学习型教师,learning teacher
1)learning teacher学习型教师
1.Establish learning college and educate learning teacher using the theory of learning organization;应用学习型组织理论创建学习型高校培养学习型教师
2.Research on Building a Learning Teacher Organization;学习型教师队伍建设研究

1.Portray a study personality;to be a study teacher;塑造学习型人格 争当学习型教师
2."Learning Organization "and Teacher Development in Polytechnic;"学习型组织"与建设学习型教师队伍
3.Infinitely Learning Teacher--A Goal to Train Students in Teachers College;学习型教师——师范院校学生培养的目标
4."Learning Organization"and Establishment of Learning Staff in vocational Institutes;“学习型组织”与高职学习型教师队伍建设
5.Establish learning college and educate learning teacher using the theory of learning organization;应用学习型组织理论创建学习型高校培养学习型教师
6."Learning-type Organization" and Building Higher Vocational Teaching Staff of Learning Type;“学习型组织”与建设学习型高职教师队伍
7.A Study on Construction of Teachers Professional Ethics in the Learning Society;学习型社会教师专业伦理的构建研究
8.The teacher professional development based on leavning organization theory;基于学习型组织下的教师专业化发展
9.The Learning Organization and Teacher’s Faculty Construction in Higher Vocational Colleges;“学习型组织”与高职教师队伍建设
10.Construct Learning Organization,Promote Teachers Specialty Development;构建学习型组织 促进教师专业发展
11.Building New Way of Studying and Deepening Educational Reform of Normal School;建构新型学习方式 深化师范教育改革
12.On the appliacaition of the learning organization theory to teacher adiministration;学习型组织理论在教师管理中的运用
13.Study-model-organization and the new Mode of Teacher Management;“学习型组织”:教师管理的新模式
14.Found "Study-type Organizations and Improve the Quality of the Teachers at Institutions of Higher Learning;创建“学习型组织”与提高高校教师素质
15.the Idea and Quality of Study-type Society and English Teachers;学习型社会与英语教师的观念和素质
16.On the Application of the Learning-type Organization Theory to Teacher Administration;学习型组织理论在教师管理中的应用
17.On the Construction of "Study Organizations" within Teacher Group;试论教师群体的“学习型组织”建设
18.Research of Bi-teacher Training and Student Internships Combination双师型教师培养与学生顶岗实习结合研究

Teacher of on the job studying type在职学习型教师
3)learning-teaching staff学习型教师队伍
4)teachers learning organization教师学习型组织
5)teacher learning-organization学习型教师组织
6)teacher learning教师学习
1.The structure of teacher learning strategy has been discussed,with the investigation of 523 primary and secondary middle school teachers,applied the Teacher Learning Strategy Questionaire developed by researchers.应用自行研制的教师学习策略调查问卷,通过对523名中小学教师的调查,对教师学习策略结构维度进行了探讨。
2.Research on connotation of teacher learning demonstrates that connotation of teacher learning is multiple.教师学习的内涵是多元的。
3.Research on teacher learning in western countries has had some changes since the 1980s.西方国家教师学习研究自20世纪80年代后发生的变化主要表现在对教师学习的重视与定位,学习目标、内容、方式、研究方法更为具体、细腻,关注课堂实践的有效性以及教师专业发展。

创造型教师创造型教师creative teacher  创造型教师(efeativet。acher)能够运用创造学原理、原则和方法进行创造教育、培养创造型人才的教师。其主要特点是:(l)富有独创精神,敢f标新立异,能够努力挖掘建设性和创造性力量。(2)能够进行创造性教学,在教学中能促进学生自己主动地学习,采用专门的创造性思维训练法促进学生创造性思维的过程,给学生创造更多的机会去接触了解各种材料、工具、概念和结构,促进学生智力的灵活性。(3)能够不断革新教材,赋予教材以新意和活力。(4)具有完善的智能结构,有渊博的知识、科学的教学技能和多方面的教育信息。(5)摒弃传统的教育观念,对学生的创造性活动积极参与和支持。(6)摒弃权威态度,具有民主的宽容的品格和幽默感。 (张明撰程姻吴万森审)