受教育程度,educational level
1)educational level受教育程度
1.The Impact of Educational Level of Guizhou on its Occupational Stratification and the Correlation Coefficient between Them贵州省人口受教育程度对职业分层的影响及其关联度
2.The empirical analysis shows the educational level is positive in the ability to use the agriculture technology.本文通过实证分析表明:农民受教育程度与科技应用能力呈正相关关系;亲友在农民应用农业科技发展生产过程中具有重要的作用;农民农业科技创新能力普遍低下,严重阻碍了我国农业从传统走向现代的进程。

1.Poorly or insufficiently educated.受教育程度低的,缺乏教育的
2.Study on Relationship between Wages Income and Level of Education of Farmers农民工资收入与受教育程度关系研究
3.Economic Feedback of Educational Degree of Females--Analysis on relationship between education of females in Qingdao and economy;女性受教育程度的经济回馈——对青岛女性受教育程度与经济关系的分析
4.The Social and Economic Feedback from Females Educational Level--An analysis of the relationship between females educational level and their social economic status in Qingdao;女性受教育程度的社会经济回馈——对青岛女性受教育程度与社会经济关系的分析
5.The Analysis of the Correlation between Educational Attainment and Consumer Behavior of Well-educated Crowd;高学历者受教育程度与消费行为的相关性分析
6.Study on the Influence of Education Level on City Residents Consumption Skills;受教育程度对城镇居民消费技能影响研究
7.Effects of parents personal qualities on children s educational levels;父母特质对子女受教育程度的影响分析
8.Analysis of the Relevance of Peasants Education Level and the Condition of Rural Labor Exporting;农民受教育程度与劳务输出状况的相关性分析
9.The Study on the Relationship of The Labourers Educated Level and Economic Growth;试析劳动者受教育程度与经济增长的相关性
10.Birth Order,Parents,Level of Education and College Students Cognitive Style;出生次序、父母受教育程度与大学生认知方式
12.Impact of Women s Education Attainment on Building Well-to-do Society Comprehensively;论妇女受教育程度对全面建设小康社会的影响
13.Research on Behavioral Relation between Educational Degree and Physical Activity Awareness;受教育程度与健身意识和行为关系的研究
14.Peasant-Transformed Workers Education Level and Their Adaptation to Work in City;农转工人员的受教育程度与城市工作的适应性
15.Analyzing the Problem of farmers Income Increase from Their Extent of Education;从农村劳动力受教育程度分析农民增收问题
16.On the Effect of Education Level of Rural Women upon the Health of Their Children;论农村妇女受教育程度对子女健康素质的影响
17.A Survey Report of the Expectation of Children s EducationLevel of Urban Residents in Hubei Province;湖北城镇居民期望子女受教育程度调查报告
18.A Study of the Relations Beween the Education Level of the Senile People and the Health Condition as Well as Longevity;高龄老人受教育程度与健康长寿关系研究

1.High Risk Behaviors Related HIV/AIDS and Education Variables of Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in China;中国大陆样本人群男男性接触者受教育程度与艾滋病高危行为关系的研究
2.A Study of the Relations Beween the Education Level of the Senile People and the Health Condition as Well as Longevity;高龄老人受教育程度与健康长寿关系研究
3.Better-educated people are healthier,but the magnitude of the relationship between health and education varies substantially across groups and over time.一个普遍的事实是受教育程度高的人群拥有更好的健康状况。
3)level of education受教育程度
1.The female level of education has a bearing on all-round development of society.女性受教育程度与社会的全面发展息息相关,无论从提高生产率、提升就业层次和收入等方面,还是从人类生育、人口健康和后代哺育等方面,提高女性受教育程度都会对社会作出极大贡献。
2.The result shows that the development of children whose fathers have high level of education is better than those whose fathers have low level of education,except strength of lumbar abdominal and balance.以湖北省3~6岁幼儿(10 989人)为研究对象,分析父亲受教育程度与幼儿体质水平的关系,为指导父母科学育儿提供依据。
4)Education level受教育程度
5)education degree受教育程度
1.An Analysis about the education degree of employing population of China;我国在业人口受教育程度分析
2.Correspondence analysis is used to do integrated data analysis between education degree and employment,and analysis and suggestion with rationality and feasibility are presented for the constitutor in education and employment.利用对应分析理论和方法,对受教育程度与就业之间进行综合数据分析,从理论上研究了受教育程度与就业之间的对应关系,并为教育政策和就业政策制定者提供数据分析方法和合理的、可行的促进就业的建议。
6)Parental Education双亲受教育程度
1.A study of relationship between Parental Education and Parental Rearing Patterns of College Students;大学生双亲受教育程度与父母教养方式关系的研究

教育程度 是指某人在学校或其他教育机构修读达到的最高教育水平,无论他是否已完成该项课程。计算教育程度时,只包括正式课程。正式课程最少为期一学年,入学有特定的学历资格规定(香港公开进修学院即现时的香港公开大学主办的学位课程除外),课程必须包括考试或指定评核成绩的程序。