1.Construction techniques for containment dome shuttering work of nuclear island of fast reactor;快堆核岛安全壳穹顶模板工程施工技术总结
2.The blasting construction on silo dome of left bank mixing system of Xiaowan power station;小湾电站左岸拌合系统料仓竖井穹顶爆破施工
3.Experimental study on the ultimate load-bearing capacity of a new dome formed by means of post-tensioning;后张拉整体成形穹顶的极限承载力试验研究

1.The half dome over an apse.穹内半圆顶教堂后部的半圆形穹顶
2.the dome of St Paul's cathedral圣保罗大教堂的穹顶.
3.A diagonal rib of a Gothic vault.哥特式穹顶的对角拱柱
4.A domed roof or ceiling.穹顶一种半球形的屋顶或天花板
5.The curved edge at the junction of two intersecting vaults.穹棱;穹棱肋在两交叉的穹顶相接处的呈曲线状的边缘
6.The Geiger suspend-dome and Kiewitt one were compared, and the latter is better.并与肋环型穹顶方案进行了比较,肯定了凯恩特型穹顶结构的优势。
7.Stability Analysis of Kiewitt Suspendome and Static Tests Researches of Suspendome;凯威特弦支穹顶结构的稳定性分析及弦支穹顶的静力试验研究
8.The Sensitive Analysis and Structure Improvement of Levy Dome;Levy型索穹顶的敏感性分析及结构改进
9.Static Behavior Analysis of Levy System Cable Dome;Levy体系索穹顶的静力性能分析
10.Theoretical and Experimental Study on Construction Process of Cable Dome;索穹顶结构施工成形理论及试验研究
11.Theoretical and Experimental Research of Suspen-Dome Structures;弦支穹顶结构的理论分析与试验研究
12.Structure Analysis Study on Aluminum Alloy Dome of Chong Qing Kong Gang Stadium重庆空港体育馆铝合金穹顶结构分析
13.Prestress Loss Induced by Friction in Suspendome Construction弦支穹顶结构预应力张拉的摩擦损失
14.Welding technology conclusion of 3R55 dome pipes in Ling'ao 2 period nuclear power plant岭澳二期核电站3R55穹顶管道焊接技术
16.Controlling and prevention of cracks on dome of LNG tankLNG储罐穹顶裂缝控制及防治措施
17.Influence of Rise-to-Span Ratio on Global Stability of Suspen-Dome Structures矢跨比对弦支穹顶整体稳定性的影响
18.The dome's base is ringed by windows, so that from within the structure, the dome seems almost to hover ethereally above the building.穹顶底部的四周全是窗户。从教堂内向外望去,穹顶似乎虚无缥缈于建筑物的上空。

cable dome索穹顶
1.Static analysis of inclined-strut system cable dome;倾斜撑杆式索穹顶结构静力性能分析
2.Normal distribution manufacture errors and its effects on the intial pre-stress of the cable dome;正态分布钢索误差对索穹顶体系初始预应力的影响
3.Advances in research on cable domes;索穹顶结构体系若干问题研究新进展
1.Research development of suspended-dome system;弦支穹顶结构体系的研究进展
2.The static behavior analysis of Kiewitt suspended-dome structure凯威特型弦支穹顶结构的静力特性分析
3.Large-span suspended-dome was adopted in Ji nan Olympic Center Gymnasium.济南奥体中心体育馆采用大跨度弦支穹顶结构。
4)Levy cable domeLevy索穹顶
1.Health monitoring of the prestressing suspend-dome of the badminton gymnasium for 2008 Olympic Games;2008奥运会羽毛球馆新型预应力弦支穹顶结构全寿命健康监控研究
2.Study on the influence of construction deviation random distribution on the integral stability of suspend-dome;施工偏差随机分布对弦支穹顶结构整体稳定性影响的研究
3.Dynamic performance experiment and theoretical analysis on the suspend-dome structure model of the badminton gymnasium for 2008 Olympic Games;2008奥运会羽毛球馆弦支穹顶结构模型动力特性试验及理论分析
6)dome installation穹顶安装

春讯——佛罗伦萨主教堂的穹顶春讯——佛罗伦萨主教堂的穹顶 佛罗伦萨主教堂的穹顶   标志着意大利文艺复兴建筑史开始的,是佛罗伦萨主教堂的穹顶,主教堂是13世纪末行会从贵族手中夺取了政权后,作为共和政体的纪念碑而建造的。八边形的歌坛,对边宽度是42.2米,预计要用穹顶覆盖。这在当时,技术上十分困难,不仅跨度大,而且墙高超过了五十米,连脚手架的模架都是很艰巨的工程。   其设计师,佰鲁乃列斯基,出身于行会工匠,精通机械、铸工是杰出的雕刻家和工艺家,在透视学和数学方面都有过建树,是文艺复兴时代所特有的那种多才多艺的巨人。   为了突出穹顶,砌了12米高的一段鼓座,连同采光亭在内,总高107米,成了整个城市轮廓线的中心,即便在今天,这个高度也是一幢超高层的建筑,足以成为一个城市的标志性建筑物。在当时,这是建筑历史上的一次大幅度的进步,标志着文艺复兴时期创造者的英风豪气。   佛罗伦萨主教堂的穹顶被公正地认为是意大利文艺复兴建筑的第一个作品,新时代的第一朵报春花。