1.Ac- cording to the common use in measurement and control system,such as digital I/O,analog I/O, communication,this article design relevant circuit which use optocoupler to isolate signal.在信号隔离传输中采用光电耦合器,并介绍了在智能测控系统中常用的数字量I/O、模拟量I/O、通讯等光耦隔离技术,在实际应用中已取得了良好的效果。
2.According to the requirements of rocket digital convertor s performance,the testing device has been designed and studied.针对箭载数字量变换器性能参数要求,开展了其相应测试设备即测试台的设计与研究。
2)digital quantity数字量
1.,Ltd was reconstructed to diving system of SIEMENS 6RA70 digital quantity.马钢第一钢轧总厂中板线二辊区域辅传动由模拟量控制系统改造为西门子数字量传动系统。
3)digital measurement数字测量
1.Research on digital measurement and analysis technology of γ radiation;γ辐射数字测量与分析技术研究
2.Easy digital measurement of harmonic losses in transformers supplying distorting load;带畸变负载变压器谐波损耗的简易数字测量法
3.Digital measurement of nuclear radiations and multi-parameter analysis;核辐射信号数字测量与分析方法研究

1.analog and digital measurements模拟测量与数字测量
2.ATOS Survey System s Applying for Fast Digital Surveying and Processing of Unprocessed Camber Surface;基于ATOS测量系统原型曲面快速数字测量及处理
3.digital automatic-surveying water meter数字式自动测量水量计
4.digital photogrammetric station数字摄影测量工作站
5.Record format for photogrammetric digital mappingGB/T17158-1997摄影测量数字测图记录格式
6.The Research on Digital Images Photogrammetry of Several Ecological Parameters若干生态参数数字图像测量方法研究
7.Application of Data of Inland Digital Measurement Ship内河航道数字化测量船数据应用研究
8."A numeric sensor reports a numeric value for the measured property."一个数字感应器为测量的属性汇报一个数字值。
9.Measure Valid Numerals in PASCO Digital Physics ExperimentPASCO数字化物理实验中测量结果的有效数字
10.Digital Acoustic Intensity and Sound Power Measuring system数字化声学测量技术 Ⅱ.数字式声强及声功率测量系统
11.expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement.可用数字表现,与测量有关或可以测量的。
12.The Image Measurement Method is Applied into the Measurement of Dimension and Outline;数字图像测量技术在尺寸和轮廓测量中的应用
13.Measuring heights of standing trees based on digital photogrammetry.基于全数字摄影测量的林分立木高度量测
14.Determination and Operation of the Number of Significant Digital Bits in Actual Measurements测量数据有效数字位数的确定与运算的应用
15.microprocessor based measuring unit with digital readout微处理机数字显示测量器
16.A Kind of Nonlinear Digital Filter for Accurate Measurement精确测量中的一种非线性数字滤波器
17.Study on the Digital High Precision Torque and Rev Measurement Instrument数字式高精度转矩转速测量仪的研制
18.Assessment on the Quality of Telemetric the Digital Seismic Network of Shanxi Province During the Test Operation山西数字遥测地震台网运行质量评估

digital quantity数字量
1.,Ltd was reconstructed to diving system of SIEMENS 6RA70 digital quantity.马钢第一钢轧总厂中板线二辊区域辅传动由模拟量控制系统改造为西门子数字量传动系统。
3)digital measurement数字测量
1.Research on digital measurement and analysis technology of γ radiation;γ辐射数字测量与分析技术研究
2.Easy digital measurement of harmonic losses in transformers supplying distorting load;带畸变负载变压器谐波损耗的简易数字测量法
3.Digital measurement of nuclear radiations and multi-parameter analysis;核辐射信号数字测量与分析方法研究
4)digital measurement数字度量
1.Application of main vector transform method in digital measurement of the particle target;主向量变换法在粒子目标数字度量中的应用
5)number variables数字变量
6)literacy quantity识字数量

成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系成交量、未平仓合约量与价格的关系  【成交且、未平仓合约,与价格的关系】成交量和未平仓合约量的变化会对期货价格产生影响,期货价格变化也会引起成交t和未平仓量的变化。因此,分析三者的变化,有利于正确预测期货价格走势。 1.成交t、未平仓合约里增加,价格上升,表示新买方正大t收购,近期内价格还可能继续上涨。 2.成交t、未平仓合约t减少,价格上升,表示卖空者大t补货平仓,价格短期内向上,但不久将可能回落。 3.成交t增加,价格上升,但未平仓合的t减少,说明卖空者和买空者都在大t平仓,价格马上*下映。 4.成交t、未平仓t增加,价格下肤,农明卖空者大t出咨合的,短期内价格还可能下跌,但如抛省过度,反可能使价格上升。 5.成交t、未平仓t减少,价格下肤,农明大t买空者急于卖货平仓,姐期内价格将峨续下降。 6.成交量增加、未平仓量和价格下跌,表明卖空者利用买空者卖货平仓导致价格下跌之际陆续补货平仓获利,价格可能转为回升。 从上分析可见,在一般情况下,如果成交量、未平仓量与价格同向小幅变化,则其价格趋势可继续维持一段时间;如两者与价格反向变化时,价格走势可能转向。当然,这还需结合不同的价格形态作进一步的具体分析。