重心下移,downward move
1)downward move重心下移
1.The downward move and the restructuring of education in the Song;宋代教化的重心下移与组织重构

1.To Create the Administrating System and Realize the Down-Shift of Working Center in Higher Schools;创新高校管理机制 实现工作重心下移
2.On the Strategic change of the Training of Primary and Middle School Principals;重心下移 阵地前移——全面实现中小学校长培训的战略转移
3.From the city administration gravity centre to view the reform of the reform of administrative system由城市管理重心下移看行政管理体制改革
4.A Second Remark on the Downward Shift of Focus of Library and the Open Service;再论图书馆重心下移与开放式服务──21世纪图书馆服务工作改革与发展思考
5.Barycentric Transference of Chinese Accounting Research Under New Situation;论新形势下我国会计研究重心的转移
6.The centre of gravity is displaced by a weight below the rotational axis.调节旋转轴之下的一个重物,使重心发生位移。
7.The Conversion of Chuanqi Content of Suzhou Theatrical Circles in Late Ming Dynasty and Its Causes;晚明苏州剧坛传奇创作重心的下移及原因
8.Analysis of the Reasons why the Focus of Teaching Management in Colleges and Universities can't be Effectively Moved down试析高校教学管理重心不能有效下移的原因
9.lateral shifting of gravitational center of goods货物重心的横向位移
10.Study on Security of Double-stack Container Car with the Deviation of Cargo and Container Gravity Center;箱货总重心偏移条件下双层集装箱车运行安全性的研究
11.Study on Security Standard of Double Stack Container Cars under Deviation of Cargo Gravity Center;货物重心偏移装载情况下双层集装箱车安全运行标准的研究
12.Degrading of the Education Focus and New Features of the Folk Educational Communication System in Southern Song Dynasty;南宋教育重心的下移与民间学校教育传播系统的新特征
13.The Focus of China's Economic and Social Center of Gravity Transfer Trajectory and a Comparative Analysis我国经济重心和社会重心迁移轨迹及比较分析
14.By moving the pencil, you're changing the scale's center of gravity.通过移动铅笔,实际上你是在移动天平的重心。
15.The position as a hub of communications was becoming more & more outstanding along with the immigrant upsurge was in the making.随着南下移民浪潮的兴起,南阳作为四通的枢纽,联系南北的交通重心的地位愈益突出。
16.These changes have made it possible for us to shift the focus of our work and, with our minds at ease, concentrate our efforts on socialist modernization.Without such changes, this would have been absolutely impossible.这样我们才能够转移工作着重点,安下心来集中力量搞社会主义现代化建设,否则就根本不可能。
17.How does she compensate when you shift her center of gravity?当你移动她的重心时,她如何保持平衡?
18.The centre of gravity of the Party's work has shifted from the village to the city.党的工作重心由乡村移到了城市。

shif-down of recruitment focus发展重心下移
3)More patients utilize community health service门诊重心下移
4)barycenter offset重心偏移
1.Movement analysis for the barycenter offset self-in-phase vibration screen;重心偏移式自同步振动筛的运动分析
5)shift center of gravity移重心
6)gravity movement重心移动

人口重心人口重心 人口龙心特定地域内人口分布的平衡点。计算公式如下:一扮,x--子,一_扮,y一刁犷上式中,王、夕分别为人口重心的横坐标和纵坐标,x,y分别为把这一地区划分成无限小的各区域的横、纵坐标;dP为相应的人口数。在实际计算中,常用如下公式:一艺尸f姜x一厄户万一艺Pi,y一厄可‘其中,x,y、分别为各小区域中心点的经纬度;尸为相应区域的人口数;王、夕为人口重心点的经纬度。 人口重心是人口分布方式和变动的最简单表现,可以根据人口重心的变动情况分析人口分布的变动趋势。