1.A new approach to busbar routing of power distribution system using ant colony system;一种基于蚁群系统的配电系统母线槽布线算法
2.Low power routing method based on reducing adjacent signal coupling dissipation;采用相邻耦合动态功耗优化的低功耗布线方法
3.The Research of Area-Efficiency for the Routing Channel Distribution in FPGAs;FPGA布线通道分布对面积效率的影响研究

1.wired or wired and logic布线布线与逻辑
2.geometric layout几何学的布置布线
3.The box can be used for both cable and steel pipe.(3) 接线箱结构形式分电缆布线和钢管布线两种。
4.Horizontal floor wiring-Sectional specification水平层布线电缆分规范
5.Riser cables-Sectional specification垂直布线电缆分规范
6.crossover oxide交叉布线绝缘用氧化物
7.Work area wiring-Sectional specification工作区布线电缆分规范
8.Cloth woven from this thread.亚麻布亚麻线织成的布
9.ribbed cloth [fabric]有棱线的布 [织品]
10.To make(cloth)by interlacing the threads of the weft and the warp on a loom.织在织布机上交织经线与纬线来织(布)
11.cumulative undersize distribution curve筛下物累计分布曲线
12.corduroy type cotton chenille robe条纹绒布棉织线毯长袍
13.denim finishing range牛仔布后整理生产线
14.Buy me some thread at the draper's shop.到布店去给我些线来。
15.United Nations Radio Bulletin Board联合国无线电布告栏
16.linear Gibbs free energy relation线性吉布斯自由能关系
17.weft bobbins for shuttles织布梭用纬纱绕线筒
18.d panel section无线电与布板通信分排

1.From the Network Breakdown Discussed when Network Wiring Should Payattention Question;从网络故障谈网络布线时应注意的问题
2.Study on Wiring Process of Electronic Cabinet for Optronic Equipment;光电设备电子机柜布线工艺研究
1.The development of brainpower residence cabling system in abroad;国外智能家居住宅布线系统综述
2.The network cabling system design of “No 1 Military”Project is introduced in the article.本文介绍了南京总医院“军字一号”工程网络布线系统工程设计 ,阐述了综合布线设计要领、设计标准 ,以及“军字一号”工程网络布线系统的设计要求。
3.High efficient and safety of cabling system in data center is the key to improve the performance of data center network communication.高效、安全的数据中心布线系统是提高数据中心网络通信系统性能的关键。
1.In this paper, common problems in the application of Protel are summarized, including printed board, nets, placement, route and etc.从印制电路板、网络和布局与布线等几个方面归纳了Protel使用中常遇到的问题,并给出解决的方法。
2.The algorithm proposed in this paper has many characteristies,including being simultaneously procesed,considering both routed effective mathmaties model and getting a satisfatory result.为了满足超大规模集成( V L S I)并行系统和同步系统的需要,提出了一种以线网时延方差最小和时延均值小为目标的 V L S I版图布线算法,较好地解决了 M 规模并行系统及同步系统中时钟信号传输的均衡性问题,具有方法独特、算法简单、可并行处理等特点,实验结果运作良好。
3.L-M algorithm is a new route algorithm combined with Maze and line search algorithm.本文提出新型布线算法,集李氏迷宫法与线搜索法的长处为一体,以饱和带法进行动态排序,以线搜索法确定借孔位置,然后用李氏法进行单层布线,获得最佳路径,从而达到线型好,布通率高的效果。
1.The paper introduces the design principle and technical specification of PCB with the example of TDA7482 digital power amplifier; provides concrete scheme and measure to the anti-interference in the circuit design; analyses the layout in electro magnetic interference and finds out the effective countermeasure.介绍了以TDA7482数字功放为例的PCB设计原则和技术规范,对电路设计中的抗干扰性给出了具体的方案和措施,分析了布线中的电磁干扰问题,并找到了解决的办法。
2.Optimum Layout of Forest Road with Consideration of Soil Erosion;并以水土流失量、坡度、坡长等地理信息为约束条件,建立了伐区林道合理布线模型。
6)wire layout布线
1.They are the control of extreme value point of spline,realization of three dimensional wire layout,operation of control points of boundary blend.讨论了Pro/E软件在产品设计中存在的3个比较重要的问题,分别是样条曲线极值点的控制,三维布线的实现和边界混合时控制点的操作。

布线bùxiàn[wiring] 电器线路连接导线的布置布线图