1.Treatment on breakdown of frequent fusing of rectification fuse;关于整流快熔频繁熔断等故障的处理
2.Harmonics analysis of the rectification system in 80,000t/a ion-exchange membrane caustic soda facility of Jinxi Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.;锦化8万t/a离子膜烧碱装置整流系统谐波分析
3.The application of rectification and power supply system in aluminum reduction and its prospect;铝电解整流供电系统的应用和展望

1.AC self-rectifying wet-type valve交流自整流湿式整流
2.synchronous commutator type rectifier同步整流子式整流
3.rectifier output voltage regulator整流器输出电压调整器
4.commutating electromotive force(电机)整流电动势
5.commutator motor整流式[子]电动机
6.AC approximate rms value rectifier instrument交流近效值整流系仪表
7.AC rectifying type round instrument交流整流系圆形电表
8.rectifier fed electric drive整流器供电直流拖动
9.self-rectifying alternator自整流式交流发电机
10.AC rectifying type rectangular instrument交流整流式方形电表
11.AC average value rectifier instrument交流平均值整流系仪表
12.pool cathode rectifier汞弧阴极整流池阴极整流
13.The synchronized low-frequency rectifier is similar to a push-pull rectifier.同步低频整流器与推挽整流器相似。
14.A device, such as a diode, that converts alternating current to direct current.整流器;整流管一种将交流电流转化为直流电流的装置,如二极管
15.Research on Full-Bridge Current-Doubler Circuit Based on Synchronous Rectification;基于同步整流的全桥倍流整流电路的研究
16.To convert(alternating current)into direct current.把…整流将(交流电)转化为直流电
17."The AC output must therefore be rectified, or changed to dc."所以交流电必须整流为直流电。
18.Conversion of alternating to unidirectional current.整流交流电转变到单向电流

1.Realization For Voltage Space Vector Three-Phase Rectifier Based on IPM;基于IPM的三相电压空间矢量整流器研制
2.The Influence of Sudden Change in Magnetizing Current on the Load Current of Brushless Synchronous Generator Rectifier System;励磁突变对无刷励磁同步发电机整流系统负载电流的影响
3.5kW rectifier and monitor system of high frequency power supply;5kW高频通信电源整流及监控系统
1.Wiring method of rectifying station and harmonic wave abatement;整流站接线方式及谐波治理
2.Harmonic wave removing measures for rectifying unit;整流装置滤除谐波的措施
3.Application of silicon control stabilized equipment in rectifying system;可控硅稳流装置在整流系统中的应用
1.A direct control driven current-doubler synchronous rectifying (CDSR) zero-voltage switching (ZVS) three-level (TL) DC/DC converter is presented.提出了直接驱动倍流同步整流零电压开关(ZVS)三电平直流变换器,它利用滤波电感的能量可在宽负载范围内实现主开关的ZVS。
2.This thesis analyzes and sets up voltage and current mathematical relations on 12 functional modes of silicon rectifying generator,studies and lists modes transfer law,and develops simplified equivalent circuit of start battery during transient process of the system.分析和建立了硅整流发电机12种工作模式的电压和电流等数学关系,研究和列出了模式转换规律;推导出起动型铅酸蓄电池在系统瞬变状态时简化的等效电路;列出了电气系统的状态方程;举例进行了瞬态特性的计算,并进行试验验证,结果表明所提方法可行,从而为硅整流发电机电气系统的优化设计和正确使用提供了理论依据。
1.Inflow commutation and inclined tube,perforating sludge discharge pipe renovation were completed in sedimentation tank.通过穿孔旋流絮凝池水流分路改造和添加扰流板组,沉淀池进水整流及斜管、穿孔排泥管更新改造,产水量由2×104m3/d增加到3。
2.This paper discusses the problem of electric power quality in the high-power thyristor-commutation system of aluminumelectroanalysis and analyses the connection between the capacity s selection of reactive power compensation equipment and restraint ofharmonic current resonance.论述了铝电解大功率晶闸管整流系统电能质量问题,分析了该系统的无功补偿装置容量的选取与抑制谐波电流谐振的关系。
6)damping screen整流网,整流
