运动平台,motion platform
1)motion platform运动平台
1.Shock response analysis of 6-DOF parallel motion platform;六自由度运动平台冲击响应分析
2.Adaptive fuzzy backstepping control of light flight simulator motion platform;轻型飞行模拟器运动平台自适应模糊反步控制
3.Application of displacement sensor in 6 DOF motion platform;位移传感器在六自由度运动平台中的应用

1.Moving Objects Detecting and Tracking Based on Moving Platform基于运动平台的运动目标检测与跟踪
2.Research of the High Dynamic Performance Moving Parts On Ultra-precision Stage超精密运动平台高动态性能运动部件的研究
3.Mechanical Analysis and Control of Maglev System新型磁悬浮运动平台力学分析与控制
4.Dynamic Simulation and Analysis Based on Pro/E of the Translational Platform with Redundant Constraints用Pro/E对过约束运动平台动态仿真分析研究
5.Research on the Error Model of 3D Minuteness Electric Spark Forming Stage三维微细电火花加工运动平台的误差模型建立
6.Analysis of Spar Platform Response Due to Waves and Current;波流共同作用下Spar平台运动响应分析
7.Analysis of Cable Tension and Heave Motion for Spar Platforms;Spar平台系缆张力及垂荡运动响应分析
8.Development of Robot Control System Based on PCI;基于PCI的机器人运动控制平台的开发
9.Characteristic Study on Vertex-Induced Motions of Multi-Cell SPAR Platform多柱式SPAR平台涡激运动特性研究
10.The Design and Actualization of Operation and Maintenance Management Platform for Henan Mobile Corporation河南移动运维管理平台的设计与实施
11.The Operation Platform for Mobile Animation and the Analysis of Industrialization手机动漫业务运营平台及产业化分析
12.Wave exciting force and motion response analysis of FPSO type platformFPSO型采油平台波浪力与运动响应分析
13.Design of Motion Control Platform Based on C8051F020 and LMD18200基于C8051F020与LMD18200的运动控制平台
14.Unstability of coupled heave-pitch motions for Spar platformSpar平台垂荡—纵摇耦合运动的不稳定性
15.The platform which simulate relaxation moves of Pulmonary respiration基于LM3S2651的肺呼吸弛豫运动模拟平台
16.Instability mechanism of coupled heave-pitch motions for Spar platformSpar平台垂荡-纵摇耦合运动失稳机理
17.Design of University Office Automation System by Using J2EE Platform运用J2EE平台设计高校办公自动化系统
18.Kinematics and dynamics analysis and structure design of motion-felt-platform of the cannon training simulator火炮模拟动感平台的构形及运动学动力学分析

moving platform运动平台
1.Robust detection of moving objects from a moving platform:A sensor fusion approach;基于多传感器融合的运动平台运动目标检测
2.To improve the capacity of aerial moving platform for target classification,a method of information fusion based on D-S theory was applied to the target identification of moving platform multi-sensor.为提高空中运动平台对目标分类的能力,将基于D-S证据理论的信息融合方法用于运动平台多传感器的目标识别方面。
1.Research of the High Dynamic Performance Moving Parts On Ultra-precision Stage超精密运动平台高动态性能运动部件的研究
2.The paper base on the domestic research result and foreign research result on error compensation, aimed at the geometric feature of the 3D minuteness electric spark forming stage, by homogeneous transformation and the concept of "cut point", develop the three dimension kinematics synthesis er.文中介绍在国内外机床误差建模研究的基础上,根据三维大行程运动平台的几何特性,运用齐次矩阵变换,提出了基于“切点”误差的运动学综合空间误差数学模型,并在此基础上完成了三维微细电火花加工运动平台的误差补偿理论分析。
4)vessel motion平台运动
1.Study on nonlinear dynamic response of deepwater drilling riser with vessel motions;平台运动下深水钻井隔水管非线性动力响应研究
5)Stewart platformStewart运动平台
1.In this paper a novel approach to linearize the dynamic model locally by treating six struts of the Stewart platform as simple springs connected in parallel is proposed.最后通过结合Stewart平台的运动学反解计算方法,对该平台在运动过程中的自振频率进行了分析和计算,计算结果表明对于这种重载的Stewart运动平台,其各个自振频率在整个工作空间内的变化幅度不大,该结果为重载Stewart平台的设计和控制提供了理论依据,已被成功应用于作者单位的某型船舶操纵模拟器运动平台的研制。
2.This paper takes forward kinematics based compensation control of Stewart platform as the research object Theoretical analysis using linearization method discovers the mechanism of FK based compensation control, and equivalent control model is put forward.以Stewart运动平台基于正解补偿的控制策略为研究对象,采用线性化方法,对该控制策略进行了简化,得到了基于正解补偿控制的等效控制策略,从而明确了基于正解补偿控制的机理。
6)multiple moving platforms多运动平台
1.A multisensor system based on multiple moving platforms is constructed and a target tracking method is proposed to enhance their cooperative operations in this paper.为提高空中多运动平台的协同探测能力,构建了一种多运动平台多传感器系统,提出了一种相应的目标跟踪方法。

南美洲运动会和南十字运动会  1922年在巴西举行过1届南美洲运动会,参加者限于南美洲国家。1978年在玻利维亚举行过 1届南十字运动会,参加国有阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭8国。