1)network literacy网络素养
1.Teachers in network teaching environment should have the comprehensive network literacy to correctly implement the teaching behavior required by network teaching structure.网络教学环境的特殊性,要求教师具备全方位的网络素养以正确实施这种网络教学结构所需的教学行为。
2.The paper analyzedthe status quo of this issue and proposed some measures on how to train adolescent s network literacy.网络素养是信息社会青少年必备的媒介素质。
1.Teacher s Network Literacy in the Teaching Structure of Laying Equal Stress on Learning and Teaching;“学教并重”网络教学结构中教师网络素养浅谈
2.Research on the Literacy Network Education for the Secondary Vocational Education Students;中等职业学校学生网络素养教育研究
3.A Study of Journalists Internet Literacy and Media Literacy on Internet News in Taiwan of China台湾地区新闻从业人员网络素养与网络新闻识读能力之研究
4.Research on the Net Literacy Situation and Education Practice of University and College Students in Anhui Province;安徽高校学生网络素养现状及其教育实践探究
5.Probe into the Web Culture and the Quality of Librarians in the Internet Age网络文化与网络时代图书馆员素养探索
6.Research on the Network Literacy of the Preservice Teachers and Their Training Strategy;职前教师网络素质及其培养模式研究
7.Talking about the Strategies of Information Literacy Education for University Students under the Network Environment;网络环境下大学生信息素养教育策略
8.On the Cultivation of University Students Information Quality under the Network Environment;网络环境下高校学生信息素质的培养
9.An Empirical Case Study of Network Media Literacy Based on the College Students高校学生网络媒介素养个案实证研究
10.Study on Status Quo and Cultivation Strategies of IL with University Students under Network Environments;网络环境下大学生信息素养现状及培养研究
11.Cultivating Students Information Literacy in Web-based College English Teaching;论大学英语网络教学与学生信息素养培养
12.To Cultivate Information Literacy of Financial and Economic Schools Students in the Network-Based Economics;面向网络经济的财经类学生信息素养的培养
13.Study Report on Integrating Information Network Resources, Cultivating Students Creation Accomplishment;“整合信息网络资源,培养学生创新素养”研究报告
14.Cultivation Mechanism and Cultivation Methods of Web Information Literacy for the Undergraduate;大学生网络信息素养的培养机制与方法
15.On the Information literacy and its Cultivation of learner in Web-based Environment;论网络环境下学习者的信息素养及其培养
16.Internet Society: An Effective Way to Promote the Moral Qualities of College Students网络社会:提高大学生道德素养的有效途径
17.The Design and Implementation of Media Literacy Network Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Schools;中小学媒介素养网络课程的设计与实施
18.Study of Current Situation and Promotion Strategy of College Students Network Media Literacy;高校学生网络媒介素养现状及提升策略研究
net literacy网络素养
1.In order to have the computer and internet become the tool for their healthy development,it become an important part to educate the juveniles to have computer literacy, information literacy and net literacy.为了使计算机和互联网真正成为他们健康发展的工具 ,培养青少年具有一定的电脑素养、网络素养和信息素养 ,已成为新时期青少年教育的一项重要内
2.Under such a circumstance net literacy education has gained more and more attentions.因此,网络素养教育日益引起人们的关注。
3)web information literacy网络信息素养
1.We should enhance students network information literacy from establishing object of web information literacy,enhancing teachers web information literacy,strengthening students network moral education,and so on.随着科技的发展和互联网的广泛使用,网络对大学生的影响愈来愈大,网络信息素养教育也越来越重要。
2.People s web information literacy will affect their information obtaining, information - disposing and information - recreating directly in information society.在信息社会中人们所具备的网络信息素养,直接影响到他们是否可以对网络信息进行有效的获取、处理和再创造。
4)teachers' network literacy教师网络素养
5)network information literacy网络信息素养
1.Have the network information literacy adapt with the study is the key to Learners succeed in E-learning.网络学习成功与否,关键就在于学习者是否具有与之相适应的网络信息素养。
2.It is a long-term of the network information literacy education for minor to be enforced,even it has reached a new stage in China,because more and more minors wallow in network and the library is short of education function.我国未成年人网络信息素养教育在现阶段已取得了一定成绩,但由于未成年人沉溺于网络的现象日趋严重及图书馆教育职能的缺失,未成年人网络信息素养教育依然任重道远。
6)online instruction literacy网络教学素养
1.At the information age that a computer network as represented by information technology are rapidly developing,teachers not only need to improve their online learning abilities for professional development,but also should have the online instruction literacy for utilizing networks to practice or assist instructioo.本文讨论教师网络教学素养的基本构成与培养。
《进一步提高军队的政治素养》《进一步提高军队的政治素养》Further Enhance the Army's Political Quality 了军衔制等正规制度而拘束起来。应该保乎与发扬革命军队上下一致、官兵一致的优f传统,提倡自觉的纪律,发扬民主,进一进增强军内团结。⑤密切军民关系。解放军J人民的子弟兵,过去的胜利都是在人民的三援下取得的,不能忘本,定要进一步加弓军民之间的血肉联系。 《进一步提高军队的政治素养》对于丈强人民解放军在新的形势卜的革命化建设具有重要指导意义。(张家裕)Iinyibu TigQO lundui de ZhengzhiSuyong《进一步提高军队的政治素养》(FHrther‘Enham?已the Army’s Politi~’(1f Q“[{f-i0’) 周恩来关于军队政治工作问题的军事著作。是周恩来于1957年12月24}J化中凼人民解放军驻上海陆海空军军官人会上的讲话。全文约5 000字,收入1984年11月Il{版的《周恩来选集》下卷。 中华人民共和国建立,特别是抗美援朝战争结束后,中国人民解放军m长期的战争环境转入相对的和平环境,进入r建乍的高级阶段即现代化建设阶段。这就要求全军必须往提高军事素养的同时,进·步力ll强政治思想I:作,提高政治素养。讲话着承喇述丁加强军队政治建设五个方面的f^J容:①加强敌情观念。军队战时是要打仗的,、F时要准备打仗。现在和平的可能性、推迟战争的町能性更大了,但帝国主义存在一人,战爷的l十:壤也存在·天。因此,军队应JJll姒敌情观念,时刻保持高度的警惕,随时准备应付突然事变。②加强党对军队的领导。党·定要管军队,当然是管大事,不管小事。地办党委要管所在地区军队的重大问题;军队的负责人要参加地方党委,了解党的人政方针和重要政策,参加党的重大事情的决定。③加强军政联系。人民解放军必须火心和参加I仨】家的社会主义建设。军队和地方的界限/f:能分得太清。在征集兵员、复员转业、r稃建筑、义务劳动等方面,军、地双办应JJII强胁作。④改进军内关系。t要是改进上r、左右、官兵之间的炎系,吖:要㈥为灾行期望(油画)