1.Finally,the problem is located in the abnormal resistance of the relay that connects the device under test to the tester.介绍了对于测试系统接触测试项目出现异常所做的分析,最终定位问题出现在测试系统继电器的电阻值的异常,经过分析和试验,其异常的原因归结为测试系统针对特定结构的被测产品因为考虑不周而使悬空的测试线路带有超过允许范围的电荷,导致在之后的继电器开关过程中对触点造成伤害。
2.The resistance between certain nodes of the earth network is fixed.当环境变化时,例如某两个节点间发生了腐蚀,导体截面变小,甚至出现断点,节点间的电阻值就会发生变化。
3.The influences of ratio of conductive filler with matrix resins on the stability of the electric heater s value of resistance were discussed,and the results showed that the stability of the electric heater s storage and electricity can be improved enormously by appropriate adjusting the ratio of conductive filler with matrix resins.对水性树脂聚乙烯醇(PVA)/聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAc)基水性导电油墨进行了研究,重点探讨了基体树脂与导电填料的配比对电热膜电阻值稳定性的影响。

1.Ce sont des résistances dont la valeur change fortement en fonction de la température.热敏电阻的电阻值随温度升降的变化很大。
2.Discussion on Grounded Resistance of Client End in 20 kV Substation客户端20kV变电所接地电阻值的探讨
3.electrical resistivity电抗值,电阻(率)
4.rating of locomotive resistor机车电阻器的额定值
5.What is the temperature when the resistance of the thermistor is 15.2 ohms?当热敏电阻的阻值为15.2Ω时,温度是多少?
6.The Method for Computing the Pull-up Resistor for OC and OD Gate Circuit;OC和OD门上拉电阻阻值的计算技巧
7.And its reliability is based on accurate measuring of the specimen low electrical resistance.电阻法的可靠性在于试样低值电阻的精确测量
8.Study on the Numerical Simulation for Resistance Spot Welding with Rectangular Tip Electrode;矩形端面电极电阻点焊数值模拟研究
9.resistance ratio(of resistance thermometer sensor)(热电阻的)电阻比
10.The value of the bias resistors is dependent on termination and number of nodes in the system.偏置电阻的值取决于终端电阻的大小及系统的节点数。
11.Study of the lead impedance and the threshold in long-term performance and comparing the a high-impedance tined endocardial pacemaker lead电极阻抗与起搏阈值的长期临床研究及高阻抗电极的相关比较
12.An insulating resistance can be calculated by measuring the Voltae decrease rate when a charged capacitor is discharged through the resistor and the voltage of capacitor is reduced from one value to another.充电电容对高值电阻放电,只要测量电容电压衰减的时间就可以算出电阻大小。
13.Numerical Simulation of the Contact Resistance in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell;质子交换膜燃料电池接触电阻的数值模拟分析
14.Low-Threshold Varistors Based on Oxide Thin Films;基于氧化物薄膜的低阈值电压压敏电阻
15.Numerical Simulation of Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Controlled by Dielectric Barrier between Two Concentric Electrodes;同轴电极介质阻挡大气压辉光放电数值模拟
16.Evaluation of Allowable Value of Power-frequency Grounding Resistance of Substation Grid变电站地网工频接地电阻安全允许值评估
17.The Meaning and Calibration Methods with High-value Standard Resistor Voltage Coefficient高值标准电阻器电压系数的意义及其校准方法
18.Numerical simulation of the temperature field during resistance spot welding with rectangular electrode矩形端面电极电阻点焊温度场数值模拟

electrical resistance电阻值
1.The electrical resistance of vaginal secretes increased rapidly on approaching the peak of estrus in Arctic fox based on the observations 36 animals.为正确判断北极狐适宜的人工输精时间提供依据 ,测定了 36只北极狐发情期阴道分泌物电阻值(Ω)。
2.Introduce the study for electro-ejaculation with Arctic Fox; use the changes of electrical resistance in vaginal secretes of Arctic fox to selection the best minute of insemination; using the intro-womb manmade insemination to eight femina fox for insemination artificialis, the rate of the fertilization is 50%.报道了对北极狐用电刺激采精法采取精液 ;用粘液电测法 (用测情仪测定雌狐发情期阴道分泌物的电阻值 )确定最适输精时间 ;采用子宫内输精法对 8只雌狐实施人工授精、受胎率 5 0 %的初步试验结果及具体操作技术 。
3.The failure process of soldered joint in SMT was investigated by electrical resistance measurement method and crack observation method.通过研究焊点在热疲劳过程中的电阻值变化和热疲劳裂纹的扩展过程,来比较传统锡铅钎料焊点和无铅钎料SAC305焊点的热疲劳破坏规律。
3)resistance value电阻值
1.In connection with process of measuring resistance value by volt ampere,it analyzes and discusses the methods of parallel connected resistance and series connected resistance.就伏安法测量电阻值的过程 ,从并联电阻法和串联电阻法两方面进行了具体的分析探讨 ,指出利用该方法测量其电阻值 ,理论上可以完全消除仪表内阻对测量结果的影
2.In order to offer reference for control of plaster disease and further research, relationship between resistance value in Castanea mollissima bark and plaster disease were studied,at Hepeng chestnut producing area of Anhui Province.为给板栗膏药病的防治和进一步研究提供参考,对安徽省舒城县河棚板栗产区板栗膏药病与树皮电阻值的相关性进行了研究,结果表明:树皮电阻值与病情呈显著的正相关,即感病程度越重树皮电阻值越大,感病越轻电阻值越小;同一植株上同一病斑的不同位置,树皮电阻值差异极显著,即病斑中央树皮电阻值最大,高于病斑上方、病斑下方、病斑侧面和健康处。
4)Electric resistance电阻值
1.The electric resistance was measured in the top, scaffold limbs, and basal trunk respectively, and their difference i.利用万用电表对板栗枝干病害的病情程度与树皮电阻值的关系进行了研究。
6)value of resistance电阻原值

厂用电受电厂用电受电energizing of auxiliary power system chongyongd一on sho一Jd一on厂用电受电(energizing of auxiliary powersystem)机组附属设备安装完毕后需通电试运行,所需厂用电源由外部供给,因此厂用电受电是调试工作开始的标志。 受电步骤新建电厂先由电力系统向变电站供电,再依次对高压起动/备用变压器、3~10kv厂用配电装置、厂用工作变压器及380V配电装置供电。扩建电厂因高压起动/备用变压器已经投人运行,故可利用它的电源对扩建的厂用配电装置等供电。 调试项目主要有:①用额定电压依次对空载线路、变电站母线、隔离开关、断瘩器、互感器、变压器及厂用配电装置等进行冲击合闸试验。有条件时.冲击合闸前应先进行递升加压试验。升压过程中注意检查各设备有无放电声及短路现象,发现问题及时处理后再进行升压。②检查三相电压应平衡,相序应正确,各段母线的相位彼此应一致。对配电装置供电时,有时会由于母线电容和与母线连接的电磁式电压互感器的电感相互作用而出现铁磁谐振,此时相电压升高,中性点明显位移。为消除谐振可在电压互感器的剩余电压绕组处并联电阻以去振。