教学探究,teaching research
1)teaching research教学探究
1.The essay is about the teaching research into the relations between the definition geometrize nature and circular cone , in which the teaching research of definition mainly uncovers the nature of circular cone;geometry nature about how to lead the students to understand the geometry nature of circular cone with equations in the thought of figures and shape.论文从圆锥曲线的定义、几何性质、直线和圆锥曲线的位置关系这三个方面进行了教学探究

1.On the Research-Oriented Teaching of the Course of "Education and Communication"“教育传播学”课程研究性教学探究
2.Preliminary Study of Inquiry Didactics in Teaching of 《Ordinary Differential Equation》;《常微分方程》教学中探究式教学法初探
3.On the Implementation of Research-style Teaching in Physics Teaching;在物理教学中实施探究式教学的探讨
4.Relationship between Scientific Inquiry Teaching and Scientific Research;科学探究教学与科学研究的关系初探
5.The Application of Investigating Teaching to Teaching Pedagogics;浅析探究教学在《教育学》教学中的运用
6.Research on Assessing the Inquiry Degree of Chemistry Inquiry Teaching;化学探究教学“探究性程度”的评判研究
7.The Exploration of the Middle School Biology "Context-Inquiry" Teaching Model;中学生物学“情境—探究”教学模式探析
8.Preliminary Study on Teaching Method of "Experiment-Exploration" in Chemistry of Middle School;中学化学“实验—探究”教学法初探
9.On Teaching Models of "Research Studying" in junior Maths;初中数学“探究”学习教学模式初探
10.Discussion on Inquiry Teaching Method and Its Strategy in Biology Teaching of High School;中学生物学探究教学及实施策略探讨
11.Study on the Application of Inquiry Mode in Middle School Biology Teaching;探究式教学法在中学生物学教学中的应用初探
12.A Perspective of Inquiry Teaching in Science Teacher Education Practice;科学教师教育中探究教学的课堂透视
13.Study in Teaching Reforms of P.E. in High Education;高校体育教学中教师教学改革的探究
14.On the Practice of Researching Approach in the Teaching of Education Study;探究教学在教育学教学中的运用——教育学教学中的探究教学与研究型教师培养研究之一
15.A Study of Application of Harmony Teaching Approach to History Teaching;中学历史教学实施和谐教学法的探究
16.A Study of Application of Harmony Teaching Approach to Geography Teaching;中学地理教学实施和谐教学法的探究
17.A Discussion on the Application of Research Teaching in Macro-economics;宏观经济学教学中研究性教学的探讨
18.Different types of "explorative learning" of physical education teachers;体育教学中的“探究式学习”教学法

inquiry teaching探究教学
1.Research on the Theory and Practice of Chemistry Inquiry Teaching in Middle School;中学化学探究教学的理论与实践研究
2.The Study of the Influences of the Inquiry Teaching on History Learning in Normal Schools;探究教学对中师生历史学习影响研究
3)exploring teaching探究教学
1.Attempt of exploring teaching based on Newton ring experiments;由牛顿环实验展开的探究教学尝试
2.Case Studies of Exploring Teaching in Biological Course of High School;中学生物教学中探究教学理论应用实例分析
3.The attempt to practise exploring teaching in physics classroom teaching;物理课堂教学中实施探究教学的尝试
4)inquiry instruction探究教学
1.On the Strategy of Applying Inquiry Instruction to Biology Teaching in Junior Middle School;初中生物课堂探究教学实施策略研究
2.This paper deals with the basic criteria of topic-selecting in inquiry instruction by designing and analyzing the programme of investigation activity of the conjecture of the conceivable construction of ethallol, it also gives an introduction to the choice of pattern in the inquiry activity, what s more, it reaches some concrete methods of work and reflection in the process.设计并分析“乙醇分子结构推断”探究活动案例 ,讨论探究教学选题的基本准则 ,介绍了探究活动模式选择及协作环境设计的一些具体作法与思考。
3.There are many factors which influence the implementation of inquiry instruction.影响探究教学实施的因素有很多,但从教师的角度分析教师因素,比如教师的知识、看法等对探究教学实施的影响的研究较少。
5)Inquiring Teaching探究教学
1.Research and Experiment of the Model of Inquiring Teaching for High School Mathematical Problem Solving;高中数学问题解决探究教学模式的研究和实验
2.In view of this situation, I research if Biology inquiring teaching in the junior middle school will cultivate the cre.针对这一现状,本人研究初中生物的探究教学是否能培养学生的创造性人格。
3.Since the new curriculum reform, in view of the theory and the implementation of inquiring teaching, educators in China have conducted widespread and thorough researches.新课程改革必须实现教学形式的转变,倡导探究教学,实现教学方式的多样化。
6)explorative teaching探究教学
1.In practice, there were many questions in explorative teaching of mathematics.数学探究教学在具体实施中存在诸多问题,且教学效果不理想。

对联自对的探究对联自对的探究[作者:刘发荣整理制作:恶人谷珠楼录校:哈哈儿]   一、什么是对联的自对?  所谓自对,是指上联内某处自行对仗,与此同时,下联对应处亦自行对仗,这种对仗方法,叫做对联的自对。凡工整的自对,上下联间对应处可以不需对仗;或虽对仗,可以不用工对,这样全联便视为已对仗,并且是工对了。  对联的自对可分为同句自对(或称句中自对)和邻句自对(或称句间自对)两类。  (1)对联的同句自对。  对联的同句自对,是指上下联分别在某一句之内完成的自对。现举例于下。  ▲北京昌平县居庸关联(横线示自对处,下同):  居此雄关,易守难攻,庸人慎勿自扰;  凭斯险寨,克敌制胜,壮士尽能荣归。  上联“易守难攻”与下联“克敌制胜”并不对仗,但上联“易守”与“难攻”自行对仗,下联“克敌”与“制胜”亦自行对仗,而且自对工整,这样,全联便视为已对仗了,并且视为是工对了。这种自对是在上下联的一句之内(即在第二句)完成的,所以称为同句自对。  ▲上海市豫园一笠亭联:  游目骋怀,此地有崇山峻岭;  仰观俯察,是日也天朗气清。  上联的“游目骋怀”与下联的“仰观俯察”并不对仗,又上联“崇山峻岭”与“天朗气清”亦不对仗,但上联首句“游目”与“骋怀”自对,第二句“崇山”与“峻岭”自对。下联首句“仰观”与“俯察”自对,第二句“天朗”与“气清”自对。这样,全联便视为已经对仗,并且是工对了。  ▲南京市夫子庙明远楼联:  矩令若霜严,看多士俯伏低徊,群嚣尽息;  襟期同月朗,喜此地江山人物,一览无遗。  上联“俯伏低徊”与下联“江山人物”并不对仗,但上联“俯伏”与“低徊”自对,下联“江山”与“人物”亦自对,这样,全联便算对仗了。  王力教授在《汉语诗律学)中说:“对联(喜联、挽联、楹联、春联)在原则上须用工对(包括借对和“诗”、“酒”一类的对立语),不大可以用邻对、更不能用宽对。”(见该书P·175)表明对联在词类对仗的要求,高于律诗对仗的要求。所以,有时即使上下联之间已经对仗,只是不太工整,作者为了求工,亦常采用自对方法,以作补救。现举例如下。  ▲上海市徐光启墓联:  治历明农百世师,经天纬地;  出将入相一个臣,奋武揆文。  这副对联,上下联间已经对仗,但不是工对。上联首句“历”(指历法)与“农”(指农学),都属知识类名词。下联“将”与“相”都属官职类名词。不同门类的名词相对,自然是属于宽对。但上联“治历”与“明农”自对,下联“出将”与“入相”自对,都是同门类的名词相对,是属工对。同理,上联“经天纬地”与下联“奋武揆文”相对,是属宽对。但上联“经天”与“纬地”自对,下联“奋武”与“揆文”自对,都属工对,这样,上下联间虽然是宽对,但经自对补救后,全联便视为工对了。  ▲辽宁省海城茅儿寺多罗亭联:  佳日值春秋,对水郭烟村,回望平铺图画好;  群贤聚觞咏,喜河声山色,一齐飞送酒樽来。  这副对联的上下联间虽已对仗,但不工。上联首句“春秋”与下联首句“觞咏”只是宽对。但上联“春”与“秋”自对,下联“觞”与“咏”自对(属“诗”、“酒”一类的工对),却是极工的。由此可见,同句自对不限于由两个字组成的词相对。单个字词亦可相对。上联“水郭烟村”对下联“河声山色”也只是宽对。但上联“水郭”与“烟村”自对,下联“河声”与“山色”自对,却属工对。经过自对补救后,这副对联就工整了一些,但因还有其他词类对得不工,所以全联仍称不上工对。  (2)对联的邻句自对:  对联的邻句自对,是指上下联分别在相邻的某两句之间完成自对。