1.Development of the learning interests of the students in fitter skill teaching;在钳工技能教学中培养学生的学习兴趣
2.In engineering training instruction,the fitter is a traditional process,and it has mobile operating and flexible features.在工程训练教学中,钳工是一门传统的加工工艺,它具有操作机动、灵活的特点。

1.parallel swivel bench vice平行轮轴钳工台虎钳
2.The vise (parallel-jaw vice) is available to all of the bench work.所有的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳)。
3.The reform of fitter production practice in technician training school;技工学校钳工生产实习教学改革探讨
4.Exploration on Modulized Integration Teaching for Benchwork of Machine Repaires;机修钳工专业模块式一体化教学探索
5.The height and the weight of workers have no more distinct effect on their operation skill.工人的身高、重等对钳工实作技能没有明显影响。
6.The result shows that the benchwork is a kind of professional work.结果表明:钳工是一种专业针对性较强的工种。
7.On Applying the Multi-media in the Teaching Practice of the Locksmith Technics多媒体在“钳工工艺学”教学实践中应用的思考
8.Development and Discussion of Fitter Teaching Practice in Engineering Training钳工实践教学在工程训练中的发展与探讨
9.All the tool makers, skilled machiners (machinists), sheetmetal workers, assembly-shop workers and fitters belong to one union.所有的车工、机器操作工、钣金工、装配工和钳工属于一个工会。
10.special equipment for making pipe twist管子钳专用加工设备
11.cramp ,joiners', of base metal细木工用夹钳,贱金属制
12.The opening between the jaws of a vise or other holding or gripping tool.钳口钳子或其它起固定或夹紧作用工具的钳口之间的空间
13.The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work.台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。
14.The work-piece must be clamped tightly in jaw vice. Be careful and do not hurt fingers when fixing small work-pieces.工件必须牢固地装夹在虎钳上,装夹小工件时须防止钳口夹伤手指。
15.clamp, toolmakers', of base metal夹钳,工具修理工用,贱金属制
16.A tool, such as pliers or pincers, used for squeezing or nipping.Often used in the plural.钳子,镊子一种用来挤紧或夹住的工具,如钳子或镊子,常用于复数
17.A tool or fastener having strong, adjustable, often toothed jaws.鳄口钳一种工具或夹子,有坚固可调的,通常为齿状的钳口
18.Avoid falling of work-pieces to hit objects or people while loosing jaw vice.松紧虎钳时,须防止工件跌落伤物、伤人。

1.How to Improve the Quality of Benchwork Practice-teaching;如何提高钳工实习教学质量
2.This introduces some typical tools and processing methods for the benchwork which is suitable for repair of the mould cavity,the chamfer angle and rounding.冷冲模上刀口的刀具几何角度经过改进,创造了一种适用于手工加工的钳工刀具,通过几年的实践总结,得出了一整套钳工清角、修型腔、倒圆等钳工加工的方法,阐述了几种典型结构刀具的设计和加工方法。
3)bench work钳工
1.In secondary vocational schools,priority should be given to students’skills and the teaching reform of bench work practice should be conducted for their skills.中等职业学校,要把学生技能的获得放在首位,钳工生产实习课改革应朝向有利于学生掌握技能的方向。
1.The essay explores the methods,advantages and problems of locksmith teaching according to the background of the teaching reform in vocational schools.本文根据中等职业学校一体化教学改革方案提出的背景,对钳工一体化教学实施的方法、优点及存在的若干问题等进行探索,认为一体化教学符合职业教育规律和特点,是适应学生目前基础和身心发展的一种成功的教学方法。
2.Make use of small diameter twist drill to change it into drill of wearing intersect holes and put it into the ability education of locksmith.利用小直径麻花钻 ,改磨成“排孔钻” ,并运用于技工学校的钳工专业技能培
5)metalworker's vice钳工虎钳
6)locksmith technology钳工工艺
1.And it mainly introduces the special features of locksmith technology and how to evaluate the practice ability, the important position and development of locksmith in mechanical engineering.金工实习的重要性和内容简介,其中主要介绍钳工工艺特点和操作能力指标测评。
