1.This paper is a rough study of the similarities of and differences between these two great works of the world.由于乔叟的代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》和薄伽丘的《十日谈》同时存在共同点与不同点而经常被提及与比较。
2.There are a lot of similarities and some differences between DENG Xiao-ping s thoughts on building a clean and honest government and that of MAO Ze-dong,the main causes of which are as follows:(1)They had the same political belife and pursuit;(2)As the core of the central collective leadership of two generations respectively,they were confronted with different tasks and environments.邓小平与毛泽东的廉政建设思想既有诸多共同点,又有一些不同点
3.The main differences of trends of divorce between 1920s and 1980s lie in:the actors of divorce,the subjects of divorce,popularities of divorce class,the places of divorce,etc.20世纪20年代和80年代的离婚潮之不同点主要体现在离婚的主动者、离婚主体、阶层的广泛性、离婚的发生地等方面,除此之外,它们在反封建性、受西方文明和文化观念的冲击、政府颁布的法律影响、推动社会进步和妇女解放等方面又有许多相似之处。

1.A point or respect in which things differ.不同点或不同的方面
2.examining resemblances or differences.检查相似点或不同点
3.a compelling reason, argument, etc不得不同意的理由、 论点.
4.A conflict or difference of opinion.意见不一,观点不同
5.Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement.点点头表示同意,而摇头表示不同意。
6.not at all sympathetic to her proposal.一点也不赞同她的建议
7.I can not go along with your view .我不能赞同你的观点。
8.mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained.用不同的颜色增加斑点。
9.Those two ideas are distinct from each other.这两种观点迥然不同。
10.It's only a question of different emphasis.只是教学重点不同罢了。
11.I don't subscribe to such views.我不同意这样的观点。
12.I don't entirely agree with you.我不完全同意你的观点。
13.She did not feel at all sorry for the giant's wife.她一点也不同情妖婆。
14.Kennedy took another view.肯尼迪却持有不同观点。
15.Our views are different from them.我们的观点和他们不同。
16.depend greatly on our own point of view.只是各人观点不同而已
17.have differing tastes, views, etc有不同的爱好、 观点等
18.and open minds to different ideas.善于接受不同的观点。

1.Based on this case,the differences in purchasing between foreign partner and Chinese enterprises were analyzed.介绍了中外合资大型石化企业工程物资采购的案例,并以此为基础对中外双方在此种采购方面的不同点和差距进行分析。
2.Desdemona and Emilia have both similarities and differences.苔丝德梦娜和爱米莉亚既有相同点又有不同点
3)Different points不同点
1.This paper has made the ensued concise analysis and summarization of the common points and different points between penal procedure law,civil procedure law and administrative procedure law.本文通过对三大诉讼法的学习、研究,对三者的共同点和不同点作了简析和概括。
4)sampling site不同采点
1.Analyses on the effect of different sampling sites and different detrending methods on correlation between tree-ring width chronologies in different frequency domains.针对新疆天山西部伊犁、博州三大山体北坡云杉上树线树木年轮资料,采用区域曲线、负指数曲线、样条函数三种不同生长去趋势方法,研制树轮宽度年表,分析不同采点和树轮去趋势方法对树轮宽度年表在不同频域的相关性及气候信号的影响发现:①采点间的距离和是否位于同一气候区是影响云杉上树线树轮宽度年表间相关性的首要因子。
5)different ideas不同观点
1.This paper puts forward in a scientific manner a new, three-dimensional concept of land and gives an initial discussion of land features following a brief analysis and description of different ideas of land.本文在简要分析论述土地概念不同观点的基础上 ,科学地给出了一个全新的、立体式的土地概念 ,并对土地的特征进行了初步的论述。
6)global cerebral cortical neurons不同时点
1.Effects of Buyang Huanwu Tang on Ca~(2+) Message of Global Cerebral Cortical Neurons of Rats with Ischemia and Reperfusion at Different Time Points;补阳还五汤对全脑缺血模型大鼠再灌不同时点皮层神经元钙信号的影响
