1.Improved rule-based backward fuzzy reasoning algorithm;改进的基于规则的逆向模糊推理算法
2.An Improved Rule-based Weighted Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithm;一种改进的基于规则的带权模糊推理算法
3.The Semantics of Object-oriented and Rule-based Programming Languange ROOP;基于规则和面向对象一体化语言ROOP的语义学

1.Rule matching mapping algorithm for firewall based on rule decomposion mapping一种基于规则分解映射的防火墙规则匹配算法
2.answer statement in rule-based system基于规则系统的回答语句
3.goal node in rule-based system基于规则系统中的目标节点
4.automatic programming by rule-based system基于规则系统的自动程序设计
5.control strategy for rule-based deduction system基于规则演绎系统的控制策略
6.goal in rule-based deduction system基于规则演绎系统中的目标
7.Research on Rule-Based and Ontology-Based Policy in Application Security;基于规则和本体的应用安全策略研究
8.Research on Checking of DLG Data Quality Based on Rules;基于规则的DLG数据质量检查方法研究
9.Preference Rule Based on Strong Pareto Regulation and The Corresponding Character;基于强Pareto原则的偏爱规则及其性质
10.a fundamental principle [rule]基本原则 [规则]
11.On China s Monetary Policy Rule--Comparative Analysis of McCallum Rule and Taylor Rule;中国货币政策规则分析——基于泰勒规则和麦克勒姆规则比较的视角
12.Research on Data Mining Based Decision Rules and Association Rules;基于关联规则和决策规则的数据挖掘研究
13.Research on Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based on Disjunction-free Sets;基于无或言规则集的关联规则挖掘算法研究
14.Methods for the Extension Rules of Ontology Based on Multidimensional Association Rules基于多维关联规则的本体规则扩展方法
15.Meta-association Rule Mining for Dynamic Association Rule Based on Time Series Model基于时间序列模型的动态关联规则元规则挖掘
16.Polygonal Shape Recognition Based on Obtuse Angle Evolution Rules基于钝角演化规则的多边形形状识别
17.The rules are based on knowledge about methods and the problem domain.这些规则基于方法和问题域的知识。
18.A k-Nearest Neighbor Classification Rule Based on the Transferable Belief Model基于可传递信度模型的k-NN分类规则

rule based基于规则
1.A rule based method used for Chinese syntactic function tagging is introduced.文章提出了一种基于规则的汉语句法分析方法 ,通过对已进行分词与词性标注的句子进行短语的人工标注形成精确度较高的语料 ,然后提取一些规则分析出短语的结构和功能类型 ,为自然语言的计算机处理提供基础研究服务。
3)rule-based reasoning基于规则
1.In this paper the identification and control of 58 kinds of paddy weeds in south China was studied with the rule-based reasoning (RBR) and the case-based reasoning (CBR) technology, and an expert system for identification and control of paddy weeds (ICPWES) was established.本研究以基于规则和基于案例的推理等人工智能技术为研究方法,以南方稻田杂草为主要研究对象,系统地研究了杂草的识别及化学防除等方面的内容,初步建立了包括具有杂草识别功能和化学防除处方功能的稻田杂草识别和防除对策专家系统。
4)Rule-based Planning基于规则的规划
5)rule-based reasoning基于规则的推理
1.This paper used rule-based reasoning to obtain roller type and introduced knowledge modeling technology detailedly based on Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation.运用基于规则的推理方法确定轧辊类型,根据面向对象的知识表示方法,阐述了轧辊的知识建模技术,有效地提高了轧辊设计的智能化程度,提高了设计的质量和效率,减少了设计对设计人员经验的依赖。
2.Most fault diagnosis expert system adopted single reasoning mechanism, or rule-based reasoning or case-based reasoning.多数故障诊断专家系统采用单一的推理机制,或者基于规则的推理,或者基于事例的推理。
3.This paper used rule-based reasoning to obtain roller type and introduced knowledge modeling technology detailedly based on Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation.运用基于规则的推理方法确定轧辊类型,根据面向对象的知识表示方法,阐述了轧辊的知识建模技术,有效地提高了轧辊设计的智能化程度,提高了设计的质量和效率,减少了设计对设计人员经验的依赖。
6)rule-based reasoning基于规则推理
1.Herein,a kind of integrated intelligent reasoning model was put forward on the foundation of studying thoroughly the case-based reasoning(CBR),the rule-based reasoning(RBR) and the bayes based reasoning(BBR) inference method,and was a.在深入研究了基于案例推理(CBR)、基于规则推理(RBR)、基于Bayes推理(BBR)方法的基础上提出并实现了一种集成这三种方法的智能推理模型,并把它应用到交通事故处理的推理中。
2.Firstly,the paper introduces briefly the advantages and shortcomings of the Case-Based Reasoning(CBR)and the Rule-Based Reasoning(RBR),moreover,builds the Fault Diagnosis System of Circuit to integrate CBR and RBR,finally,explains the system on basic structure and design stages.本文首先简要介绍了基于事例推理 (CBR)和基于规则推理 (RBR)的优缺点 ,其次建立了一个CBR和RBR相结合的电路故障诊断系统 ,最后说明了该系统的基本结构及设计过
3.In this paper,two artificial intelligence techniques,case-based reasoning(CBR) and rule-based reasoning(RBR),learning from other s strong points to offset its weakness,are combined and applied to the system designing process of emergency preparedness information system.将基于案例推理 (CBR)与基于规则推理 (RBR)两种人工智能技术相结合 ,引入到紧急预案信息系统的系统设计中 ,设计了系统的结构和工作流程并对系统实现的主要技术 :预案知识的表示、案例的存储结构、案例检索、案例适配与系统学习进行了探讨和构想 。
