
1.The condition or quality of being frail.虚弱虚弱的状态或性质
2.The condition or quality of being weak.虚弱虚弱的状态或状况
3.Frailty of bodily constitution or health.虚弱,纤弱体质或健康上的虚弱
4.Relating to or exhibiting asthenia;weak.虚弱的与虚弱有关的或表示现出虚弱的;无力的
5."No," he said, weakly.“不行,”他虚弱地说。
6.To cause to turn pale.使变虚弱,使颜色变淡
7.And this made her exceedingly sick.这样一来,使她非常虚弱
8.She is still weak after her long illness.久病之后她仍很虚弱
9.She is feeble from sickness.她因为生病而变得虚弱
10.She looked wan and fragile.她看上去既疲乏又虚弱
11.He is old and rather frail.他年老而且相当虚弱
12.The illness has considerably weakened him.疾病使他变得相当虚弱
13.Illness had rendered him rather weak.疾病使得他相当虚弱了。
14.Her health is very frail.她的身体十分虚弱
15.He's still in poor health after his illness.他病后身体仍很虚弱
16.I feel absolutely rotten .我觉得身体非常虚弱
17.look, feel a bit peaky看上去、 觉得有点虚弱.
18.He felt weak after illness.病愈后他感到虚弱

general asthenia体质虚弱
1.Lack of nutrition in case of pregnancy leads to the general asthenia and deficiency of Qi and blood of fetus.综考历代相关文献,虚劳之先天成因有以下几个方面:一是早婚早育,肌体稚弱,精气未生,血气未充,肾元亏虚;二是久病、劳逸过度、性生活失调导致父母体质虚弱;三是高龄生育;四是妊娠失养导致子代先天禀赋薄弱,胎儿气血供养不足,出生后体质虚弱,生长发育受到影响,从而形成虚劳的病理基础。
3)deficiency of kidney and spleen肾虚脾弱
1.OBJECTIVE To investigate into the abnormal conditions in estrogen receptor (ER), progestogen receptor (PR) and the uterine cavity of patients with infertility due to inadequate luteal function with deficiency of kidney and spleen, so as to provide practical basis for the treatment of similar diseases.目的 探讨肾虚脾弱型黄体功能不健性不孕症患者子宫内膜的雌、孕激素受体 (ER、PR)及宫腔异常的情况 ,为研究此类不孕症提供实践依据。
4)Syndrome of asthenia of qi and blood气血虚弱
6)asthenic feeling虚弱感

虚弱1.空虚薄弱。 2.身体不结实﹐疲弱无力。