实地调查,On-the-spot investigation
1)On-the-spot investigation实地调查
1.On-the-spot investigation and personal interview were conducted.目的评估《全国预防艾滋病宣传海报发放张贴情况大学生志愿者实地调查方案》的可行性,为修订、完善调查方案和全面开展大学生志愿者实地调查工作提供依据。
2.FENG Qi-yong\'s academic studies are prominently characterized by on-the-spot investigation and the mutual confirmation of on-the-spot investigation and the documents.冯其庸先生学术研究的一个突出特点是注重实地调查,将实地调查与书本文献互相印证。

1.pre-project field study项目拟订前实地调查
2.Methods The application of field investigation and deep interview.方法采用实地调查和深入访谈的方式。
3.United Nations fact-finding mission of Cambodia联合国柬埔寨问题实地调查
4.Methods Analyzing and investigating on the spot and literatures.方法采用实地调查和文献考证的方法。
5.The Sea Straw House Building in the Rong Cheng on the Spot Investigation and Form Artistic Studing;荣成海草房实地调查及其形式美研究
6.Field Survey and Study on Internal Audit of Administrative and Institutional Units;行政事业单位内部审计实地调查研究
7.Survey on the Institutional Obstacles Factors of Logistics Industry in China--Report of Jiangsu Province;中国物流业发展中的体制性障碍因素调查——江苏省实地调查报告
8.A Survey Report of Life Satisfaction of Peasants in the New Period--as a survey of villages in weifang of shangdong example新时期农民生活满意度调查报告——一项对山东潍坊农村的实地调查
9.Discovery or determination of facts or accurate information.实地调查事实或正确信息的发现或测定
10.A Research on Son Priority:A Survey of A Village in Chaoshan;性别偏好研究——潮汕地区一个村落的实地调查
11.Investigation in Status Quo of Physical Geological Data Acquired in Geological Survey Projects and Suggestions for Management;地质大调查实物地质资料状况调查及管理建议
12.Land Survey as the Practical Base for Legal Protection of Arable Land土地调查是依法保护耕地的现实基础
13.Practice in the second land investigation--The example analysis of Changping district of Beijing全国第二次土地调查的实施——以北京市昌平区第二次土地调查为例
14.An exhaustive investigation of the facts proves the contrary.彻底地调查事实后发现情况正好相反。
15.Study and Practice on Cadastral Investigation in Longshan District, Liaoyuan City;辽源市龙山区地籍调查的研究与实践
16.How to make geological survey better;进一步做实地质调查项目的问题探讨
17.Organizing the Practice of Education Joined to the Work of the Updating and Surveying of Soil;结合土地更新调查工作组织教学实习
18.The Practice and Exploration into the Investigation and Statistical Methods concerning Special-Purpose Land专项用地调查统计方法的实践与探索

field work实地调查
1.The field work is an important part of exercise in folk music and the scientific method is the key toinstruct the students how to take an investigation.实地调查是民族民间音乐教学实践中的一个重要环节,科学合理的方法运用是指导学生开展调查工作的教学关键。
2.He paid more attention to field work in his academic research.陈序经是中国现代著名文化学者和教育家 ,对文化学在中国的建立和发展做出了突出贡献 ,他极为重视实地调查的研究方法。
3.Consequently,it is not only necessary but also entirely possible to use field work methods for studying the history of Chinese philosophy.进而言之,在中国哲学史研究中运用同属实证方法范畴的实地调查方法,就不仅很有必要,而且也完全可能。
3)field survey实地调查
1.Through field survey and analysis on Zhuxi Tea room scene, this paper points out the excellences and the flaws of Zhuxi Tea room scene design.通过对双秀公园竹溪茶室景区的实地调查与园林造景手法的分析 ,论证了竹溪茶室景区景观设计的成功之处 ,同时也指出了其不足之处。
1.This article aims to analyze how Japan Comparative Education Society members utilize the fieldwork as their research method.实地调查的研究方法作为比较教育的研究方法之一在20世纪90年代以后才开始走向规范化。
2.Based on the previous research and the author s own fieldwork, the paper studies the Chinese community in Tai-Ngon during the period of 1995-2005.在以前研究结果的基础上,通过实地调查的方法,本文分析了受访家庭于1995—2005年间在经济和认同方面的演变情况。
5)field investigation实地调查
1.Ancient Ginkgo tree resources and its characters were analyzed and evaluated,based on the results of field investigation in Luotian County of Hubei Province.对湖北省罗田县现有银杏古树资源及其特征进行了实地调查和综合分析与评价,结果表明:该县现有银杏古树409株,其水平分布呈现"分布零散、各地都有、北多南少"的特点,垂直分布在海拔900 m以下;树龄相对较小,无千年古树;雄株少;一般生长在房前屋后或路边,总体生长状态不佳;开发利用程度很低,管理保护水平不高,急需加强。
6)on-site inspection实地调查;现场调查

实地1.指平地,地面。 2.实实在在。 3.犹实际。 4.事物发生或产生的地方;在现场(做某事)。