1.A knowledge modeling technicque support software process tailoring;一种支持软件过程裁减的知识建模技术
2.The miniTCP/IP protocol stack is formed by cutting out, tailoring and simplifying TCP/IP protocol in order to satisfy the need of information exchange of seismic areal network.通过对TCP/IP协议的裁减、定制和简化,形成了miniTCP/IP协议栈,满足了地震区域网络信息交 换的需求。

1.The reductions in the land, naval and air forces account for 19 percent, 11.6 percent and 11 percent respectively.其中,陆军拟裁减19%,海军拟裁减11.6%,空军拟裁减11%。
2.limitation [reduction] of armaments军备的限制 [裁减]
3.cut or reduce(sth)drastically大幅度裁减或削减(某物)
4.Group of Consultant Experts on the Reduction of Military Budgets裁减军费咨询专家小组
5.Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments军备裁减及限制会议
6.Reducing military personnel by compressing the scale of the armed forces.压缩规模,裁减军队员额。
7.The company decreased the number of workers.公司裁减了工作人员。
8.the plight of redundant miners被裁减的矿工的困境
9.II. Military Personnel Reduced by One Million二、裁减军队员额一百万
10.reduction by attrition以出缺不补方式裁减
11.A high level of redundancy among unskilled workers非熟练工人的大量裁减
12.general and complete disarmament全面彻底的裁减军备
13.Which country will be the first to disarm?哪一国将先裁减军备?
14.cut away the deadwood in the Civil Service裁减行政机构的冗员
15.nuclear weapons核武器/nucleardisarmament核裁军,裁减核武器
16.They decided to keep down non-productive personnel他们决定缩减(裁减)非生产人员。
17.The news of more cuts has raised the specter of redundancies once again.关于进一步裁减的消息让人们担心会再次裁员。
18.Expert Group on the Reduction of Military Budgets裁减军事预算问题专家组

1.The main reason is that it s absent a standard setting module and efficient reduction tools.本文首先对Linux与嵌入式系统的融合性方面进行了评述,分析了Linux用于嵌入式系统后存在的问题,其中Linux的裁减是一个急待解决的重要问题。
2.This article mainly studies the reduction of embedded Linux system problems.本文主要研究嵌入式Linux系统的裁减的问题。
4)addition or subtraction of changes加减化裁
1.Chen applied it with addition or subtraction of changes.介绍陈应贤数十载以"四物汤"为底方,加减化裁、随证活用,治疗妇科诸血证及疑难杂症之临证处方用药经验。
5)curtailment objective裁减目标
1.Impact analysis of curtailment objective on transaction curtailment in the disposal of power transmission congestion;输电阻塞消除中裁减目标对交易裁减的影响分析
6)transaction curtailment交易裁减
1.Impact analysis of curtailment objective on transaction curtailment in the disposal of power transmission congestion;输电阻塞消除中裁减目标对交易裁减的影响分析
2.There are three main types of models in transaction curtailment ,of which the NERC(North American Electric Reliability Council)model and the minimum overall curtail-ment model are typical models.交易裁减是双边交易模式下一种不可缺少的阻塞消除手段。
3.In transmission management, transaction curtailment is the last resort for relieving congestion to maintain system reliability.在输电网管理中 ,交易裁减是实现阻塞消除的最后一道防线。
