再流焊,Reflow soldering
1)Reflow soldering再流焊
1.Modeling and simulating of reflow soldering in SMT;SMT中再流焊工艺建模与仿真
2.The influence of SMT reflow soldering temperature curve on the welding qualitySMT再流焊温度曲线对焊接质量的影响
3.Development of advanced electronic package devices promoted the study on the reflow soldering.先进电子封装器件的出现推动了再流焊方法和设备的研究。

1.Excellent in solderability and high heat resistance with either flow or reflow soklering.可焊性和耐焊性优,适用于流焊和再流焊
2.Research on Simulation of Reflow Soldering Process of SMTSMT再流焊焊接工艺仿真技术探讨
3.The influence of SMT reflow soldering temperature curve on the welding qualitySMT再流焊温度曲线对焊接质量的影响
4.On the Adjustment of Infrared re-welding Temperature Curve红外再流焊焊接温度曲线的调整与探讨
5.Art Simulation Design Technology of Reflow Jointing Based on SMT基于SMT的再流焊工艺仿真设计技术
6.Research of PBGA Voids in Lead-Free Reflow Process无铅再流焊接PBGA空洞缺陷研究
7.The Modeling and Simulation of Thermal Warpage of PCBA During the Reflow Soldering;PCB组件在再流焊过程中热变形的建模与仿真
8.Simulation for Lead-free Solder in the Reflow Welding of PCB Warpage Deformation;无铅钎料在PCB再流焊中翘曲的模拟仿真
9.ORS Over Reflow Soldering再流回焊接,SMT元件的焊接方式
10.DC seam welder-"C"France Type.直流缝焊机,"C"型。
11.Three welding modes : DC pulsed TIG, DC MMA.集直流氩弧焊,脉冲氩弧焊,直流手工焊于一体。
12.Three welding modles:DC TIG,PulsedTIG,DC MMA.集直流氩弧焊、脉冲氩弧焊、直流手工焊于一体。
13.By analyzing the optimal diffluent ratio and solder angle of the dies, the maximum stress in the body of improved dies is de-creased effectively.对模具的分流比和焊合角进行优化并再次模拟,发现分流模的最大应力大大降低。
14.Effect of reflow soldering on IMC and shear strength of SnAgCu solder joint回流焊对SnAgCu焊点IMC及剪切强度的影响
15.Discussion on advantage of resistance spot welding using servo gun and MFDC伺服焊枪中频直流电阻点焊优势探讨
16.AC gas metal-arc welding process交流熔化极气保护焊
17.diesel engine driven DC arc welding machine柴油机驱动直流弧焊机
18.combined a.c. and d.c. welding power source交直流两用弧焊电源

1.The solder/pad was then subject to reflowsoldering and aging at125℃.采用熔融的共晶锡铅钎料熔滴与Au/N i/Cu焊盘瞬时接触液固反应形成钎料凸点,随后进行再流焊及老化。
2.Technology including reflow process, reflow production system, temperature profile, mount companent and solder paste etc.概述了包括再流焊工艺、再流焊生产系统、温度分布、搭载元件和焊膏等无铅技术的发展和将来。
3)reflow soldering再流焊接
1.Then it expatiated how to use DFM principle to enhance the design quality,control the quality of solder paste strictly and set the temperature curve of reflow soldering reasonably.通过陈述大面积敷铜箔板的焊接特点,指出采用SMT工艺组装大面积敷铜箔板的难点;详细阐述了采用DFM原则提高设计质量、严格控制印膏质量和合理设置再流焊接温度曲线3个方面的试验过程。
4)Reflow Welding Machine再流焊机
1.Discussion on the Design of Infrared Reflow Welding Machine and Technology Improvement;通过对已研制出的国产红外再流焊机整体设计的分析、试验,以及对国外同类产品的调研,对SMT产品常见的缺陷进行分析,探讨在焊接环节导致缺陷的原因,研究SMT焊接工艺技术,从加热元件选择、结构设计、温度控制等主要方面提出对已有的国产红外再流焊机设计的改进措施。
5)Reflowed solder joint再流焊点
6)refluence solder再回流焊
