社会建设,Social Construction
1)Social Construction社会建设
1.Strengthening social construction to ameliorate the people’s livelihood;加强社会建设 注重改善民生
2.Public Library Construction Expands From the Cultural Construction to Social Construction;公共图书馆建设应从文化建设向社会建设拓展
3.Attaching Great Importance to the People s Livelihood and Focusing on Improving People s Livelihood——-On accelerating the social construction focusing on the improvement of people s livelihood;高度重视民生 着力改善民生——论加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设

1.Sociological Perspectives on Social Construction and Social Management;社会学视野中的社会建设与社会管理
2.Community Construction:A Basic Path of Social Construction in China;社区建设——我国社会建设的基础路径
3.Social Construction: Structure Core of Harmonious Society of Socialism;社会建设:构建社会主义和谐社会的核心
4.On Community Construction and Building Socialist Harmonious Society;论社区建设与构建社会主义和谐社会
5.Social mental state construction in building up a prosperos society in an all-round way;全面建设小康社会中的社会心理建设
6.We shall accelerate community building and promote the socialization of social security.加快社区建设,推进社会保障社会化。
7.The Building of a Harmonious Society and the Construction of a Comfortably - off Society构建和谐社会与全面建设小康社会
8.Corporate Social Responsibility and Harmonious Community Constructing;论企业社会责任建设与构建和谐社会
9.On Constructing the Legal System Developments of Socialism Harmonious Society;论构建社会主义和谐社会的法制建设
10.Community Building or Society Building--Community Building in View of Social Structure;社区建设抑或“社会”建设——社会结构视野中的社区建设
11.On socialism civilization construction and socialism harmonious society construction;论社会文明建设与社会主义和谐社会构建
12.Constructing an Olivary Structure of Society for Building a Harmonious (Socialist) Society;建构橄榄型社会结构 建设社会主义和谐社会
13.Strengthening the Construction of Social Psychology and Constructing the Socialism Harmonious Society;加强社会心理建设 构建社会主义和谐社会
14.To Construct a New Type of Socialized Rural Area and to Attain Harmony in the Society;建设社会主义新农村 构建社会主义和谐社会
15.Socialist ideological and ethical progress社会主义精神文明建设
16.the struggle to build socialism建设社会主义的斗争
17.Economic Construction of the Chinese Socialism中国社会主义经济建设
18.Improve the socialist legal system.加强社会主义法制建设。

social development社会建设
1.The Seventeenth National Party Congress has made the social development as a task of building socialism with Chinese characteristics,set up the target of social development in the light of objectives of building a well-off society in an all-round way.党的十七大报告将"社会建设"作为中国特色社会主义事业四大建设的主题之一,明确提出了在全面建设小康社会目标中关于社会建设方面的目标任务。
3)the new society construction新社会建设
4)social construction view社会建设观
5)social development of the socialist society社会主义社会建设
1.On people s livelihood in social development of the socialist society with chinese characteristics:The goal of people′s share of reform and development achievements and "five-haves";论中国特色社会主义社会建设中的“民生”问题——兼论改革发展成果全民共享的“五有”新目标
6)social construction and social management社会建设和社会管理
1.This article analyses the broad and narrow sense of social construction and social management and their interrelation.社会建设和社会管理有广义和狭义两种含义,这两种含义是不能截然分开的,二者之间有着紧密的联系。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决