1.Application of single-gauge alignment in wax oil catalytic unit;单表对中法在蜡油催化装置机组中的应用
2.Chemical cleaning of Ninghai Power Plant 4×600MW unit at capital construction period and water-vapor surveillance of its;宁海发电厂4×600MW机组基建清洗与热力系统水汽监督
3.Operation and analysis of turbine forced cooling for 300 MW units in Mawan Power Station;妈湾发电厂300 MW机组强制冷却的操作过程及分析

1.Central-station air handling unitsGB/T14294-1993组合式空调机组
2.Gen-set can use for marine main gen-set or marine emergency gen-set.机组可用于船用主发电机组或应急发电机组
3.Stochastic Unit Commitment Method with Flexible Generating Units考虑灵活运行机组的随机机组组合模型
4.generating set, steam turbine, direct current蒸汽轮机直流发电机组
5.generating set, driven by petrol engines石油机驱动发电机组
6.generating set, steam turbine, alternating current蒸汽轮机交流发电机组
7.gas turbine alternator燃气轮机交流发电机组
8.generating set, gas turbine, direct current燃气轮机直流发电机组
9.leonard control发电机电动机组控制
10.diesel-electric emergency set备用柴油机发电机组
11.diesel dynamo aggregate柴油机直流发电机组
12.generating set, hydraulic turbine, direct current水轮机直浪发电机组
13.generating set, hydraulic turbine, alternating current水轮机交流发电机组
14.exciter set driving motor励磁机组驱动电动机
15.straightaway stands串列式盘条轧机机组
16.multi-unit newspaper rotary press多机组新闻轮转印刷机
17.Development of Compact Simulator of 200MW Fossil Power Plants;200MW机组全CRT仿真机开发
18.compressive shrinkage range机械预缩机组,机械防缩联合机

1.Dual pull-out capacity-increase transformation of early 50MW turbine units;早期50MW汽轮发电机组双抽增容改造
2.By analyzing the electrical single line of Shenzhen Qianwan LNG Power Plant,some reference is provided for future electrical design of 350MW combined cycle gas-steam turbine units.通过对深圳前湾燃机电厂电气主接线的分析,为今后350MW级燃气蒸汽联合循环机组电气设计提供借鉴。
3.Various residential central air conditioning system are introduced and according to issues encountered in design and application process author points out that the residential central air conditioning units should be developed and intensified which has good application prospect.介绍了各种类型的户式中央空调系统 ,分析并探讨了户式空调设计和运用中的一些问题 ,提出应加强与重视发展户式中央空调机组 ,指出其应用前景广
3)generating unit机组
1.The black-startup test on No.3 generating unit of Xiaolangdi Hydropower Plant;小浪底水电厂3号机组黑启动试验
2.Summary on the start-up debugging and trial operation of the first generating units of Three Gorges Hydropower Plant;三峡电站首批机组的起动调试及试运行
3.Eliminating the abnormal pulsant pressure at the outlet of draft pipe of an 100 MW generating unit;100MW机组尾水管压力异常脉动消除
4)generating set机组
1.The designed functional properties and practical behavior of the automatic start and stopping system (APS), for whole generating sets, as applied in Baosteel Power Plant s 350 MW unit, are presented.介绍了机组自启停(APS)系统在宝钢电厂3 5 0MW机组上的功能设计及应用情况。
2.In my view of state overhaul of hydroelectric generating set it is explained that the state ovrehaul is the development direction of overhaul of hydroelectric generating set.对水电机组开展状态检修是水电机组检修的发展方向 ,以目前的技术水平 ,水电厂建立一个机组状态检修的在线监测系统是可能的 ,但要实现真正意义上的状态检修 ,还需要科研、设计、运行管理等部门做大量的工
3.The Heater is important assistance in fossil-fuel power plants,The influence of several heater operation state on generating set heat economing have been quantitatively analyzed,The reference basis for economic operation of the power plant s thermodynamic systems have been provided.加热器是火电厂热力系统中的重要辅助设备,其运行状态对机组的热经济性影响很大;针对加热器的几种运行状态对机组热经济性的影响进行了定量分析,为电厂热力系统经济运行提供参考依据。
1.A heat treatment set with screw pusher for draw bar of oil;抽油杆螺旋推进式热处理机组
2.The on-line monitor and diagnosis system of sintering exhaustor set is generally planned and designed and its composition and working principle are described.对烧结抽风机机组运行状态在线监测诊断系统进行了总体规划和设计,对系统构成和工作原理进行了描述,并结合1#风机机组应用情况论述了该系统的特点及作用。
6)power unit机组
1.The feed-water treatment of oxygen addition is an oxidized operational way,which has the superiority of the power unit in the energy saving.给水加氧处理是一种氧化性运行方式,在机组节能降耗方面具有很大的优越性,针对该运行方式的特点和当前能源行业的发展趋势,结合某600 MW超临界机组的给水加氧处理的特点,并从改造所产生的节能效益和经济效益的两个方面进行了分析总结,为给水加氧处理技术的推广应用提供有益的借鉴。
2.Detailed reasons of the pump vibration & amplitude have been analyzed in the paper in the pumps in 5# & 6# power units,Phase Ⅲ 2 X 660 MW Pucheng Power Plant,Shaanxi Prov.针对陕西华电蒲城电厂三期2×660 MW超临界5号、6号机组的给水泵,在调试过程中产生振动振幅超标的问题,具体分析了给水泵产生振动的原因。
3.The feature of air-cooled power unit is large in vacuum system.空冷发电机组的特点是真空系统庞大,当蒸汽凝结时,散热引起压降损失会产生过冷,通过分析空冷机组汽轮机凝结水含氧量超过规定值的现状,因热力系统内存在漏点,所以,外界空气的漏入和凝结水过冷是凝结水溶解氧超标的主要原因,凝结水溶解氧超标,影响了机组运行的经济性和安全性,针对这种机组普遍存在的溶解氧超标现象,提出了具体对策,供运行和有关技术人员参考。

1100mm×12.7mm大型冷弯型钢机组(汉口轧钢厂)1100mm×12.7mm大型冷弯型钢机组(汉口轧钢厂) 一睽 1100mmx12.7mm大型冷弯型钢机组(汉口轧钢厂)