1.System design for measuring the ground surface roughness on engineering;工程地表面不平度测量系统设计
2.Fractal Behavior of Tillage Soil Surface Roughness;耕作土壤地表不平度的分形特性
3.Analysis of Tillage Soil Surface Roughness;耕作土壤表面不平度分析

1.Modulating pulse top unevenness调制脉冲顶部不平度
2.Study on Simulation Method of Road Roughness by International Roughness Index由国际平整度指数模拟路面不平度方法研究
3.Study of Road Roughness Based on Farctal Theory;基于分形理论的路面不平度特性研究
4.Improvement on the Unevenness of Flatness of Die Steel in Blooming Mill Based on Fuzzy Neural Network;模具扁钢板形不平度质量改进的研究
5.1 Rosseland mean opacity罗斯兰平均不透明度
6.It is charming and scary in about equal measure.其精彩度和惊险度差不多是平分秋色。
7.The Inequalization Principle of the Intensity of Emotions and Depth of Emotions;论情感强度与情感深度的不平均原则
8.irenic without being namby-pamby; an irenic attitude toward former antagonists.毫不做作的和平主义;对前对手的和平的态度。
9.Measurement on China's Regional Disequilibrium of Urbanization Level我国区域间城市化水平不平衡的测度研究
10.Image enhancement based on the stationary wavelet translation whit rotation,shift and scale invariance基于旋转、平移和尺度不变的平稳小波图像增强
11.The temperature soon returned to the seasonal average.温度不久恢复季节的平均温。
12.How is it possible to maintain such staggering levels of inequality?阶级又如何维持惊人的不平等程度呢?
13.There were charges of unfairness.许多人控诉制度的不公平,
14.The interlink assurance system in ancient societies was very unfair to the common people.古代的连环保制度对百姓很不公平。
15.I am talking about production and living standards, not political systems.不是说制度,是说生产、生活水平。
16.accept unfair treatment in supine submission以消极的态度接受不公平的待遇.
17.peaceful coexistence of States with different social systems不同社会制度国家之间和平共处
18.Relative deprivation is attributed to inequalities in the social system.相对剥夺来自社会制度的不平等。

1.Colorization Based on Unevenness in Chrominance Blending;基于不平度颜色混合的图像彩色化方法
2.Fast colorization based on unevenness;基于不平度的快速图像彩色化方法
3)unbalance degree不平衡度
1.Theoretical line loss calculation with three-phase unbalance degree for low-voltage distribution network;引入三相不平衡度的低压电网理论线损计算
2.Major concern falls on analysis and calculation of the effect of single phase heavy load upon unbalance degree of three phase supply voltage.介绍了互馈式交流传动试验系统主电路方案和主要设备的负荷,着重分析计算了单相大负荷对三相电网电压不平衡度的影响,论证了试验系统实现大负荷的可行性。
3.As an example,several kinds of phasing arrangements and transposing modes for Jinchang-Jiuquan transmission line are considered,the unbalance degrees of line parameters and bus voltages for 750 kV compact double-circuit overhead transmission lines(CDCOTL)with line tower of T type are analyzed.以金昌—酒泉线路(简称金酒线)为例,考虑了多种相序排列或换位方式,对采用T形直线塔的750kV同塔双回紧凑型线路的线路参数、母线电压的不平衡度进行了分析。
4)unbalanced degree不平衡度
1.Then the relational formula of circuit-loss increment rate and unbalanced degrees of phases is deduced.通过分析三相不平衡线路的线损,用全电流经坐标转换的方法研究了角度不对称时的三相不平衡对线损的影响,推导出了线损增加率与相不平衡度的关系公式,并给出了配网中常见几种负荷不对称时的线损分析结果。
2.The unbalanced degree of current in primary winding under different load conditions is discussed.三相电压到二相电压间的对称变换可有效减弱负序对电力系统的影响,为此,给出了适用于任意接线牵引变压器的通用负序电流表达式,分析了阻抗匹配平衡变压器的负序特性,讨论了其不同负荷条件下一次侧电流不平衡度,并结合某牵引变电所的一组实测数据将其与YN d11接线牵引变压器进行分析比较,结果表明,阻抗匹配平衡变压器能有效减弱负序电流。
3.The unbalanced degree is one of the most important indexes to evaluate the performance of the transmission lines.不平衡度是衡量输电线路性能优劣的一个重要指标。
1.Analysis of effect of shaft imbalance on bearing vibration;轴的不平衡度对轴承振动的影响
2.The electric imbalance of 1-tower double-circuit transmission line depends on both conductor spatial arrangement and phase sequence.同塔双回线路电气不平衡度不仅与导线空间布置有关,还跟相序排列方式有关。
1.Determination of Uneveness Controll Standard for Discharge Surface;过流壁面不平整度控制标准的拟定

不平度不平度waviness buPingdu不平度(waviness)扁平轧件(如板带材)波浪形弯曲的波浪高度与长度之比,旧称波浪度。宽板材的波浪(见板形缺陷)有时出现在宽度中央、有时出现在两侧边、有时出现在一侧边,分别叫中浪、双边浪、单边浪;还有时出现在板宽的1/4处,叫1/4浪。板带越薄、越宽和材料强度越高,波浪越严重。有的产品标准规定,冷札钢板和钢带的不平度按表面质量、宽度和厚度划分档次。强度级别高的钢板不平度的上限允许略有增加。热轧钢板和钢带的不平度按厚度分档,强度级别高的钢板及调质钢板,不平度值允许略有增加。 造成不平度的原因是:压下蚤过小,辊型凸度过大或轧辊热膨胀,易产生中间浪,压下量过大,轧辊弯曲,辊型凸度过小,轧辊过冷或轧辊磨损易出现边浪,轧件两侧压下不相等或两侧冷却不均,则出现一侧浪。另外板面润滑不均,轧制时张力过小,轧件也会出现浪形。防止和消除波浪的方法是采用板形控制、弯辍技术、移辐技术、分段冷却,通过平整机平整,辐式矫直或张力矫直等。 (崔峰)