教学哲学,philosophy of teaching
1)philosophy of teaching教学哲学
1.For us, generative teaching essentially means the establishment of a new philosophy of teaching, aiming at shaking off the control of instrumental reason to teaching, and making teaching as a process for teachers and students to live a happy life.笔者以为,生成性教学的提出,其根本意义在于确立一种新的教学哲学,从而彻底摆脱工具理性思维框架对教学的束缚,使教学真正成为达成师生幸福生活的过程。
2.As the foundation of the theory,the philosophy of teaching has got its unique history and logic,distinctive characters,explicit object,basic boundary and fundamental theory,which enable it act as the propeller,guidance in opinion and methodological support in the subject construction of modern pedagogy.作为教学论的基础理论,教学哲学有着独特的历史轨迹与学科逻辑,鲜明的学科特征与学术品性,明确的研究对象、基本论域和理论基础,它能够对当代教学论的学科建设与进步起到后发推进、观念引领和方法论支撑的作用。
3.To some extend, the present "learning-style society" and "retreating teaching to living" are reflections to the trend, which is characterized as the evolvement from the philosophy of education to the philosophy of teaching.或者说这一发展方向也就是教育哲学向教学哲学的演进。

1.The Generative Teaching: From Teaching Method to Teaching Philosophy;生成性教学:从教学方法到教学哲学
2.To Teach Philosophy with Philosophical Thinking--Reflections on Philosophical Education in Secondary Schools;用哲学思维教哲学——反思中学哲学教育
3.From the Philosopher s Philosophy to My Philosophy: Understanding of the Connotation of Teachers Philosophy;从哲学家的哲学到我的哲学:教师哲学内涵理解
4.Use Marxist Philosophic Function To Conduct Philosophy Teaching;用马克思的哲学功能观指导哲学教学
5.Analysis on the Difficulties in the Teaching of Philosophical Basic Theory;对哲学基础理论教学困境的哲学分析
6.Using the Think of Philosophical Thought to Teach Philosophy--Exploratory Methodology Applying in Teaching Philosophy;用哲学的思维教哲学——探究式教学方法在哲学教学中的运用
7.He holds the chair of philosophy at Oxford.他任牛津大学哲学教授.
8.Teaching by Nature of Philosophy--Discussion on Hegel s Philosophy Teaching Thought;按哲学的本性教学——试论黑格尔的哲学教学思想
9.On the Relationship Between Philosophy, Religion and Theology;作为哲学的宗教和作为宗教的哲学——论哲学、宗教和神学之间的关系
10."You can teach philosophy, Chinese-"你可以教哲学,教国文——”
11.Kant’s Religious Philosophy (Part 3);康德的宗教哲学——康德哲学三题之三
12.Discussion of the " philosophy takes the place of the religion "in Fengyoulan s philosophy;冯友兰哲学中“以哲学代宗教”观之商榷
13.Philosophicalizing College Teaching of the Marxist Philosophy;论高校马克思主义哲学教育的哲学化
14.On the Critical Thinking and Educational Innovation of Philosophy论哲学的批判性思维与哲学教育创新
15.Transformation of Philosophy Education and Philosophical Quality Training of Undergraduates;哲学教学改革与高校大学生哲学素质的培养
16.The Educational Philosophy in the Western Linguistic Teaching;论西方语言学教学中的教育哲学理念
17.On the importance of questioning-teaching method in the teaching of philosophy;“问题”教学法在哲学教学中的应用
18.The Study of Scientific Inquiry Teaching upon the Perspective of the Philosophy of Science;科学哲学视野下的科学探究教学研究

teaching philosophy教学哲学
1.We think that led to the controlled and "a problem" teaching lies not in the root of "teaching by default," but "Predetermined" teaching philosophy and long-term form of "controlled teaching" ideology.文章从对长期认为导致教学僵化的“预设”式教学背后的控制性教学观的反思和批判入手,进而揭示出导致教学的僵化和“成问题”的根源不在于“教学预设”,而是“预成论”教学哲学和长期形成的“控制性教学”思想。
3)Philosophy teaching哲学教学
1.Discussion on the Interactive Mode between Teeachers and Students in Philosophy Teaching;哲学教学中师生交往互动模式探讨
2.This essay applies Bono s "PO method" to rethink university philosophy teaching.本文以大学哲学教学为例,运用波诺提出的"PO方法"来反思大学哲学教学,提出了"PO老师"、"PO思维"、"PO情境"等教学新理念。
3.Yang Xian-zhen is a famous Marxism theory educator,he explains the profound philosophy theory in a simple way and he says the reasons vividly and humorously,expressing his superb philosophy teaching art.杨献珍是著名的马克思主义理论教育家,他在丰富的哲学教育实践中形成了丰富的哲学教学理论,阐明了学哲学的意义及"抓住哲学学习主线,突出重点纲举目张"教学路径,在实践中坚持"因时制宜、因材施教,灵活多变"的教学方法。
4)teaching of philosophy哲学教学
1.The teaching of philosophy aims at exploring philosophical implications,conducting philosophical training,and cultivating philosophical spirit,thus providing our students with some enlightening and guiding ideas for the future.哲学有三种功能,即追问存在、锻造武器及升华境界,哲学教学应该定位在让学生了解哲学含义、进行哲学训练、培养哲学精神,为今后成长提供某些启发和引导作用方面,为此,教师要多讲些哲学史,既符合学习规律,又提高人的思维能力。
5)philosophy of education教育哲学
1.The Connotation, Actuality and Realization of the Practicalness of Philosophy of Education;教育哲学实践性的涵义、现状及其实现
6)educational philosophy教育哲学
1.Yan Yuan and his breakthrough of the educational philosophy of the sciences of Song and Ming;颜元对宋明理学教育哲学的突破
2.Thinking deeply about some basic problems of educational philosophy;教育哲学一些基础问题的沉思
3.The Study of Revelation of Whitehead s Educational Philosophy Towards Net-curriculum Design;怀特海教育哲学对网络课程设计的启示探究

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀