1.The concept of involvement receives widespread attention in domains of marketing, particularly in those of advertising.卷入(involvement)概念在市场研究中得到了极为广泛的关注,特别是在广告心理领域更是备受重视。
2.This experiment used Process Dissociation Procedure to test the mode of information processing of advertising under different involvement level and cognitive status of consumers, from the perspective of automatic and controlled processing.本研究从信息的控制性加工和自动化加工这个视角,通过加工分离程序检验了不同卷入水平和认知完善状态下,消费者对广告信息的加工模式。
3.How the levels of involvement,and the prices of products affect the promotion,or which is the best way of advertising are the problems my study will deal with.广告充斥着当今社会生活的每一个角落,用什么样的广告诉求方式进行广告宣传最有效,受众不同的卷入程度对广告的效果有什么影响一直是广告界以及心理学界研究的热点问题,同时产品的价格因素也是影响广告效果的重要因素之一,因此本研究将探索不同卷入程度(高卷入、低卷入)、不同价格(高价、低价)、不同广告诉求方式(理性诉求方式、情感式诉求方式、理性情感混合型诉求方式)三因素对广告效果的影响,以期能发现影响广告效果的因素。

1.To involve in or as if in a tangle.使卷入或如同卷入混乱之中
2.He was drawn into the vortex of politics.他被卷入政治的漩涡中。
3.The current sucked them under the water.急流把他们卷入水中。
4.He was caught in the whirlpool of war.他被卷入了战争的旋涡。
5.He got entangled in the scandal.他被卷入了这件丑闻中。
6.It`s difficult to deal with involvement in trouble.卷入纠纷,很难处理。
7.That' s no concern of mine. I' m not involved.那与我无关,我未卷入
8.be stampeded into a wave of panic buying被卷入一阵抢购风潮
9.She shied from new involvement in the deal.她不想再卷入那笔交易。
10.Neutral countries refused to be drawn into the cold war中立国拒绝卷入冷战。
11.embroiled in the conflict; felt unwilling entangled in their affairs.卷入冲突之中;极不情愿地卷入他们的纠纷之中。
12.I put a new reel of film in my camera.我一卷新胶卷装入照相机。
13.Unable to get the required access for the original volume. Please enter an alternate destination volume.无法访问原始卷。请输入替换目标卷。
14.There is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.一本好书开卷引人入胜,掩卷使人获益.
15.That is a good book which is opened with expectation and closed with profit.好书开卷引人入胜,终卷使人获益。
16.computer input from microfilm计算机微缩胶卷输入
17.Roll it up and stick it inside that soda bottle.将它卷起,放入瓶中。
18.Two Tickets for a Bullfight两张看斗牛的入场卷

1.in hemming stage) on flange angle after springback , punch loads ,creep or maximum effective strain etc, providing references for father study on techniques optimization for hemming process.本文利用DEFORM-2D软件,对深冲用钢板(AKDQ板料)的翻边和平面直边包边工艺进行了有限元模拟,分析了翻边成形过程中翻边凹模圆角、翻边冲头圆角、凹模与冲头间隙等工艺参数对翻边成形载荷等的影响,以及包边过程中,翻边凹模圆角、预包边进给量、预包边进给路径等工艺参数对预包边回弹后的翻边角度、预包边冲头载荷以及包边卷入等的影响,总结出的部分成形规律与相关文献试验总结的规律相符,同时又有新的发现,为包边工艺优化提供了基础。
3)The act of involving.卷入卷入的动作
4)involvement of roles角色卷入
1.The paper puts forward a new optimized pile-selected coil-location model which can raise the efficiency of coil-location.该模型综合考虑了订货合同、钢种、宽度及厚度等约束条件,为钢卷入库选择合理垛位提供了一种行之有效的解决方法。
6)job involvement工作卷入
1.Research on the Relationship between Organization Career Management and Job Involvement;组织职业生涯管理与工作卷入关系的研究
2.In this paper,we attempted to explore the relationships among knowledge sharing,affective commitment,perceived task interdependence and job involvement in accounting firms from the antecedents and outcomes of commitment based empirical data.本文试图通过对中国会计师事务所的问卷调查,探索在中国的文化背景下,审计人员情感忠诚与工作卷入、感知任务依赖的关系及其对知识共享的影响。

卷入卷入involvement  卷入(involvement)产品对消费者的相关水平或重要程度。相关性或重要性大的购买是高卷入购买,相反为低卷入购买。 (张玉峰撰马谋超审)