1.Design and implementation of a practical and extensible digital imaging workstation based on PACS;基于PACS的实用可扩展性数字影像工作站的设计与实现
2.A practical lithology identification technique for sandstone and shale section;一种实用的砂泥岩剖面岩性识别技术
3.Discussion of practical new building structure system in our country我国实用新型建筑结构体系探讨

1.In a way that is practical.实用地,实际地通过实用的方式
2.Of or relating to pragmatism.实用主义的实用主义的或与实用主义有关的
3.An inclination toward literal truth and pragmatism.现实态度注重确确实实的事实和实用的倾向
4.One who is inclined to literal truth and pragmatism.现实主义者注重确确实实的事实和实用的人
5.utility clothes [furniture]实用的服装 [家具]
6.a practical device with many different uses一种多用途的实用器械
7.Practical, safe, light weight, hygienic and durable.实用,安全,轻巧,卫生,耐用
8.Validity of the proposed methods is verified by laboratory test.方法的实用性已通过实验室测试证实。
9.pragmatic value theory实用主义价值论 实用主义价值论
10.The New Basic Educational Reform: "Pragmatism" Isn t "Practical";新课程改革:“实用主义”并不“实用
11.A Review of New Practical English;实用英语的研究与实践——《新编实用英语》述评
12.A Truly Practical Dictionary--Comments on "Practical Chinese Dictionary"一部名符其实的实用词典——评《实用汉语词典》
13.Similarities and Differences between the Realistic Down-to-earth Spirit and the Pragmatic Principle of Practical Use;实事求是的求实精神与实用主义的实用原则的关系辩正
14.Of, characterized by, or advocating utilitarianism.功利主义的实用主义的,其有实用主义特色的,提倡实用主义的
15.real-time application实时处理,实时应用
16.experimental apparatus实验仪器 [用具]
17.'And that,' said he,'is just about as good as nothing.“其实那也不管用。
18.An Application Instance of Visual FoxPro6.0;Visual FoxPro6.0应用实例

1.Practical Writing is the Unity of practicality and Aesthetics;应用文是实用和审美的统一
2.Analysis of Practicality Drawing Technology in AutoCAD浅析AutoCAD实用绘图技术
3.This paper points out that the standard for people to evaluate design works is aesthetic thought of the trinity among truth,good and beauty,and illustrates the evaluation criterion of modern interior design as practicality,economy and beauty compared with the connotation of truth,good and beauty,in order to create safe,high-performance,economic and comfort interior environment.指出真、善、美三位一体的审美思想是人们评价设计作品的标准,分析了真、善、美的内涵,并将现代室内设计的评价标准"实用、经济、美观"与真、善、美的内涵对应起来进行诠释,以创造出安全、高效、经济和舒适的室内环境。
1.According to the subject that how to realize unification of practicability and esthetic function six aesthetic principles should be followed in architectural modeling design are summarized in order to provide aesthetic feeling for residents to meet requirements on living and dwelling environment.针对建筑物如何将实用功能与审美功能结合这一课题,归纳了造型设计应该遵循的六项审美原则,以在建筑设计中体现美的意识,满足人们对美的生活及居住环境的追求。
2.They have comprehensive practicability in order to satisfy the requirement of cit.分析了我国城市广场设计存在的问题,即单一广场规模过大、空间设计缺乏人文关怀和设计尺度差、设计忽视与城市原有空间格局和形态联系、广场缺少特色和广场的位置不恰当等;针对这些问题,提出了城市广场设计的四项基本原则:满足城市功能和居民生活需要的实用性、在审美上不仅要美而且还要有较高的文化内涵、具有一定的生态效应和一定的防灾功能。
3.Practical writing possesses wide social value because of its practicability and is widely set up in the curriculum of colleges and universities.应用文因其"实用性"而具有广泛的社会价值,应用写作课程在高校已普遍开设,教学效果却不尽人意。
1.The question to soul and body——Discuss utility solidity and comfort is the architecture s first principle;灵魂与肉体的拷问——论建筑的“实用·坚固·愉悦”第一原理
2.His exposition of the functions of education,such as its utility or ornamentation,and,his opinion of forming the children s minds and his demands to the teachers were characteristic.他对教育的“实用”和“装饰”功能的论述,在品性教育上的主张,以及对教师提出的要求都颇具特色。
3.The pictograph in Shuowenjiezi could show the pattern of thought of Chinese predecessor which to create a body,just as looked person as the center of all thing,advocated utility and pursued beauty.《说文解字》中的象形字,能够体现先民的人本位、崇尚实用和追求审美的构形思维模式,具体表现为:以人类自身为参照物和以人类视觉感官观照事物创造汉字;趋向简化,竖写动物象形字和采用方块性平面营构方式;追求方形美和对称美等。
1.Chinese culture,however,is practicism,instead of pragmatism.中国传统数学确实具有实用性特点。
2.While giving a true account of the marriage view of the people around her with keen observation, Jane Austen reveals her own view on marriage, that is, marriage must be based on pragmatism and only this kind of marriage can result in happiness.简·奥斯丁的六部以恋爱婚姻为主题的小说中 ,作家在揭示周围人的婚姻观的同时也流露出她本人的婚姻观 ,即一切以实用为目的 ,只有实用的婚姻才是幸福的婚姻。
6)to apply learning to practical problems实学实用
1.The learning style of Huang Zongxi can be summed as: to apply learning to practical problems, emphasize the study on history and advocate the western science and technology.黄宗羲的学术风格表现为:提倡实学实用,反对空谈性命;重视经史子集之学,倡导西方科学技术;消除门户之见,主张相互沟通;宣传政治启蒙思想,抨击君主专制制度。

实用1.实际使用价值。 2.具有实际使用价值。 3.实际使用;实际应用。