1.Study on model of large-tonnage bracing member of Tianjin Haihe Bengbu Bridge海河蚌埠桥大吨位支撑构件模型有限元分析
2.Tomer Loading Test—first bearing capacity testing of large-tonnage hand-dug pile implemented in a building construction site of Chengdu city通莫静载法——大吨位人工挖孔桩承载力检测首次在成都某住宅楼工程建筑工地实施
3.Combined with the construction of Shuangtan Bridge Wu-Feng freeway,it introduces the successful finish the suspension construction technique of large-tonnage arch ring box by using the cable suspension steel reinforced concrete arch ring,and puts forward the safety program that should attention in construction.结合巫奉高速公路双潭大桥施工,详细地介绍了采用缆索吊装钢筋混凝土主拱圈,成功地完成了大吨位主拱圈的吊装施工技术,并提出了施工中应注意的安全事项。

1.Railway T-shaped Girder Erecting with Road Bridging Machine公路架桥机架设铁路大吨位提速T梁
2.Lifting Construction Techniques for Big Tonnage Saddle in High Tower Suspension Bridge高塔悬索桥大吨位鞍体吊装施工技术
3.Discussion on Experimental Method for Loading of Large-tonnage Construction Hanging Basket大吨位施工挂篮加载试验方法的探讨
4.DL_1 Large Tonnage Precast Beam Special Transport CarDL_1型大吨位预制梁运输专用车
5.Design and Construction of Cast-in-place Support in Large Length and Altitude and in Large Tonnage大长度大高度大吨位现浇段支架设计与施工
6.New Style Large Tons Button-head Anchorage System and Analysis of Stress under the Anchorage新型大吨位镦头锚体系及其锚下应力分析
7.Research on Heavy-load High Fatigue Stress Amplitude Cable and Anchorage of Cable-stayed Bridge大吨位高疲劳应力幅斜拉索及锚具研究
8.The Loss of Friction and Anchorage for Marssive Tonnage Prestressed Bend Cable大吨位预应力弯曲锚索摩擦损失和锚固损失
9.Analysis and Studies on the Structure of the Chassis Frame of Large-Tonnage and Double Slewing Ring Railway Crane;大吨位双回转铁路起重机底架结构分析与研究
10.Robust Reliability Optimization Design on a Large Tonnage Car Frame;一种大吨位电梯轿厢架稳健可靠性优化设计
11.Construction technique of steel-composite girders replaced by large tonnage crawler crane;大吨位履带吊更换钢混结合梁施工技术
12.Design on Steel Structure Plant with Heavy Duty Crane大吨位吊车重型钢结构厂房的设计与计算
13.The Calculation and Optimization of Main Structural Parameters of the Upper-car of Large Tonnage Crawler Crane大吨位履带起重机上车主要参数的计算与优化
14.Study of Precasting Technology of Large Tonnage Simply Supported Monolithic Box Beams of High-speed Railroad高速铁路大吨位整孔简支箱梁预制技术研究
15.Erection of Ultra-high Voltage Guyed Portal Steel Tower by Large Tonnage Crane Groups利用大吨位吊车组立特高压自立式门型塔
16.Full-scale experiment on anchoring capability of large tonnage prestressing tendon-anchorage assembly大吨位预应力锚具组装件锚固性能足尺试验
17.The lift technology of prefabricated box beam spanned railway with large tonnage vehicle lift大吨位汽车吊跨铁路预制箱梁吊装技术
18.Construction technology of large-tonnage pre-tensioned pre-stressing crane beam in construction site施工现场大吨位先张法预应力吊车梁施工技术

large tonnage大吨位
1.Construction technique of steel-composite girders replaced by large tonnage crawler crane;大吨位履带吊更换钢混结合梁施工技术
2.At the same time the design method of light weight steel structure with large tonnage crane of portal frame is elaborated and some questions are proposed that should be considered with respect to foundation design, span of steel frame, width and length of pile and pile cross section in frame.简要介绍了门式刚架结构体系及应用范围 ;阐述了大吨位吊车门式刚架轻钢结构的设计方法。
3.Moreover, the actual effect of application of large tonnage and small radius annular prestressed force is analyzed.通过军山大桥主跨斜拉桥索塔锚固区上塔柱足尺模型试验的研究与分析 ,阐述了大吨位小半径环向预应力应用的实际效果 ,对试验和施工应用中的相关问题作了客观的论述 ,并提出了合理的建议 。
3)large ton大吨位
1.Constructing skill research of sea large ton pile mounting;海上大吨位箱梁架设施工技术研究
4)Big tonnage大吨位
5)Super Tonnage超大吨位
6)big tonnage support大吨位支架
1.The big tonnage support return adopts the whole support back removing craft in removing in Dongrong No.东荣二矿的大吨位支架回撤安装通过采取整体支架倒牵工艺,缩短了停产搬家时间,使采面尽早地投入生产,创造了可观的效益,同时对采空区自燃发火起到了很好的预防作用,保证了安全。

《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》  为统一国际航行船舶的吨位丈量原则和规则而制定的国际公约。为使海上运输和港口业务以及利用船舶吨位作为收费依据的所有机构对同一船舶获得相同的吨位数,早在20世纪初期,世界海运界就着手制定国际船舶吨位丈量规则,但迟迟未获成功。1959年政府间海事协商组织(简称海协,现改称国际海事组织)在成立大会上作出决议,设立一个专门的船舶吨位丈量专家小组,起草国际船舶吨位丈量公约。经过10年准备,海协于1969年5月27日至6月23日在伦敦召开了国际船舶吨位丈量会议,制定了《1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》。公约规定了用总吨位反映船舶大小和用净吨位反映船舶营运舱容的基本原则。公约适用于从事国际航行的下列船舶:公约生效后建造的新船;经过改建并使总吨位有实质性变更的现有船舶;公约生效之日起12年以后的所有现有船舶,但不包括因其他国际公约的要求而需保留其原有吨位的船舶。公约附则对船舶总吨位和净吨位的计算以及国际吨位证书的具体格式作了明确规定。公约于1982年7月18日生效。截至1984年12月31日,公约共有65个缔约国。中国于1980年4月8日加入公约。