1.exploration,photography etc,thus giving a free space to aerospace photography reconnaissancc satellites which have been developing rapidly and successfully.现代国际公约规定,一国的领空限制在80—110千米以下,在此以上像公海一样属于公空,可以自由飞行,因此容许别国飞行物,包括人造卫星,进行各种正常活动,如:探测,照相等等。
2.This article summarizes the methods of and the author s views on how to use the tech- nique of vertical reflective photography in the teaching of experiments.利用定向反射镜进行垂直定向反射照相,是近年来出现的照相新技术。
3.The operating principle of a scanner and a new macroscopic photography by scanners were introduced.与用135相机和数码相机获取低倍照片比较,该方法操作更加方便简捷,对实验人员照相技术的要求更低,获取小试样低倍照片更加方便高效,反映材料微细组织结构的能力更强等优点。

1.They go to the studio to have their photo taken.他们到照相馆去照相
2.They go to the studio to have their photo take.他们到照相馆去照相
3.Try not to jerk the camera when taking a photograph.拍照时照相机不要晃.
4.Any of various photomechanical or photoengraving methods.照相制版术照相工艺或照相制版的方法
5.Photographic base paperGB/T11541-1989照相原纸
6.photochromatic film彩色〔照相〕 软片
7.an underwater gun [camera]水中枪 [照相机]
8.dimensions for x-ray papersx-射线照相用相纸尺寸
9.A picture made by photolithography.照相平版印刷品由照相平版术制成的照片
10.testing method of photocharacteristic of photographic paper for general use普通照相原纸的照相特性测定法
11.My camera is an automate.我的照相机是自动照相机。
12.low bed process camera下座式照相机(照相雕刻用)
13.Digital Camera and Multimedia Electronic Photo Album数字式照相机及多媒体电子照相簿
14.The camera clicked and their picture was taken.照相机"卡嗒"一声照下了他们的相片。
15.Light sensitive materials and digital cameras are all photography appliance.感光材料、数字照相机都是照相器材。
16.If you like taking pictures, you may bring a camera with you.如果你喜欢照相,可以带上照相机。
17.Process camera: A camera designed specifically for graphic arts photography, that is, repro-photography, as distinct from original photography.制版照相机:专为印刷照相用的相机;即是作复制照相,有别于原景物照相
18.To reproduce by means of photolithography;make a photolithograph of.用照相平版印刷通过照相平版印刷术来复制,制作…的照相平版

1.Prediction for bust girth using regression analysis from photographic and anthropometric data;照相测量中胸围拟合的回归分析
2.Industrialize Preparation and Process control of Silver Nitrate in Photographical Use;照相用硝酸银的工业制备及过程控制
3.The image acquisition system of SEM was designed based on the PCI bus to control the scanning generator, the image acquisition, data communication and the photograph system.图像采集系统是扫描电镜的一个重要组成部分 ,用于控制扫描电镜的扫描电源 ,视频图像采集、数字化与显示 ,电镜主控计算机与底层微机板的通讯和电镜照相
3)photographic development照相显相
4)photographic albedo照相反照率
5)studio camera照相馆用照相机
6)photographic plate照相底板,照相片

照相照相  摄影的统称。医学诊断上有多种照相,如X线照相、超声波照相、同位素扫描照相等。