1.The hardener 2,4-dichloro-6-hydroxy-s-triazine sodium salt can be prepared by using Sodium Metaborate instead of Sodium Bicarbonate,the hardening effects of the products prepared by both methods are basically the same,but the product yielded by the new method can be kept well at room temperature.用偏硼酸钠(NaBO2)制备坚膜剂2,4-二氯-6-羟基均三嗪钠盐,坚膜作用与用NaHCO3法的基本相同,但该产品能在室温下自然保存。
2.Taking the making of the transmission hologram using the recording material of silver halides as an example, this paper puts forward the auxiliary technics adopting respectively reduction, hardening, bleaching, etc.本文以卤化银记录材料制作透射型全息图为例,提出了在化学加工过程中,依不同情况和需要分别采用减薄、坚膜、漂白等辅助技术,以提高全息图的衍射效率和再现效果的具体方法,从而达到提高全息图质量之目的。

1.chromium potassium suplhate【化】硫酸钾铬﹝坚膜剂之一﹞
2.The coating with dye is rinsed in water for 10 seconds, fixed for 3 minutes in Kodak F-5 fixer with hardener at 68F含有染料的涂层,水选10秒钟,在68°F含有坚膜剂的柯达F-5定影液中定影3分钟。
3.The coating with dye is rinsed in water for 10 seconds, fixed for 3 minutes in Kodak F-5 fixer with hardener at 68°F.含有染料的涂层,水选10秒钟,在68°F 含有坚膜剂的柯达F-5定影液中定影3分钟。
4.Characteristics: The paint film made from this kind of resin is quick-drying, hard and hright, aslo resistant to water.特点:用本树脂制得的漆膜干燥速度,漆膜坚硬,抗水,耐久,光亮.
5.Effect of Herbs Softening and Resolving Masses on the Adhesion Factors of Endometrium of Endometriesis Model Mice软坚散结中药对子宫内膜异位症模型小鼠内膜黏附因子的影响
6."Fontanel (fontanelle):One of six soft spots at the junctions (sutures) of the cranial Bones in an infant's skull, covered with tough, fibrous membrane."囟门:婴儿头颅上的柔软点,上面覆盖着坚韧的纤维膜。
7.any of various insects having leathery forewings and membranous hind wings and chewing mouthparts.各种有坚韧的前翅、膜状的后翅和善于咀嚼的嘴巴的昆虫。
8.As the mulch breaks down, it provides material which keeps the soil from getting hard.如果农地膜分解,会提供一种物质可以保持土壤不坚硬。
9.When his brother disappeared, his baby sister died of meningitis and his mother collapsed, Yi Jieh was always there.哥哥失踪后,保姆患脑膜炎而死,母亲也彻底垮了,而伊洁一直坚持着。
10.Intervention by Hua-jian-ba-du Membrane on Cancer Pain and Its Analgesic Mechanisms;化坚拔毒膜对癌性疼痛的干预作用及其机理研究
11.After the rubber its connection intensity is bigger than lumber itself, the cellophane tenacious not embrittlement, the green environmental protection also does not have the corrosion, the waterproof performance is high.胶后其接口处强度大于木材本身,胶膜坚韧不脆裂,绿色环保且无腐蚀、水性能高。
12.Either of the leathery or chitinous forewings of a beetle or a related insect, serving to encase the thin, membranous hind wings used in flight.鞘翅甲虫或其它相关的昆虫的一对坚韧的或几丁质的前翅,用于保护飞行中薄的、膜状的后翅
13.The firm connective tissue covered by mucous membrane that envelops the alveolar arches of the jaw and surrounds the bases of the teeth.龈,牙床覆盖着粘膜的坚韧的连接组织,包裹颚上的弓形牙槽及牙根部
14.Nutgrass can still be problematic because there is enough energy stored in the nut to allow young seedlings to puncture the mulch and emerge.莎草仍然是个难题,因为在坚硬的果实中储有足够能量使其幼苗穿透薄膜而生长。
15.The focuser has large anodized focuser knobs with rubber O-ring gripping surfaces for a firm grip and frostbite-free handling in cold weather.那转接端已经用强氧化处理的表面镀膜为寒冷的天气坚定的紧握和级低温的稳定使用。
16.To put forward importunately or insistently.坚持急切或坚持地提议
17.be stubborn in resolution or resistance.坚守决议或坚持抵抗。
18.He is iron-willed and stands firm.他意志坚强,立场坚定。

1.The hardener 2,4-dichloro-6-hydroxy-s-triazine sodium salt can be prepared by using Sodium Metaborate instead of Sodium Bicarbonate,the hardening effects of the products prepared by both methods are basically the same,but the product yielded by the new method can be kept well at room temperature.用偏硼酸钠(NaBO2)制备坚膜剂2,4-二氯-6-羟基均三嗪钠盐,坚膜作用与用NaHCO3法的基本相同,但该产品能在室温下自然保存。
2.The author synthesized a series of chrome-containing organic compounds performing very promising characteristics when used as hardener in photographic materials,e.作者研制了一系列铬有机化合物,用作感光材料的坚膜剂时,显示出独特的优点:合成简便、成本低、醇溶液长期存放后保持性能稳定、坚膜效果好、速度快。
4)firmly treatment坚膜处理
1.The result shows that the pretreatment is the key for sloving the unifor-mity,brightness and firmness of coloring of stainless steel, and the abradability of color film is decided by the firmly treatment.实验表明:预处理是解决不锈钢着色的色膜均匀、光亮、牢固性的关键,而色膜的耐磨性则取决于正确的坚膜处理。
5)enamel process坚膜法
