经济形态,economic form
1)economic form经济形态
1.The financial management innovation of the enterprise in the economic form change;经济形态变革中的企业财务管理创新
2.Biological economic form is the economic form based on research and development and application of biological technology and biological technology products and biological industry.生物经济形态是以生命科学与生物技术研究开发与应用为基础的,建立在生物技术产品和生物产业基础上的经济形态

1.economic pattern经济结构;经济结构;经济模式;经济模式;经济形态;经济形态
2.Looking Network Economy Character from Transformation of Social Economy Pattern;从社会经济形态转变看网络经济特征
3.Entrepreneurial economy: An Economic Pattern Changing Economic Growth Logic;创业型经济:改变经济增长逻辑的经济形态
4.From primitive hunting economy to biological economy--Political and economic analysis of economic evolution;从原始狩猎经济到生物经济——经济形态演变的政治经济学分析
5.Evolution from Mutually-Benefited Economy to Market Economy--Analysis of the Nature of the Change in the Jinuo s Economic Pattern;从互惠经济到市场经济——基诺族经济形态变迁的实质分析
6.apitalist economic formations前资本主义的各种经济形态
7.On the Opening of Shashi Commercial Port and the Transformation of Socio-economic Formation (1895-1915);沙市开埠与社会经济形态的变革(1895-1915)
8.Economic Pattern and Social Features of Market Towns in East Zhejiang in the Song Dynasty;宋代浙东市镇的经济形态与社会特征
9.The Comparison of All Ancient Nationalities in the Northeasten Area on Economic Formation;古代东北地区各民族经济形态之比较
10.The Study on the Dress Style of Underwear and the Ideology Based on the Economy;论内衣穿着形式与社会经济意识形态
11.Ideology s Economic Function--Probe into North s Ideology Theory;意识形态的经济功能——诺斯的意识形态理论探析
12.An Economic Analysis of Ideology--The Theory of Ideology of New Institutional Economics and Its Revelation;意识形态的经济分析——新制度经济学的意识形态理论及其启示
14.Briefly on Religious Economy and Economical Religion--Talking from the relationship between religious ideology and economy宗教经济与经济宗教简论——基于宗教意识形态与经济的关系的视域
15.Committee on Economic Consequences of Alternative Demographic Patterns备选人口形态经济后果委员会
16.An obsolete ideology can hamper an economy.过时的意识形态会束缚经济。
17.On the Ideological Conflict in the Economic Globalization;论经济全球化背景下的意识形态冲突
18."Economy growh" ideological s sourcing and disilluion;“经济增长”意识形态的源起与幻灭

economic formation经济形态
1.Considering economic formation,development of human society has roughly gone through agriculture economy and industrial economy.人类社会发展到今天,从经济形态上讲大体已经历了农业经济和工业经济,知识经济初见端倪。
2.There is a good prospect in the research of the origin of Liaohe River Civilization around the study of the economic formation,inhabiting.今后围绕经济形态、聚落形态、文化关系特别是观念形态的研究,辽河流域文明起源研究前景十分广阔。
3)economic pattern经济形态
1.It become an important economic pattern in the 90s.网络经济始于 2 0世纪 70年代 ,2 0世纪 90年代发展为一种重要的经济形态 ,成为当今国际社会普遍关心、广泛讨论的一个热点问题。
2.The economic pattern that has mixed characters affected the politics and economics of the present northern area in China for a long time.这种具有混合特征的经济形态长期影响着现今中国北部地区的政治、文化面貌。
4)economic patterns经济形态
1.The article illustrates the Tibet s economic patterns of the period before the first Tibetan King,Nyatri Tsanpo,based on historical documents and archaeological studies.文章对藏王聂赤赞普以前的经济形态做了历史文献和考古两个方面的叙述。
2.The functions of higher education, which reflect the relationship between the society and higher education institutions, therefore are subject to economic patterns and change along with the transition of economic patterns.经济形态是高等教育因而也是高等学校存在与发展的重要基础,反映社会与高等学校关系的高等学校职能,自然要受其制约,并随着它的转化而变化。
3.The CPC leading groups have made respective choices of strategies for the development of productivity according to the different economic patterns.中国共产党三代领导集体在不同的经济形态背景下 ,选择了各具特色的生产力发展战略 ,对于我国的生产力发展和社会主义现代化建设产生了不同的作用。
5)economic forms经济形态
1.Human society exprienced agriculture,industry and knowledge-three types of economic forms.社会经历了农业经济、工业经济、知识经济三种经济形态
6)economic structure经济形态
1.This thesis analyzes the assemblage, number and changes of stone, bone and pottery tools from the first phase to the third one, combining the remains of animals and plants, discusses the economic structure and its changing tendency in three phases.本文从分析一期至三期石、骨、陶质生产工具组合、数量及变化入手,结合动植物遗存,对其经济形态的组成结构及其变化趋势进行了讨论。
2.This paper analyzes the assemblage,number and changes of stone,bone and pottery tools of three phases,combining the remains of animals and plants,discusses the economic structure and its changing tendency in three phases.本文从分析一期至三期石、骨、陶质生产工具组合、数量及变化入手,结合动植物遗存,对其经济形态的组成结构及其变化趋势进行了讨论,认为一期、二期是以狩猎、捕捞业为主,农业为辅的经济类型;到了三期,农业有了相当的发展,所占比例超过狩猎、捕捞业。
