1.Review of 9% Ni steel and its weldability;LNG储罐用9%Ni钢及其焊接性
2.Review of X100 pipeline steel and its field weldability;X100级管线钢及其焊接性
3.Research on Weldability of the Gray Cast Iron Inoculated Using Tie Shen No.1 Inoculant;铁神一号净化剂净化孕育处理铸铁的焊接性研究

1.Study on the Performance of TIG Welding Joint for 3.5Ni Steel3.5Ni钢TIG焊焊接性能研究
2.Study of Laser Welding of 400 MPa Super Steel and Its Weldability;400MPa级超级钢激光焊接及其焊接性研究
3.Study on Weldability and Microstructure of Brazing Cubic Boron Nitride;钎焊立方氮化硼的焊接性与微观结构
4.Welding Analysis and Research on Matching Welding Materials for Q460E Steel;Q460E焊接性能分析及匹配焊材研究
5.Study on the SAW Weldability of X100 Pipeline SteelX100管线钢埋弧焊焊接性能研究
6.Researched the Weldability of the 2(1/4)Cr-1Mo-(1/4)V Steel;2.25Cr-1Mo-0.25V钢焊接性研究
7.Study of Weldability of WELDOX960 High-Strength Steel;WELDOX960高强钢焊接性研究
8.Research on Weldability and Welding Materials of/for High Performance Pipeline Steels;高性能管线钢焊接性能及焊接材料研究
9.Study on Effect of Welding Materials and Procedures on Weldability of Aluminum Alloys;焊接材料及工艺对铝合金焊接性能的影响
10.Effect of Welding Angle on Fatigue Performance of Welded Structure焊接角度对焊接结构疲劳性能的影响
11.Welding technology and microstructure of MIG welded magnesium alloy镁合金MIG焊接工艺及焊接接头组织性能分析
12.Effects of Welding Process on Cryogenic Safety of Welded Joint of 16MnR Steel焊接工艺对16MnR钢焊接接头低温安全性的影响
13.Influence of heat-input on the performance of welding joint of steel WEL-TEN 62CF焊接热输入对WEL-TEN 62CF钢焊接接头性能的影响
14.The necessarily of post-weld heat treatment of spherical tanks was emphasized.强调了焊接球罐焊后热处理的必要性。
15.Study of the Reliability of Power Device with Lead-free Heat-sink Attachment;功率器件无铅焊料焊接层可靠性研究
16.Study on Mechanism of the Activating Flux Coated Wire for Magnesium Alloy Welding and Development Process镁合金活性焊丝焊接机理研究及制备
17.Research on Welding Characteristics of EH36 Steel by Using Double-Sided Arc WeldingEH36钢厚板双面双弧立焊焊接特性研究
18.Arc Characteristic and the Development of Flux Bands in Ultra-narrow Gap Welding超窄间隙焊接焊剂带研制及电弧特性

weld ability焊接性
1.By studying the design of chemical compositions and refining process and rolling process,a steel grade SN400B used for construction with good weld ability,yield strength,tensile strength and toughness has been successfully developed.通过对成分设计、冶炼工艺以及轧制工艺的研究,成功开发出具有良好的焊接性能、屈服强度和抗拉强度以及韧性的建筑结构用钢SN400B。
2.The weld ability of Q460C low alloy structural steel welded joints is theoretically analyzed in this paper.从理论上分析了Q460C低合金结构钢焊接性能。
3.The weld ability,weld material and weld process of the Q345E steel applied to the locomotive and rolling stock for Qingzang line are studied in this paper.对适用于青藏线机车车辆的Q345E钢的焊接性、焊接材料和焊接工艺进行了研究,对Q345E钢及其焊接接头进行了热处理试验,为Q345E钢焊接工艺规范的制定提供了依据。
3)welding property焊接性
1.The microstructure and welding property of the brazing filler was investigated systematically.设计了系列铝硅基合金钎料,采用超音速气体雾化技术制备了钎料粉末,系统地研究了快凝钎料微观组织和焊接性能,优化出一种具有较高综合性能的钎料合金Al-10Si-5Cu-5Zn-0。
2.It analyzes the weld properties of zirconium pipe and the welding process of zirconium piping by systematically description from welding property welding procedure, welding procedure qualification and welding quality control.对锆材质管道进行了焊接性分析,从焊接工艺的制定、工艺评定试验、质量控制等方面系统地阐述了锆材质管道焊接工艺。
3.The article analysed the welding property of heat resisting steel pipes of Cr5Mo, and made a reasonable welding technique, getting a good welding joint in qualit本文对铬与钼耐热钢管的焊接性进行分析 ,制定合理的焊接工艺 ,获得质量良好的焊接接头。
1.Analysis of Welding for T_2 Cuprum Generatrix and Carbon Arc-welding Technology;T_2铜母线焊接性分析及其碳弧焊工艺
2.2 boiler of Zhongning Power Plant, analyzes the welding of the material and the characteristic of schemes for welding repair, puts forward idiographic welding schemes and technique measures.针对宁夏中宁发电有限公司~#2炉过热器出口安全阀集箱热电偶插座与集箱本体连接的角焊缝开裂,详细分析了材料的焊接性和焊接返修的特点,给出了具体的焊接返修方案和工艺措施。
5)welding performance焊接性能
1.Influence of sintering process on the cutting and welding performance of diamond saw blade;烧结工艺对金刚石锯片切割性能和焊接性能的影响
2.Experimental Researches on the Welding Performance 9%Ni Steel of China国产9%Ni钢焊接性能的试验研究
3.Analyzes the welding characteristic of importing new type of SA213- T23 steel, tests the welding technique of small diameter pipe, takes further understanding for the steel welding performance.分析了我国新引进的钢种SA213-T23钢的焊接性能,并对其小径管的焊接工艺进行了试验,对该钢种的焊接性能有了进一步的了解和认识。
6)welding characteristic焊接性能
1.Effect of waveform control parameters on GMAW welding characteristic;波控参数对GMAW焊接性能的影响
2.Based on the analysis of influencing factor of gas metal arc welding(GMAW) characteristic, a DSP(digital signal process) based whole digital parallel double closed-loop control system was established to adjust the electrical parameter during the “short” phase and “arc” phase separately, in order to improve GMAW welding characteristic by modulating the current waveform of short time and arc time.实验结果表明,采用该方式控制的波控数字式GMAW焊接电源,在焊接性能上与普通平特性逆变焊接电源相比有较大的提高,飞溅减小、焊接过程稳定、焊缝成形好,更加适合GMAW短路过渡焊。
3.Welding characteristic of Fuzzy wave controlled CO 2 welding power source and constant voltage power source with eletrical reactor are compared.本文介绍了CO2 焊模糊波控逆变电源的原理 ,对其焊接性能与带电子电抗器的平特性逆变电源作了对比研究。

焊接性  金属材料对焊接加工的适应性,又称可焊性。焊接性反映金属材料在一定的焊接工艺条件下,获得优质焊接接头的难易程度。焊接性包括两方面的内容。①接合性能:金属材料在一定焊接工艺条件下,形成焊接缺陷的敏感性。决定接合性能的因素有:工件材料的物理性能,如熔点、导热率和膨胀率,工件和焊接材料在焊接时的化学性能和冶金作用等。当某种材料在焊接过程中经历物理、化学和冶金作用而形成没有焊接缺陷的焊接接头时,这种材料就被认为具有良好的接合性能。②使用性能:某金属材料在一定的焊接工艺条件下其焊接接头对使用要求的适应性,也就是焊接接头承受载荷的能力,如承受静载荷、冲击载荷和疲劳载荷等,以及焊接接头的抗低温性能、高温性能和抗氧化、抗腐蚀性能等。    焊接过程中,焊件经历焊接热过程、冶金反应,以及焊接应力和变形的作用,因而带来化学成分、金相组织、尺寸和形状的变化,使焊接接头的性能往往不同于母材,有时甚至不能满足使用要求。例如,在铸铁焊接时容易开裂,需要预先将焊件加热,或采用特种焊条焊接。铝的焊接用普通手工电弧焊法就难于获得优质焊缝,须采用惰性气体保护电弧焊方法。含碳量和合金元素量较高的钢材,由于硬度和强度较高,焊接时容易产生裂纹,需要采取适当的工艺措施。对于许多活性金属或难熔合金,宜采用特殊焊接方法,如电子束焊或激光焊,以便获得优质接头。工件材料、焊接方法和产品的使用条件,都会影响工件焊接性。材料制成优良焊接接头所需的设备条件越少、难度越小,则此材料的焊接性越好;反之,需要复杂而昂贵的焊接方法、特殊的焊接材料和工艺措施,则说明这种材料的焊接性不佳。    制造焊接产品或构件时,必须首先评定所用材料的焊接性,以判断所选用的结构材料、焊接材料和焊接方法等是否适当。评定材料焊接性的方法很多,每种方法只能说明焊接性的某一方面,因此需要进行一系列试验后才能全面确定焊接性。试验方法可分为模拟型和实验型。前者模拟焊接加热和冷却特点或负荷情况;后者则按实际施焊条件进行试验。试验内容主要是检测母材和焊缝金属的化学成分、金相组织、机械性能、有无焊接缺陷,测定焊接接头的低温性能、高温性能、抗腐蚀性能和抗裂纹能力等。    参考书目   陈伯蠡编:《金属焊接性基础》,机械工业出版社,北京,1982。