, and points out their contents and differences.阐述了教育发展战略与教育规划的理念与内涵,指出两者在内容上的区别。
2.Post-colonialism research is theoretically and realistically significant for the selection of educational development strategy in China.文章从当前我国社会生活和学校教育中存在的“后殖民”现象及有关问题出发,在简要概述后殖民主义理论主要内容的基础上,对我国教育发展战略的选择进行了重新思考,并提出了若干建议,以引起教育理论界和教育行政管理部门的关注。

1.American Ministry of Education s Education Strategic Plan(1998~2002);美国教育部1998~2002年教育发展战略
2.Strategies of" Prospering Yu Through Science and Education";“科教兴豫”进程中的教育发展战略
3.Education Development Strategy Should be Given Priority in West Development;西部大开发应优先实施教育发展战略
4.A Strategic Study on the Development of Private Elementary and Secondary Education in Wenzhou;温州市民办中小学教育发展战略研究
5.Strategy Choice of Chinese Educational Development in the Era of Cultural Colonization;“文化殖民”与中国教育发展战略选择
6.An Educational Developmental Strategy for the Illiterate and Semi-illiterate Women in Leishan County;雷山县文盲(半文盲)妇女教育发展战略
7.Research in MBA Educational Development Strategy in Shanghai Jiao Tong University;上海交通大学MBA教育发展战略研究
8.On the Reforming and Developing Strategy for Adult Vocational Education in Qujing;曲靖市职成教育发展战略及改革对策
9.Some thoughts about China s MBA education development strategy;关于中国MBA教育发展战略的若干思考
10.The Strategical Choice of the Moral Education in Universities under the Quality Education;素质教育下高校德育发展的战略选择
11.The Comparison between the "Education" Development Strategies in Chinese and American Higher Sports Colleges中美高等体育院校“教育”发展战略比较
12.Carry Out the Strategy of College s Rapid Development, Further Tap the Education Resources;实施快速发展战略 深入发掘教育资源
13.Vigorously Developing Civilian-run Higher Education is the Strategic Option in the Development of Higher Education;大力发展民办高等教育是高教发展的战略选择
14.A Research on Development Strategy of Graduates Education in Central South University;中南大学研究生教育的发展战略研究
15.Strategic Decision of Scientific Development of Higher Education;论高等教育实现科学发展的战略选择
16.On the Human Capital Viewpoint and Education Priority Development Strategy in China;人力资本观与我国教育优先发展战略
17.Considerations on the Strategy for the Development of Xinjiang Education Institute;对新疆教育学院发展战略的若干思考
18.Research of Marketization Development Strategy of Vocational Education in Gansu Province;甘肃省职业教育市场化发展战略研究

the programming of education developing strategy教育发展战略规划
1.Analysis and thought of the programming of education developing strategy;对教育发展战略规划的简析和思考
3)regional educational development strategy区域教育发展战略
1.Taking the educational development in the past 5 years during the Western China Development as background,adopting Delphi consulting method,investigation has been made on 30 domestic experts opinion about choosing the regional educational development strategy and regulating direction of western area educational policy.以西部大开发五年多来的教育发展为背景,采用德尔菲咨询法,调查了国内30位专家对区域教育发展战略选择和西部教育政策调整方向的意见。
4)the strategic thought of educational development教育发展战略思想
1.Guided by the spirit of 17th People Congress,this paper talks about the strategic thought of educational development in new period.本文以党的十七大报告精神为指导,论述新时期教育发展战略思想。
5)development strategy of higher education高等教育发展战略
6)sports developmental strategy体育发展战略

《军队要把教育训练提高到战略地位》《军队要把教育训练提高到战略地位》Army Should Raise Its Education and Training to a Strategic Position, The  lundui Yao Ba Iiaoyu Xunlian TiDQO ZhanlUe Diwei《军队要把教育训练提高到战刚位))(Arm,s人ouz‘尺ais。,,:翻ueaand Training to a Strategie Posirion,Th邓小平关于加强人民解放军教育训练(的军事著作。是邓小平于1977年8月2在中国共产党中央军事委员会座谈会_话的一部分,约3900字,以现名收人!年10月出版的《邓小平文选》第2卷 该文针对林彪、江青两个反革命」对中国人民解放军的长期破坏,造大事、政治素质明显下降的状况,重申没有战争的条件下,要把军队的教育i提高到战略地位的重要方针。该文强i为了使这一方针具体化,要从两个方「做:一是部队本身要提倡苦学苦练。‘要能打仗,靠提高政治觉悟,靠勤决练。要通过勤学苦练,培养和恢复女统、好作风。各级干部都要从苦练中J指挥能力和管理能力。二是通过办学专决干部问题。要把原有的学校除个别rlQo地ion)题川拼)94团军在练,去队苦传长解外基本上恢复起来。军队学校要训练干部、选拔干部、推荐干部,起到集体政治部、集体干部部的作用。要使学员掌握现代化战争的知识,养成艰苦奋斗的作风,实事求是的作风,群众路线的作风,并把它带到部队,发扬光大。全军各级学校要形成体系,要选好办学校的干部,统一教材。要选好教员和学员,通过学校教育实现作战部队干部的年轻化。 《军队要把教育训练提高到战略地位》对于全军提高对教育训练的认识,推动全军教育训练的顺利开展起了重要作用。 (王长炎)