1.Mechanism and influencing factors of spatter formation with self-shielded flux cored wire;自保护药芯焊丝飞溅的形成机理及其影响因素
2.Effect of Activating Flux on Appearance of Welds and Spatter in CO_2 Arc Welding;活性剂对CO_2气体保护焊焊缝成形及飞溅的影响
3.Investigation of spatter for CO_2 gas-shielded welding;CO_2气体保护焊飞溅问题的研究

1.The waves splashed on the beach.波浪飞溅到海滩上。
2.flash, dash, classic splash闪光、炫耀、经典的飞溅
3.The waterfall splashed over the rock.瀑布飞溅着越过岩石。
4.gravity splash lubrication system重力飞溅式润滑系统
5.with clothes wet by splashed water.被飞溅的水弄湿了衣服。
6.The wave is splashing over the reef.海浪飞溅着越过礁石。
7.With colsed operation, neither dust flying nor spray splashing will appear.密闭操作,无粉尘飞扬和喷液飞溅
8.went for a splash in the lake; heard the splash of the fish Being thrown Back.湖中戏水;听到鱼被扔回的溅水声飞溅的液体
9."In the splash lubricating system, oil is splashed up from the oil pan or oil trays in the lower part of the crankcase."在飞溅润滑系统中,油从机体下部的油盘或油底壳中飞溅上来。
10.The rain fell with such force that it bounced off a pier.雨势极猛,雨水打在桥礅上四下飞溅
11.A spray of salt water hits her in the face飞溅的海水打在她的脸上
12.Water sloshed as I carried it back.当我回来时,水花开始四处飞溅了。
13.a Blow to the taBle that sent the dishes flying.击在桌上的一拳使饭菜四处飞溅
14.The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor水从缸里飞溅出来,落在地板上
15.The water splash out of the tub upon the floor.水从缸里飞溅出来,落在地板上。
16.Oops! We're getting wet from the spray.啊呀!我们被飞溅的水雾弄湿了。
17.single drum dryer with splash-feed飞溅布料式单滚筒干燥器
18.’ And he set to work again and made the snow fly in all directions around him.”他又动手干了起来,掘得四周雪粉飞溅

1.The results show that to use activation dosage can reduce welding splash rate greatly,increase weld fusion depth,widen fusion width,and increase depth and width ratio and fusion drops transition with thin particles.结果表明,使用活性剂可以使焊接飞溅率大大降低,焊缝熔深增加,熔宽增大,深宽比增加,熔滴以细颗粒过渡。
2.The abnormal currents are caused by splash.飞溅将引起电流信号的异常变化。
3.The effects of transfer shape about droplet, stress of droplet, gap between twin electrode, barrel form and motion manner of electrodes on splash factors of twin electrode single arc welding were studied by the high - speed photographs.利用高速摄影等实验手段,研究了双电极焊条单弧焊熔滴过渡形态、熔滴受力、双芯间隙、焊条套筒形 式、双电极焊条焊接时运条方式等对飞溅的影响。
