1.New micromanipulation-oriented combined micro-gripper;面向微操作的组合式微夹持器
2.Design of micromanipulation instrument for bio-microdissection;生物显微切割微操作仪的设计与研制
3.A Calibration Method of Micromanipulation System Based on Digital Image Processing;一种基于数字图像处理的微操作系统标定方法

1.new simplified micromanipulator新型简易显微操作
2.Research on the Key Technique of Micro-manipulator for Micro-job;面向微细作业的微操作器的关键技术研究
3.Q: youlikeyoghurt does that increase mirco?你喜欢酸奶,那是不是微操作的诀窍?
4.Optimizing control of a micro operational force intelligent assist hoisting system微操作力提升系统控制策略实验研究
5.Program optimization for bovine somatic cells nuclear transfer牛体细胞核移植显微操作环节的优化
6.microprocessor master/master operation微处理机主-主操作
7.multi-microprocessor operating system多微处理机操作系统
8.microprocessor master/slave operation微处理机主-从操作
9.disc-operated minicomputer磁盘操作微型计算机
10.Practice of Micro Computer Applications and Operative Technology微机应用操作技术实习
11.Computer Operation Techniques & Database微机操作技术及数据库
12.CP/M:Control Program for Microcomputers; a registered trademark of Digital Research; an operating system.微机操作系统:微机操作程序;已注册的数字研究商标;一个操作系统。
13.Computer Operating Techniques & Database微机操作技术及微机数据库
14.Design and Operational Properties of a Manipulator for Minimeter-size Microrobot毫米级微型机器人操作手的研制和操作特性
15.The micro-nano-manipulability is analyzed through the Jacobian matrix.依据微纳操作器的可操作空间最大化,对微纳操作器的雅可比矩阵进行了分析。
16.kernel of multi-microprocessor operating system多微处理机操作系统核心
17.Activation failed processing time in microseconds.激活操作失败的处理时间(以微秒计)。
18.The new a acting automatic control and operation of micro computer are simple.新一代微电脑自动控制,操作简易。

micro manipulation微操作
1.A kind of driving technique suitable for micro manipulation;一种适用于微操作的驱动技术
2.A new method of estimating the depth information for micro manipulation is proposed.该技术已经成功地应用到NKTY MR系列微操作机器人系统 ,准确快捷地完成了深度估计和自动调焦的操
3)micro operation微操作
1.Micro-gripper is a very important implement in executing micro operation, micro assembly and other micro tasks.微夹持器是完成微操作、微装配作业任务的重要工具,其体积、质量、张合量、微夹持力等是微夹持器设计过程中的重要指标。
2.This paper presents micro operation system for sub millimeter micro object based on teleoperation.本文介绍了适用于微靶装配的遥操作机器人系统及其关键技术 ,包括对亚毫米级微粒物体进行微操作的真空吸附装置的工作原理、构成和控制 ;适合于微靶装配要求的高精度机械手的运动控制 ;以及基于网络的遥操作技术
3.As an application, a virtual environment for micro operation with the features of microscopic image is implemented.该文提出了基于系统辨识的显微镜点扩散参数提取方法 ;在此方法基础上设计并完成了标定试验 ,建立了显微镜点扩散参数和被观察物体Z坐标之间的映射关系 ;作为其应用 ,实现了一个具有显微图像效果的微操作拟实环境 ,当拟实环境中虚拟微操作工具Z坐标发生改变时 ,显微图像中虚拟微操作工具的像的模糊度随之发生变化 ;人眼观测表明 ,它与实际显微图像的微操作工具的模糊程度变化符合得很好 ;整个系统表现出高精度和很好的实时性 。
1.According to the interaction relationships between the micro-parts in MEMS,and the manipulation tools and the micro-objects in micro-manipulation,three models are simplified to represent these interaction relationships firstly,with which the negative-power law relationship characteristics of micro-forces between the micro-parts and their distance are reflected.根据微机械中构件与构件、微操作中操作工具与操作对象在执行功能动作时的相互作用关系特点,以及微观情况下微观力与构件间距及特征尺寸之间的负幂关系特点,将其简化成3种常见的作用关系模型,即平板与平面(半空间)基体、球与平面(半空间)基体和球与球基体,然后基于该模型,分析了微构件间和微操作过程中的微观力,推导了部分力的计算公式。
1.The system is reformed from the monocular microscope, which is only money-saved, but also able to detect the distance from the object and the CCD head quickly and accurately with improved efficiency and precision of micro-operation.在全面介绍国内外显微立体视觉系统的基础上,提出了双目显微立体视觉系统方案,此系统由单目显微镜改造而成,既节省了资金,又能快速准确地检测出操作目标距CCD摄像头的距离,从而可以提高微操作的效率和精度,是一种合理的显微视觉系统。
2.According to the structure characteristics of micro-kernel in embedded microprocessor,and combined with 32 bits microprocessor "LongTium C1",proposed a series of low power techniques to design the micro-operation-ROM,micro-stack and the micro-operation coding at architecture level.在体系结构层次上,分别从微操作ROM、微堆栈和微操作编码几个不同角度出发,对嵌入式处理器的微内核进行了功耗优化设计。
3.In section 1 of the full paper,we describe the architecture of the Longtium C2 microprocessor(in development at NWPU),which utilized IBMT(Instruction Boundary Micro-operation Tracing) precise interrupts mechanism developed by us to be more time-saving and to consume less power;then we describe the micro-operation.文章描述了Longtium C2处理器的结构特点和微操作,提出一种基于指令边界微操作跟踪的精确中断机制IBMT,并对其结构和流程进行了设计和分析。
1.Approach on micromanipulation technology of human Demodex;人体蠕形螨显微操作分离技术的探讨
2.Discussion about Somatic Cell Nuclear Transplantation Micromanipulation Of Mouse;小鼠体细胞核移植显微操作问题的探讨
3.The paper tells the method to make micromanipulation tool for nuclear trarnsplantation and process of nuclear transplantation.本文阐述了核移植显微操作工具的制备及显微操作的各个环节,对核移植操作中的一些细节问题及出现的异常现象进行了分析和讨

寄微之 时微之为虢州长史。【诗文】:高天默默物茫茫,各有来由致损伤。鹦为能言长剪翅,龟缘难死久搘床。莫嫌冷落抛闲地,犹胜炎蒸卧瘴乡。外物竟关身底事,谩排门戟系腰章?【注释】:【出处】:全唐诗