1.To investigate feasibility of assessing passive mechanics properties of myocardium using ultrasound indentation apparatus and to lay foundation on assessing directly them in vivo,isolated canine myocardium is compressed by cyclic loading-unloading with the apparatus.为了探讨介入超声印压系统检测心肌被动力学属性可行性,为活体检测提供基础。
2.Up to now, ultrasound indentation technique has been widely used for assessing for the stiffness of tissue including residual limbs, diabetic feet, fibrotic neck induced by radiotherapy, spinae , and articular cartilage, which indicated that the technique can provide a quantitative measurement of tissue stiffness.应用超声印压(Ultrasound indention,US indention)方法,已成功检测了糖尿病人足底、残肢、放射治疗前后颈部、脊柱、关节软骨等组织的硬度变化,表明用该法可定量检测因组织病变而引起力学特性改变。

1.impressed matrice for printing字模,压印的,印刷用
2.common impression cylinder press共用压印滚筒型印刷机
3.impressioning machine压印机,印花[平板]打样机
4.Impression:(1) Pressure of the plate in contact with paper or blanket at the moment of printing.(1)压印,()次,()数:()印时,印版与纸张或胶布的接触压力。
5.Press proof: Proof taken from the press after make ready. It is used to obtain approval prior to the full press run. Also known as Machine revise. Press revise.印前校稿:校机后,压印的稿样,作施印前的准印稿。
6.A mark or pattern produced by or as if by impressing.压印;压痕通过或好象通过压产生的印记或图案
7.a clue made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger.手指的压印形成线索。
8.A mark or pattern produced by imprinting.压印产生的痕迹或图案
9.The cover of a book was impressed with patterns书的封面压印上图案。
10.embossing machine for addressing machine plates姓名地址印写机版压印
11.addressing machine and address-plate embossing machine姓名地址印写机及姓名地址版压印
12.Mark left by pressing sth hard, eg a seal, into a soft surface.压痕,印记(如印章的印记)。
13.die ,for relief printing for stamping凸版印模感压凸印模
14.angle frame defect印框疵(平板印花印框角压下过重)
15.heat fusion press热熔转印机,热熔压烫机
16.flat bed heat transfer printing press平板转移移印花压烫机
17.double-table transfer printing press双面转移印花压烫机
18.a page printer that uses the xerographic process.用静电压的页式打印机。

1.Design of the PLC Controlling Imprinting Machine for Polymeric Microfluidic Chip;PLC控制的聚合物微流控芯片压印机设计
2.Automatic imprinting machine for polymeric microfluidic chips is a main part of the 863 project named the micro-mould fabrication equipment of microfluidic chips (item number: 2002AA42115), which aims to develop an automatic system for the imprinting and bonding of polymeric microfluidic chips.全自动聚合物微流控芯片压印机课题是国家863项目《面向微流控芯片的微模具制造装备研究》的重要组成部分(项目编号:2002AA42115)。
5)impression surface压印面(压印机的)
6)force of impression打印压力;压印力

[解释]:  核爆炸产生的高温、高压火球膨胀,在周围介质中形成连续向外传播的压力脉冲(或冲击波),冲击波阵面传播到空间某点时,超过周围环境大器的压力称超压;空气粒子高速随波阵面运动产生的冲击压力称动压。超压和动压都以帕斯卡(Pa)为主单位。超压随时间的变化取决于爆炸威力、距爆点的距离和爆心周围的介质情况。特定地点的峰值超压一般出现在冲击波阵面到达该点的瞬间,超压在该点的持续时间称为正压作用时间。尔后,该点的压力下降到低于周围压力,称为负压,再逐渐回升到周围压力值。对人员的直接冲击伤,超压为20—29千帕可引器轻度伤;29—59千帕可导致中度伤;59—98千帕可造成重度伤;大于98千帕可造成极重度伤。动压为10—20千帕可造成中度伤;20—39千帕可造成重度伤;大于39千帕可造成极重度伤。动压的推动、抛掷和超压的挤压会造成物体变形和毁坏。