宋育仁,Song Yuren
1)Song Yuren宋育仁
1.A Study on Song Yurens Political Thoughts during the Hundred Days Reform;维新运动期间宋育仁政治思想研究
2.Song Yuren is a historical character in modern history of China.宋育仁是中国近现代史上的历史人物之一。
2)SONG Yu-ren s Thought of Ruling by Law宋育仁的法制思想
3)Song Jiaoren宋教仁
1.On the Thought of Song Jiaoren in Democracy and Constitution;试论宋教仁的民主宪政思想

1.The Comparing Study of Sun Zhong-shan and Song Jiao-ren s Law Ideology;孙中山与宋教仁法律思想之比较研究
2.Song Jiaoren, the Forerunner of Chinas Bourgeois Democratic Thought;宋教仁:中国资产阶级民主思想的先驱
3.Three Outstanding Persons of Taoyuan": Song Jiaore, Qin Zhen and Hu Ying;“桃源三杰”:宋教仁、覃振、胡瑛
4.The Imperialism Theory and National Liberation Thought of Song Jiaoren宋教仁的帝国主义论与民族解放思想
5.On Democratic Constitution Thought and Political Practice of Song Jiao-ren in Early Republic of China;略论民初宋教仁的民主宪政思想及其政治实践
6.Parliamentary Politics and Party Cabinet in the Early Republic of China: around the Essays of Song Jiao-ren and Zhang Shi-zhao on People s Independence Journal;民初议会政治和政党内阁——以《民立报》上宋教仁、章士钊的言论为中心
7.Sung Chiao-jen s Political Personality: Analyzing from Small but Complete Historical Events;宋教仁的政治人格——透过具体而微的历史事件的分析
8.Harmony of Legal Institution and Rule by Law: Thoughts on Managing National Affairs According Law;法制与法治的和声:依法治国的思想——略论宋教仁的法制思想
9.From Single Centralization of State Power to Single Balanced Power:Song Jiaoren s probe on the relationship between the central and the local authorities;从单一集权到单一均权——宋教仁对中央与地方关系的探索
10.Analysis of the evolution of Song Jiaoren's thoughts about cabinet system design in modern China宋教仁关于近代中国内阁制度设计之思想演变探析
11.Song Jiaoren, leader of the revolutionary movement in1911, led patriotists, experienced a bitter struggle in northeast China and made great contribution to the revolution.辛亥革命运动领导人宋教仁率领爱国志士,在关东大地上历经艰辛奋斗,为革命做出了重大贡献。
12.Some Thoughts After Reading Song Xiren s Introduction to Life Philosophy;读宋希仁教授新著《人生哲学导论》有感
13.The Emendation of the Phonetic Notations of the Song-Ba Edition of Wang Ren Xu s Kan Miu Bu Que Qie Yun;宋跋本王仁昫《刊谬补缺切韵》音注补苴
14.Appreciation of Song Daren s Two Poems;毓英博阐岐黄——宋大仁词二首赏析
15.From "benevolent heart" to "benevolent skill"由“仁心”至“仁术”——王船山对《孟子·梁惠王上》的诠释及于宋明儒学之反省
16.We are not Duke Hsiang of Sung and have no use for his asinine ethics.我们不是宋襄公,不要那种蠢猪式的仁义道德。
17.An Analysis of the composition and Nature of Lu Yi-jian Clique in Renzong, North Song Dynasty;北宋仁宗朝吕夷简集团的组成及其性质
18.On the Influence of Meng Zi s "Benevolence Skill" on Confucian Physician Culture of Northern Song Dynasty;论孟子“仁术”说对北宋儒医文化发展的影响

SONG Yu-ren s Thought of Ruling by Law宋育仁的法制思想
3)Song Jiaoren宋教仁
1.On the Thought of Song Jiaoren in Democracy and Constitution;试论宋教仁的民主宪政思想
4)Song Jiao-ren宋教仁
1.Parliamentary Politics and Party Cabinet in the Early Republic of China: around the Essays of Song Jiao-ren and Zhang Shi-zhao on People s Independence Journal;民初议会政治和政党内阁——以《民立报》上宋教仁、章士钊的言论为中心
2.An Analysis of SONG Jiao-ren s Democratic System;简析宋教仁民初民主制度的设计
3.The Comparing Study of Sun Zhong-shan and Song Jiao-ren s Law Ideology;孙中山与宋教仁法律思想之比较研究
5)Sung Chiao-jen宋教仁
1.Sung Chiao-jen s Political Personality: Analyzing from Small but Complete Historical Events;宋教仁的政治人格——透过具体而微的历史事件的分析
2.Sung chiao-jen (1882—1913), whose courtesy name was Dun chu, assumed name was Yu fu.宋教仁(1882——1913),字钝初,号渔父,湖南桃源人,我国近代著名的资产阶级政治家、思想家和革命家。
3.Sung Chiao-jen was not only a famous bourgeois revolutionist, but also an excellent critic with abundant of knowledge and virtue.宋教仁是近代中国一位杰出的资产阶级革命家,也是一名颇具学识和涵养的政论家。
6)SONG Jiao ren宋教仁
1.This paper probes into the democratic constitution thought and its political practice of Song Jiao ren in early republic of China through establishing a constitution,parliamentary politics and local autonomy,so as to analyze and evaluate the thought and period of political elite of Chinese bourgeois in early of 20th century from new angle.通过健全法制与制定宪法、议会政治与政党政治、政治改良与地方自治三个方面对民初宋教仁的民主宪政思想及其政治实践进行探讨 ,以期从新的角度对上一世纪之初资产阶级民主政治精英的思想和时代作一理性分析和评

宋教仁宋教仁(1882~1913)中国近代民主革命家,民国初年国民党主要领导人之一。字遯初,号渔父。湖南桃源人。1904年春同黄兴等在长沙创立华兴会,任副会长。同年11月,参与华兴会策划于慈禧太后生日时在长沙发动武装起义,事泄,逃亡日本,先入东京法政大学,继入早稻田大学。1905年8月加入同盟会,任司法部检事长。1911年7月同谭人凤、陈其美等在上海组织同盟会中部总会,任总务干事。武昌起义爆发后到武汉,协助湖北军政府办理外交。1912年1月任南京临时政府法制局局长。3月任唐绍仪内阁农林总长。后随同盟会阁员一起辞职。宋教仁赞同袁世凯就任临时大总统,但主张实行西方的议会政治和政党内阁,以限制袁世凯的权力。1912年8月,在孙中山、黄兴等支持下,将同盟会、统一共和党、国民共进会等合并为国民党,任理事并代理理事长。1913年初他路经湖南、湖北、安徽、江苏到达上海,沿途发表演说,反对袁世凯专权,主张成立责任内阁,制定民主宪法,为袁世凯所忌恨。1913年3月20日,宋教仁在沪宁路上海站被袁世凯所派刺客以枪击伤,22日逝世。著有《宋教仁集》、《宋渔父日记》等。 图片