机会均等,equal opportunity
1)equal opportunity机会均等
1.But the higher education under charge system has been confronted with the problem of equal opportunity of being educated for individuals.本文分析了收费制度下的高等教育在教育机会均等方面可能引起的困难和矛盾 ,并提出了解决这些困难和矛盾的方法和思
2.This article studies the process of the classic probability thought from the stages of budding developing and forming,expounds that equal possibility of event or equal opportunity is essential features of the classic probability thought.论述了古典概率思想从萌芽到发展、形成的历史过程,揭示了事件的等可能性或机会均等是古典概率思想的基本特征。

1.the principle of equality of opportunity for all人人机会均等的原则
2.Equal opportunity means everyone will have a fair change at becoming incompetent④.机会均等意味着每个人都有均等的机会被淘汰。
3.I do not believe in equality of capacity, but I do believe in equality of opportunity.我不相信能力均等,但我确实相信机会均等
4.Equality of opportunity is an equal opportunity to prove unequal talents.机会均等就是人们在一个均等的机会中显示出不等的才能。
5.Cost Sharing and Opportunity Equity of Higher Education in China;中国高等教育的成本分担与机会均等
6.Expansion and Equality in Chinese Higher Education;规模扩大与高等教育入学机会均等
7.The Influence of Tuition Charges by Higher Education upon the Equality of Opportunity for Education;高等教育收费对教育机会均等的影响
8.International Council for Equality of Opportunity Principles, Inc国际机会均等原则理事会
9.On Equal Opportunity in Higher Education and Higher Education Popularization;论我国高等教育机会均等与高等教育大众化
10.On Equal Opportunity in Higher Education from Sociological Perspectives社会学视域下的高等教育机会均等探析
11.Don't be chicken hearted, have a go-you stand as good a chance as anyone else.别胆小,试一下——你和他人机会均等
12.Don't be chicken-livered, have a go-you stand as good a chance as anyone else.别害怕,试一下吧——你和别人机会均等
13.She seem unfamiliar with the concept that everyone shall have an equal opportunity看来她不大熟悉机会均等这个概念
14.She seemed unfamiliar with the concept that everyone should have an equal opportunity.看来她不大熟悉机会均等这个概念.
15.Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities残疾人机会均等标准规则
16.Be in our country, fair connotation includes: The first, principle of equal opportunity for all.在我国,公平的内涵包括:第一、机会均等
17.Romance is an equal opportunity employer.桔解:浪漫是一个机会均等的雇主。
18.Odds have evened between the champions.争夺冠军的两名选手得胜的机会均等

equality of opportunity机会均等
1.), it can roughly be said that it conform to the principle of equality of opportunity in this modern society, especially as compared with the “transformation .改革开放以来 ,我省原先利益关系和利益来源相当单一的农民阶级已分化成为其利益基础和占有互不相同的多个社会利益群体 ;从这种利益分化的公平合理性来看 ,虽然其中不是没有问题 ,但相比于目前城市一些国有、集体企业的“转制”而言 ,基本上还可以说体现了现代社会机会均等的基本原
3)Equal Opportunities机会均等
1.Since it is very complicated to discuss the problem of higher education equal opportunities, this thesis limits the range of main research in having equal opportunities to enter colleges.高等教育机会均等是个十分复杂的问题,本文主要研究的范围限定在高等教育入学机会均等
4)opportunity equality机会均等
5)equal opportunity均等机会
6)unequal opportunity机会不均等
1.Nowadays, the poverty in city is intensified by the unfair distribution, unequal opportunity and the large difference between the poor and the rich.在我国现阶段,城市贫困加剧的原因主要是分配不公平、机会不均等、贫富差距拉大。

教育机会均等  指每个社会成员在自然、社会或文化方面的不利条件均可在教育中得到补偿。社会成员,不论其种族、民族、性别、宗教信仰、经济地位和政治地位等方面有何不同,都可享有同等的受教育机会。这里的均等是指"机会"均等,而不是受教育的"结果"均等。主要表现为:①每个社会成员都享有同等的机会接受最基本的教育,即共同性的义务教育,又称国民教育;②每个社会成员都享有同等的机会接受符合其发展能力的教育,即非共同性的教育,又称人才教育;③向身心有缺陷的儿童提供符合其能力特征的教育,即特殊教育。教育机会能否真正实现均等,主要取决于社会的经济和政治制度。在资本主义国家,家庭和个人的阶级地位直接关系着人们的受教育机会,教育机会不均等的现象大量存在,主要表现为教育资源分配不均等、就学机会不均等和选学某些课程的机会不均等。教育社会学家以教育机会均等作为重要的研究课题,主要研究:调查分析各社会阶层的青少年在各级学校中的就学比率;探讨影响教育机会均等的因素;制定实现教育机会均等的有效策略。