1.Characteristic of visible light spectrum was studied on titanium in ferroalloy by digital analysis system with grating spectroscope and prism spectroscope.使用看谱镜计算机自动分析系统研究了铁基合金中钛元素看谱分析用可见光谱,模拟了Fe和Ti元素的可见光谱图,制作了数字化彩色图谱。
2.Characteristic of visible light spectrum was studied on nickel in ferroalloy with grating spectro- scope and prism spectroscope.使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜研究了铁基合金中Ni元素看谱分析用可见光谱,计算机模拟了Fe和Ni元素的可见光谱图,摄制了数字化彩色图谱。
3.The digital visible spectrum of alloy was studied with grating spectroscope and prism spectroscope based on the computer system.使用北京锐谱公司研制的计算机分析系统,研究了可见光谱的数字化接收和处理技术,在看谱镜上进行了实用操作。

1.The grating spectrograph and prism spectrograph were used to observe and analyze the visible spectra of Cu-based alloys.使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜对铜合金可见光谱进行了看谱分析研究,摄制了彩色图谱。
2.fluorite vacuum spectrograph荧石棱镜真空摄谱仪
3.infrared prism interferometer-spectrometer红外棱镜干涉光谱仪
4.the use of spectroscopes to analyze spectra.利用分光镜分析光谱。
5.She looked at herself critically in the mirror.她对着镜子看来看去。
6.Method of Taking a Clear Spectrum and Measuring the Wavelength of Light with Prism Spectrometer;用棱镜摄谱仪拍摄清晰光谱测光谱波长的方法
7.Did you learn to play the guitar by ear or by reading music?你学弹吉他时看乐谱还是不看乐谱?
8.The fracture of a steel rail was analyzed by means of metallographic microscope, SEM and EDS.用金相显微镜、描电镜、谱仪分析了钢轨断裂原因。
9.Optical Design of Prism-Grating-Prism Imaging Spectrometers棱镜-光栅-棱镜光谱成像系统的光学设计
10.then she put them up and looked out under them.然后她又抬高眼镜从镜片下面看。
11.A Probe into the Development of "Mirror" Literature Image through the Story of Ancient Mirror从《古镜记》看镜子文学意象的流变
12.Investigating the Flowers in a Mirror--A Thorough Analysis of the Predestined Relationship of the Flowers in a Mirror;镜中看花——《镜花缘》思想艺术摭拾
13.Don't look others through colours不要戴有色眼镜看人。
14.She swivelled the telescope .她用望远镜向四周看.
15.telescopic(al) stars用望远镜才能看到的星
16.He put on his spectacles and started to read.他戴上眼镜,开始看书。
17.She can' t see to read without her glasses.她不戴眼镜就看不见字.
18.See distant thing, with a telescope看见远处东西,用望远镜

4)spectroscopic analysis看谱
1.Investigation on spectroscopic analysis of alloy visible spectrum;合金可见光谱看谱分析方法研究
2.Characteristic of visible spectrum was studied on niobium by contrast spectroscopic analysis.使用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜对合金中铌元素可见光谱进行看谱分析研究,摄制了彩色图谱。
3.The examinatoin method for manganese,chromium and zirconium in Ti-base alloy by spectroscopic analysis are investigated.用光栅看谱镜和棱镜看谱镜分析钛合金及成分元素锰、铬、锆的特征谱线,研究钛合金中锰、铬、锆元素的定性分析、半定量分析方法。
5)spectroscopic analysis看谱分析
1.Investigation on Determination of Manganese,Molybdenum in Iron Based Alloy by Spectroscopic Analysis;看谱分析技术在铁基材料锰、钼等元素测定中的应用研究
2.The apply investigation carried on alloy examination by contrast spectroscopic analysis on molyb- denum.时钼元素看谱分析方法进行了合金牌号鉴别应用研究,讨论了牌号鉴别用谱线的选取,制定了相应的测定强度标准。
3.Characteristic of visible light spectrum was studied on aluminium in Ti-based alloy by contrastive spectroscopic analysis with grating spectroscope and prism spectroscope.研究了钛合金中铝元素的看谱分析方法。
6)Light Spectrometer看谱仪
1.High Carbon Chromium Bearing Steel Quantitative Analysis Method by WX-5 Troe Light Spectrometer;用WX-5型看谱仪进行高碳铬轴承钢定量分析的方法
