民主意识,democratic consciousness
1)democratic consciousness民主意识
1.Developing Modern society citizen club——On the relationship of inhabitancy configuration change and improvement of civil democratic consciousness;发展现代社会公民俱乐部——论居住结构变化与公民民主意识的提高
2.On the improvement of market economy and the modernization of democratic consciousness in China;市场经济体制完善与中国民主意识现代化

1.Democratic ideologythe booster to development of democratic politics in China;民主意识——中国民主政治发展的助推器
2.The Achievement and Experience in Cultivation Citizen s Democracy Consciousness of Korea;韩国公民民主意识培养的成果与经验
3.Democratic Awareness and Individualism;民主意识的选择与“个人主义”的演变
4.On the Significance of Delimitation of Public and Personal Domains to the Formation of Citizen Democratic Consciousness;公私域界分对公民民主意识生成的意义
5.The Awareness of Intra-Party Democracy Is the Basic Premise of Institutionalizing Intra-Party Democracy;党内民主意识是党内民主制度化的基础
6.Reinforce Democratic Consciousness and Promote the Level of Democracy Construction in Colleges Constantly强化民主意识 不断提高高校民主政治建设水平
7.Discarding Traditional Political Culture Enhancing the Awareness of Intra-Party Democracy;扬弃传统政治文化 增强党内民主意识
8.Achievements and Experiences from Korea s Cultivation of Citizen Democratic Consciousness;韩国培养民主意识的成果与经验探究
9.On the Connotation and Cultivation of Consciousness of Demoracy Inside the Party;论党内民主意识的内涵及其培育路径
10.On the Sense of Anti-Colonialism and Colonialism in a Passage to India;论《印度之行》的反殖民主义意识与殖民主义意识
11.Strengthening Peasants Subject Consciousness and Playing Peasants Subject Function;强化农民主体意识 发挥农民主体作用
12.Cultivation of Citizenship Consciousness in China s Democratic Political Construction;中国民主政治建设中的公民意识培育
13.Cultivation of Civic Awareness in the Perspective of Socialist Democracy;社会主义民主政治视域中的公民意识培育
14.Political Construction of Socialist Democracy and Citizenship Education of College Students社会主义民主政治建设与大学生公民意识教育
15.National affairs , national consciousness and nationalism emotion民族问题中的民族意识和民族主义情绪
16.On the Formation of Japanese Ideology of the Militarism浅谈日本国民军国主义意识的形成
17.On the Sense and Strategy of Anti-Colonialism in a Passage to India;论《印度之行》的反殖民主义意识和策略
18.The Civic Consciousness under Socialist Contract Ethics Field of Vision;社会主义契约伦理视野下的公民意识

democracy consciousness民主意识
1.It is the foundation of basic level rule by law that strengthens the peasants democracy consciousness and the concept of rule by law, but at the same time, needs the democracy consciousness of the government, the toleration and reasonable guidance to villages and towns autonomy.增强农民的民主意识、法治观念是基层法治化的根本,同时需要政府的民主意识,对乡镇自治的宽容和合理的引导。
2.Based on the analysis of the current situation of Chinese farmers democracy consciousness,this paper puts forward some strategies and measures of cultivating farmers democracy consciousness in order to give some useful references to the farmers autonomy of the countryside,to the construction of socialism democratic politics and to the establishment of a harmonious countryside life.通过对我国农民民主意识现状的分析,提出了培育农民民主意识的对策和措施,以期对我国农村村民自治、社会主义基层民主政治建设及构建和谐农村提供一些有益参考。
3.In the countryside, what most can manifest the farmer s democracy consciousness and exercise their democratic right is villagers election.在农村,目前最能体现农民民主意识和行使民主权利的就是村民选举。
3)democratic awareness民主意识
1.The democratic awareness of the Communist Party members in rural Hunan,the whole,though some insufficient,but in some areas,is very encouraging.湖南东南部农村党员的民主意识,从总体上讲虽然有些不足;但在某些方面,却很令人鼓舞。
2.Analysing the current status and the governing factors of China s peasants democratic awareness,and cultivating it,can promote the healthy development of rural democracy and a harmonious rural area.农民是我国人数最多的社会阶层,农民民主意识水平的高低直接反映出我国整体国民的民主意识水平。
3.Establishment of self-consciousness and development of democratic awareness brought about a series of fresh changes to the view and practice of writing Chinese modern comedies.自我意识的确立和民主意识的发展为中国现代喜剧的思想观念和创作实践带来了一系列历史性的新变化。
4)democratic consciousness of peasants农民民主意识
5)citizen's democracy consciousness公民民主意识
6)democratic subject consciousness民主主体意识

军事民主(见三大民主)军事民主(见三大民主)military democracy lunshi minzhu军事民主(miritary demoeraey)见三大民主。