1.To introduce the constant tension control principle of spool take-up in welding wire Cu-plating production line.介绍焊丝镀铜生产线工字轮收线机的恒张力控制原理,推导出收线电机的力矩随着卷径的增加同比例增加的规律。
2.To introduce the principle,structure characteristic,advantages and disadvantages of several kinds of heavy coil take-up.介绍几种大盘重收线机的工作原理、结构特点及其优缺点。
3.The practical examples of changing transmission ratio of take up transmission system to satisfy common take up of spool take-up are given.根据力矩电机的堵转特性,讨论工字轮收线机使用力矩电机的最佳方法,推导出了力矩电机收线传动系统传动比应满足的普遍关系式,给出了更改收线传动系统传动比以满足工字轮收线机正常收线的实例。
2)Take-up machine收线机
1.To introduce the component of barreled take-up machine for welding wire.介绍桶装焊丝收线机的组成,详细论述牵引送丝、旋转吐丝、纸桶回转、纸桶振动升降4部分的结构和原理。
3)take up收线机
1.To analyze the problems to be solved in transforming take up from horizontal into vertical Some successful experiences meeting the demands of heavy coil thick steel wire production in transformation are introduce分析将卧式收线机改造成倒立式需要解决的问题,介绍倒立式改造设计制作的成功经验,可满足大盘重、粗规格钢丝生产需要。
2.To introduce some experiences and methods for 1/1000 vertical take up applied to automatic take off of 1/850 single wire drawing machine The difficult problem of take off for heavy coil extra thick wire drawn by 1/850 single wire drawing machine is solve介绍1/1000 倒立式收线机应用于1/850 单拉机自动下线的经验和方法,解决了1/850 单拉机大规格大盘重拉拔卸线的难
4)take up unit收线机组
1.According to claim of take up unit about variable speed motor and using turbine drive of the old take up unit to rational dispose speed ratio between output axle of motor and transforming axle of take up unit,the ability of speed regulating motor can be given into full play.根据收线机组对调速电机的要求 ,利用原收线机组的蜗轮传动机构 ,合理配置调速电机输出轴与收线机传动轴之间的速比 ,可充分发挥调速电机的能力。
5)take up and pay off frames收(卸)线机
6)drawing and rolling machine收排线机
1.Performance Detection of Control System for Continuous Extrusion Production Line Drawing and Rolling Machine连续挤压生产线收排线机控制系统性能检测
2.At present,manual control is often employed in the control of drawing and rolling machine in continuous extrusion production-line.目前,在连续挤压生产线收排线机的控制中常采用手动控制。

1.Design and Motion Simulation of XSP800-Type Taking-up and Mechanism SimulationXSP800型收排线机机械设计与机构仿真
3.Structural analysis and fatigue analysis on XSP800 taking-up and traversing machineXSP800收排线机的结构分析与疲劳分析
4.Mathematical model research of the control system based on XSP pay-off and take-up deviceXSP收排线机控制系统数学模型的研究
5.The Electric Control Study of Conform Production Line Drawing and Rolling Machine;连续挤压生产线收排线机电气控制的研究
6.Performance Detection of Control System for Continuous Extrusion Production Line Drawing and Rolling Machine连续挤压生产线收排线机控制系统性能检测
7.An Improved Randomized Strategy for On-line Order Scheduling Problem with Benevolent Function占线订单排序C——收益函数下改进的随机策略
8.The cart can automatic retracting, releasing and laying cables.本收放车具有自动收线、放线、排线功能。
9.Scheduling a Batching Machine and On-line Scheduling on Parallel Machines;单机分批排序和平行机在线排序问题
10.rotary vacuum string discharge filter线排料回转真空过滤机
11.On-line Scheduling on a Single Batch Processing Machine and Semi On-line Scheduling on Parallel and Uniform Machines with Available Times;单机在线分批排序和平行机半在线排序问题
12.aircraft transmitter-receiver飞机无线电收发两用机
13.radio receiver or transmitter无线电接收机或发射机.
14.a radio receiver, transmitter无线电接收机、 发射机.
15.The Study of the Pay-off and Take-up Control System on Aluminium Cladding Steel Wire Continous Cladding Production Line;铝包钢丝连续包覆生产线收排线控制系统研究
16.Collecting and Arranging Control System in the Underrelaxation Steel Strand Product Line低松弛钢绞线生产中收排线系统的电气控制
17.vBNS) VHF radio; VHF transceiver甚高频无线电收发机
18.barrage receiver双天线抗干扰接收机

Take-up machine收线机
1.To introduce the component of barreled take-up machine for welding wire.介绍桶装焊丝收线机的组成,详细论述牵引送丝、旋转吐丝、纸桶回转、纸桶振动升降4部分的结构和原理。
3)take up收线机
1.To analyze the problems to be solved in transforming take up from horizontal into vertical Some successful experiences meeting the demands of heavy coil thick steel wire production in transformation are introduce分析将卧式收线机改造成倒立式需要解决的问题,介绍倒立式改造设计制作的成功经验,可满足大盘重、粗规格钢丝生产需要。
2.To introduce some experiences and methods for 1/1000 vertical take up applied to automatic take off of 1/850 single wire drawing machine The difficult problem of take off for heavy coil extra thick wire drawn by 1/850 single wire drawing machine is solve介绍1/1000 倒立式收线机应用于1/850 单拉机自动下线的经验和方法,解决了1/850 单拉机大规格大盘重拉拔卸线的难
4)take up unit收线机组
1.According to claim of take up unit about variable speed motor and using turbine drive of the old take up unit to rational dispose speed ratio between output axle of motor and transforming axle of take up unit,the ability of speed regulating motor can be given into full play.根据收线机组对调速电机的要求 ,利用原收线机组的蜗轮传动机构 ,合理配置调速电机输出轴与收线机传动轴之间的速比 ,可充分发挥调速电机的能力。
5)take up and pay off frames收(卸)线机
6)drawing and rolling machine收排线机
1.Performance Detection of Control System for Continuous Extrusion Production Line Drawing and Rolling Machine连续挤压生产线收排线机控制系统性能检测
2.At present,manual control is often employed in the control of drawing and rolling machine in continuous extrusion production-line.目前,在连续挤压生产线收排线机的控制中常采用手动控制。

电力线载波保护专用收发信机电力线载波保护专用收发信机dedicated transmitter receiver for power line carrier protection d一onl一x旧n 20一bo boohL}zhLJonyong sho日foxlnJ-电力线载波保护专用收发信机(d edicatedtransmitter reeeiver for power line earrierprotection)连接纵联保护装置与电力线载波通道,专用于发送与接收线路纵联保护指令信号的通信设备。 主要类型可按占用频道、发信方式与工作原理分类。 按占用频道分类有单频制与双频制两种。 (l)单频制。专用机的发信与收信占用同一频道,发信与收信频率相同或有差别。 (2)双频制。发信与收信各占用不同的频道。 按发信方式分类有正常连续发信与故障短时发信两种。 (l)正常连续发信方式。可以用低电平连续监测电力线载波通道与加工设备的工作状态,安全可靠性较高。 (2)故障短时发信方式。正常运行时不发信,装置结构可以简化。采用定时发信检测通道与加工设备的措施以提高工作的安全可靠性。 按工作原理分类依收信机的工作原理可分为直收式与外差接受式两种。 (l)直收式。如图所示,发信机由振荡、控制、前置放大与功率放大各级以及发信滤波电路组成。振荡级普遍采用晶振方式以稳定发信的工作频率,经前放与功放级后,以规定的发信电平通过发信滤波电路愉出到外线端。发信滤波的任务是抑制可能来自电力线的过电压以保护功放级的安全,还可以在一定程度上限制发信输出的谐波电平。纵联保护的故障指令信号,经由控制级门电路控制前放级与功放级.实现发信机的发信与停信。收信机由收信滤波、放大、检波与收信输出电路组成。收信滤波电路保证规定的通带宽度与提供本机的阻带防卫度。收信电压放大级为高阻抗愉人,收信机接收灵敏收信电平经放大后使收信输出级的触发器翻转。考虑通道对调的方便,可以附加简易的通话装置。 直收式专用机原理框图 (2)外差接收式。在直收式专用机的收信部分加人本地晶振、混频与中频滤波电路即构成外差式收信机。中频一般为4~12kHz。中频滤波电路能提供比直收式更高的阻带防卫度,使本机可以满足邻相通道紧邻使用的技术要求;加入本地晶振并改变其频率可以很方便地实现专用机的单频制与双频制的工作方式.外差接收式结构虽比直收式复杂,但技术指标优于直收式,便于制造厂生产,为充分而有效地利用电力线载波通道提供条件。 主要技术性能电力线载波保护对专用机的技术要求重点是,本机发信与收信的快速性、发送与接收保护指令信号不失真与收信机的抗扰性等三方面。一般专用机的发信电平为40~43dB。