张伯行,Zhang Boxing
1)Zhang Boxing张伯行
1.On Educational Philosophy of Zhang Boxing Academy and Its Influence论张伯行书院教育思想及其影响
2.Zhang Boxing was famous Official of Neo-Confucianism in Kangxi Dynasty.张伯行是康熙朝的理学名臣。

1.Study on Kangxi s Theory of the integration of Han and Man through the case of mutual impeachments between Ga-li and Zhang bo-xing;从噶礼——张伯行互参案看康熙的“满汉一体”论
2.On the essence of the system of viceroy and governor in Qing Dynasty;清前期督抚关系管窥——以清官张伯行的仕宦生涯为个案
3.Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, The thundering of His pavilion?伯36:29谁能明白云彩如何铺张、神行宫的雷声呢。
4."Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, The thundering of His pavilion?伯36:29谁能明白云彩如何铺张、和神行宫的雷声呢。
5.Pasteur-Chamberland filter巴斯德-张伯兰滤器
6.Pasteur - Chamberlad filter巴斯德--张伯兰滤器
7.Unified for the first time in a common belief, the Arabs made an astonishing intellectual expansion, filling a cultural vacuum.阿拉伯人首次统一了共同的信仰,他们进行了一次令人震惊的知识扩张,填补了文化的真空。
8.After cutting circumlunar flight from the Mark II plan, Chamberlin revived the even more daring idea of using the spacecraft in a lunar landing program.在删除了马可Ⅱ计划的绕月飞行内容后,张伯伦提出了一个更为大胆的飞船登月计划。
9.Keep either one of the forms.两张表格保留哪张都行.
10.Mr. Chamberlain was their chosen leader.张伯伦先生是他们推选的领袖。
11.Thus Chamberlain led Britain into war.就这样张伯伦使英国陷入战争。
12.Chamberlain conceived the idea that the city hospital was badly managed.张伯伦认为城市的医院管理得非常糟。
13.Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940), British prime minister (1937-1940).纳维尔-张伯伦(1869-1940),英国首相(1937-1940)。
14.Chamberlain tried to appease Hitler at Munich.张伯伦在慕尼黑尽量安抚希特勒。
15.Van Buren favored a hard-line.范伯伦主张采取强硬路线。
16.One, he said, had been written by Abraham, the Jewish patriarch.他说,有一张是犹太始祖亚伯拉罕写的。
17.France is in favor of accommodating some Arab demands.法国主张满足阿拉伯国家的一些要求。
18.Studying the Aesthetic Features of Zhang Guruo s Translation of Tess of the D Urbervilles;论张谷若译《德伯家苔丝》的美学特征

the Case of Mutual Impeachments噶礼、张伯行互参案
3)Zhang Boling张伯苓
1.Yan Fu s Influences on Zhang Boling s Educational Thoughts;严复对张伯苓教育思想的影响
2.Reading Zhang Boling s Quality of Charisma;解读张伯苓的卡里斯玛品质
4)ZHANG Bo-duan张伯端
1.On Daoist priest ZHANG Bo-duan s thought originated from Yi;试论张伯端道教思想的易学渊源
5)Zhang Yibo张怿伯
1.Zhang Yibo and Rcords of the Fall of Zhenjiang to Japan s Occupation;张怿伯与《镇江沦陷记》
1.Westerners' Japanese View in Meiji Period:Mainly on Yakumo Koizumi and Chamberlain明治时期西方人的日本观探析——以小泉八云和张伯伦为例
2.For a long time, Neville Chamberlain connected with Munich Agreement , as a reverse side person, who took the appeasement policies to aggressor and betrayed the other country for his nation s own benefit, has been blamed for decades.长期以来,内维尔·张伯伦就和慕尼黑协定联系在一起,成了对侵略者推行姑息绥靖政策、损人利己的反面人物,几十年来备受谴责,认为正是张伯伦对希特勒的妥协退让导致了二战的发生。
